
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2015-04-17 stars in Newbury

Newbury! Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on the Berkshire Town!

Hello darlings, and welcome back to Pink Tutu Sparkles! This is post number 5586, and let me tell you, I'm feeling particularly sparkly this morning! I just have to tell you about my whirlwind weekend in Newbury! This charming little town really lived up to its reputation, and the energy of the crowd was absolutely electric.

But let's rewind a little. My journey to Newbury was something special, of course. I opted for a delightful train journey, settling into a cosy compartment, watching the rolling green fields drift by, my fluffy pink tutu billowing in the wind (I swear, the other passengers loved it!).

When I arrived in Newbury, the town buzzed with activity, everyone excited for the local fair. Now, I canโ€™t resist a good fair, especially one filled with stalls selling brightly coloured clothes, delicious smelling food, and even the occasional handmade tutu! I grabbed a quick but delectable afternoon tea at a lovely little cafรฉ - my pink tulle ribbon and fascinator causing a small but perfectly pleasant stir.

The fair was a perfect opportunity to do what I do best: spread the magic of the pink tutu! I charmed the locals with my dazzling drag, performing a number of my popular routines, including "Pink Ballet Blues" (with my signature twirls and grand jetรฉs, of course), and "Twirling Through Life" (with enough glitter and sparkle to outshine a disco ball). The crowd was on their feet, shouting for more!

After my successful performance, I made a beeline for the stalls, indulging in my love of shopping. Imagine my joy when I found a stall brimming with the most incredible fabric - think pastel blues and delicate pinks, perfectly matched with shimmering sequins. You can imagine, darling, that it made its way back to my suitcase โ€“ inspiration for a new costume perhaps?

Later that evening, I popped into the oldest theatre in town, where they were holding a production of The Nutcracker. This ballet is such a classic, and I'm absolutely besotted with the music, the costumes and the heartwarming story. There's something about watching these beautiful dancers, gracefully gliding through their choreography, that just sets my heart soaring. Maybe it's because the feeling of twirling in my own pink tutu takes me right back to those childhood memories of first experiencing the magic of ballet!

You see, my dears, my love affair with the pink tutu started many moons ago, in the heart of Derbyshire, my birthplace. I was in the midst of a very scientific life, pursuing a degree in textile sciences โ€“ it's true! - and quite honestly, I needed a bit of colour in my life. That's when the University Ballet Club came along. Remember the ballet charity event I mentioned? I put on a dusty pink tutu that night โ€“ oh my! I was hooked! And, like most scientific breakthroughs, that was when Pink Tutu Sparkles was born!

And, I just love performing, and meeting new people and spreading the message of love, inclusivity and, of course, sparkle and tulle! The audience at Newbury really embraced the magic. And who knows, maybe I planted a seed in their minds that will inspire them to unleash their own inner sparkler!

My time in Newbury may be over, but the memories will remain forever, a shimmer in my mind. This charming little town in Berkshire left a lasting impression, filled with laughter, glitter and joy.

Now, if you're ever visiting Newbury, darling, make sure you go for a stroll by the River Kennet, and enjoy the charming shops, boutiques and restaurants. Just don't be surprised if you spot a pink tutu fluttering in the breeze!

Remember, darling, to wear your sparkle and don't be afraid to let your inner TutuQueen shine through! And be sure to visit my blog tomorrow for more glamorous adventures - until then, darlings, twirl your worries away!

#TutuQueen on 2015-04-17 stars in Newbury