
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2015-04-23 stars in Cleethorpes

Cleethorpes: Pink Tutu Sparkle's Grand Adventure!

Hello, darlings! Itā€™s Pink Tutu Sparkle here, and today Iā€™m buzzing to share my fabulous trip to Cleethorpes! This post is number 5592, if you can believe it! Time really does fly when youā€™re twirling around in a pink tutu, doesn't it?

Iā€™ve always adored seaside towns, and Cleethorpes was definitely a sparkling jewel! It was such a lovely day when I arrived; the sun was shining, the sea was sparkling, and the air was filled with that deliciously salty tang. And wouldnā€™t you know it, the lovely folks of Cleethorpes were just as warm and welcoming!

You know me, love a train journey, especially when I'm decked out in full Pink Tutu Sparkles regalia! This time, I took a direct train from Derbyshire, a good old-fashioned scenic journey, right to the heart of Cleethorpes.

Cleethorpes, with its vintage seaside charm, was absolutely calling for some classic, sparkly pink. I packed my ā€œSparkles On the Beachā€ look for this trip - think shimmering, coral pink sequined top, a tulle-infused skirt with pink and coral accents (because why stick to one shade, when you can combine!), and, of course, the piĆØce de rĆ©sistance, a majestic pink tutu with glittering iridescent tulle that caught every glint of the sun.

My first stop had to be the Grand Promenade, with its charming Victorian architecture. The seagulls were a little less than thrilled about my flamboyant outfit, they squawked and circled above me, their beady eyes fixed on my pink tutu, but you canā€™t please everyone, darlings. You gotta be a bit flamboyant, I always say. I took it all in stride; itā€™s just the kind of friendly Cleethorpes banter I expect from the feathered denizens of the seafront.

And then it was time to hit the beach, the heart and soul of every good seaside escapade! My stilettos sunk into the sand, which was honestly, slightly worrying as I'm a stickler for my perfect pink shoes! But fear not, my loves, it's all about being glamorous in whatever situation.

After a good long stroll and plenty of snaps for my socials, I popped into the Cleethorpes Coast Light Railway, the most charming miniature railway I've ever seen. And it wouldn't you know, the conductor wore a dazzling pink bow tie! Perhaps there was hope for everyone in Cleethorpes, if they all wore some pink? I have a real passion for railway adventures, and this was a joyride in a real, vintage train!

It was time for a change of scene. Cleethorpes, youā€™re such a treasure! But a little culture was calling! Next up was a performance of Swan Lake at the Cleethorpes Little Theatre. Just picture this, darlings - I strut into a beautiful old theater, a vision of pink sparkles. And trust me, I didnā€™t blend in - for the better!

You all know I love ballet, my dears, especially since I started with my local Derbyshire ballet classes all those years ago. Swan Lake always transports me; I could literally feel the power of those classical tutus just vibrating off the stage. So glamorous!

Thereā€™s just something so enchanting about the grace of ballerinas and the captivating choreography of ballet. And of course, Iā€™m totally in awe of those ballerina costumes - especially the fluffy, feather-light tutus! My inspiration comes from everywhere, you see, and the ballet world is an endless source.

Cleethorpes was truly magic. Thereā€™s just something so charming about a seaside town ā€“ the nostalgic feel, the friendly locals, and the gorgeous scenery. It was everything I hoped for! Itā€™s another check off on my Pink Tutu travel map! I can't wait to explore the rest of the world, one tutu-filled adventure at a time!

And remember, darling, donā€™t be afraid to embrace your own unique style. Embrace the pink, the sparkle, the joy. Let your personality shine, even if that means twirling around in a vibrant pink tutu!

And as always, my lovelies, until next time, keep your eyes peeled for Pink Tutu Sparkles and join me in my mission to spread a little sparkle and joy around the world, one pink tutu at a time! Remember you can find me on www.pink-tutu.com! Donā€™t forget to drop me a line in the comments below ā€“ I love to hear from you. Stay gorgeous!

Love and sparkly kisses,

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

#TutuQueen on 2015-04-23 stars in Cleethorpes