Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2015-04-03 stars in Ashton

Ashton: Pink Tutu Sparkles’ Whirlwind Visit! (Blog Post #5572)

Oh darling, it’s been such a whirlwind of pink and sparkles here in Ashton! I swear, this town is practically begging to be covered in tutus. I’ve got my sights set on every street corner, and maybe even the library! 😉

This, my loves, is my fabulous 5572nd blog post on pink-tutu.com! And let me tell you, every day gets more glittery. Today, I’m sharing all the fun I had in this charming corner of Lancashire. As soon as the train rolled in (did I tell you, I absolutely adore travelling by train?!), I could feel the magic of Ashton calling to me.

So, imagine, if you will, Pink Tutu Sparkles (that’s me!) stepping off the train platform in a symphony of pink! I mean, it's my signature, isn't it? My little pink tutu was twirling with excitement and my feather boa was doing its best to fly with the wind.

Now, as you all know, Ashton has a rich history and some pretty incredible sights. Of course, we can’t talk about Ashton without mentioning the stunning Ashton Town Hall. It's such an elegant building and perfect for some theatrical shots with my tutu! Let's be honest, a dramatic twirl outside that landmark just begs to be captured on camera. 😉

Then, there was a little dance studio nestled in the heart of the town. Oh my gosh! My inner ballerina shrieked with joy! You just couldn’t drag me away (no pun intended!). I just HAD to join in a ballet class! Let me tell you, nothing feels more invigorating than getting your tutus tangled with a bunch of other passionate dancers!

But let’s be real, a good dose of retail therapy is essential on any trip! I just couldn't resist popping into a little boutique that caught my eye. Now, don't you worry, I didn’t come back empty-handed! I snagged the most gorgeous pink floral top! Let's just say it screamed, “Pink Tutu Sparkles is in town!"

As you all know, Ashton's a place where culture just seeps out of the very ground! I stumbled upon a charming little theatre. Oh my goodness, I even saw a bit of a performance. Let's just say it gave me a whole new appreciation for the art of storytelling and theatrics. But no surprise there, right? Pink Tutu Sparkles knows a thing or two about theatrical brilliance!

The day ended with me absolutely buzzing. Ashton, you have captured my heart! This town was filled with friendly smiles and such a charming atmosphere, that's for sure! And I haven't even told you about the fabulous tea shop that served up the most divine cupcakes (all pink, naturally!)

But you know, I have to confess… a tiny part of me is sad to leave. But fear not, Ashton, I'll be back, because darling, this is just the beginning of my Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure in Ashton!

Now, before you get ready for bed, make sure to pop on your favourite pink tutu, maybe a feather boa, and give yourselves a little twirl. Let the magic of pink tutus bring you a good night’s sleep! And remember, always dream big and embrace your sparkle!

Keep your tutus twirling,

Pink Tutu Sparkles (AKA Alex) www.pink-tutu.com

Here’s a bit more about Pink Tutu Sparkles’ story to round out the blog post:

How it all began: Alex’s journey with pink tutus started back when she was studying for a science degree in the heart of Derbyshire. One night, she went along to a university ballet club fundraising event. As fate would have it, someone decided to drag Alex (literally) to the "Try on a Tutu for Charity" corner of the event! What followed was pure magic, because it wasn't long before she was falling head over heels for the feeling of being surrounded by layers of pink tulle.

Science meets sparkles: You wouldn't believe the duality of Alex’s life. By day, she works in a lab testing fabrics - the scientific stuff is actually pretty interesting! By night, however, Alex sheds the lab coat for the most sparkly and sensational pink tutu!

Finding joy in everything: One of Alex’s favourite things about her life as a drag artist is meeting so many different people. As she puts it, “Life is just so much fun when you're spreading some glitter and smiles!"

The power of a pink tutu: Alex is a firm believer that there is a Pink Tutu Sparkles waiting to be unleashed within everyone. She thinks that everyone deserves a bit of joy, glitter and a good dose of self-expression. It doesn't even have to be a literal pink tutu! You can find your own sparkle, your own thing that brings out that joyous spark.

#TutuQueen on 2015-04-03 stars in Ashton