
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2015-04-19 stars in Kingswood

Kingswood: A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage (Blog Post #5588)

Hello, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you another dose of all things pink, twirly, and fabulous from my latest adventure! This time, I've been shimmying my way to Kingswood, a town steeped in history and... well, actually, I'm not really sure about its history. All I know is, it's where my sparkly heels have brought me this week, and it's time to paint the town pink!

Before we dive into the delights of Kingswood, let me tell you a little about how I even got here. As always, my travels are a beautiful blend of serendipity and carefully calculated (yet wildly glamorous) logistics. See, a certain lovely lady, who shall remain nameless but whose name rhymes with "Fiona," contacted me with a most tempting proposition - a fabulous fair, brimming with opportunities for a pink-tutu-clad queen like myself.

"Fair's fair, Pink Tutu Sparkles," I thought, "And a queen needs to stay busy, right?" So, off I went! Not by plane, mind you (because a girl's got to keep her carbon footprint as pink as possible), but by a grand train journey - a veritable pink carriage, if you will, to take me to this grand event. You can't beat a good train ride for getting the creative juices flowing. The rhythmic clickety-clack of the wheels on the track is almost like a ballet in itself. Just imagine: the train hurtling through the English countryside, with me sitting in my own personal pink-tutu-filled box carriage (which, sadly, doesn't really exist, but is a vision I am committed to making happen in the future, one rhinestone at a time).

So, off we trundled, the train and I, and before you could say "en pointe," I was arriving in Kingswood! The town itself is a real charmer - the sort of place where every corner holds a quaint little cafรฉ serving perfectly pink scones and cream tea, and every shop window bursts with charm and history. There's a real sense of community here, a warm, inviting feeling that makes you want to curl up with a good book (preferably a story about pink-tutu-wearing queens conquering the world) and a cuppa.

The fair itself was a true treat. I'm talking delicious homemade cakes, colourful trinkets, and crafts so beautiful they make you weep (or at least, make you want to break out your knitting needles and go wild with the pink wool). And of course, there were the usual fun fair rides, where I nearly broke my (pink) ankles attempting a daring roller-coaster escapade. My performance in the fairground, naturally, was a whirlwind of pink and glitter, with my signature dance routine - a tutu-twisting, sparkly-spinning, crowd-pleasing showstopper that had the audience cheering and clapping. I even received a bouquet of pink carnations after my performance - what a joy!

Now, speaking of joy, a pink-tutu pilgrimage wouldn't be complete without a visit to the local ballet school. You see, I have a soft spot for ballet - its elegant movements and flowing costumes always give me that 'tutu-ing-time-for-a-pirouette' feeling.

So, with a flourish and a sprinkle of magic, I waltzed into the Kingswood ballet school. The atmosphere was vibrant - the sound of soft music filling the air, with students in their delicate tutus and perfectly pressed leotards twirling and pirouetting. The principal, a woman who radiated the kind of grace that only years of ballet practice can bestow, welcomed me with a warm smile. We chatted about the importance of ballet in a child's development (the sheer discipline, the elegance of movement, the pure joy - it all truly is the best way to teach children about hard work and grace) and the immeasurable power of pink tutus (though we both know this doesn't really require explanation). I then joined a few young ballerinas for their final lesson.

Being in a classroom surrounded by the joy and excitement of budding ballerinas is truly one of life's little pleasures. I think the students were a little bit bewildered when they saw this giant, pink-tutu-wearing queen waltz into their lesson, but their initial confusion turned into fascination and laughter as we stretched together. As they practised their grand jetรฉs, and their pirouettes, I felt myself getting right into the groove. Maybe there was something about Kingswood's magic air.

As evening fell, and I waved goodbye to the fair, and the little ballerina princesses of the town, I knew that my time in Kingswood had come to an end. I bid a fond farewell to this lovely little town, promising myself a swift return, hopefully when the autumn leaves were ablaze in shades of pink and purple - truly, a dream to paint into the next Pink Tutu Sparkles blog!

Now, back to Derbyshire I go, for there is science to be done. A scientist in the day, a pink tutu-wearing queen by night - that's me.

Till next time, my dearest darlings! Keep the twirls going!

P.S. And remember, the world needs more pink tutus - one sparkling, whimsical twirl at a time!

#TutuQueen on 2015-04-19 stars in Kingswood