Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2015-06-16 stars in Kendal

Kendal Calling: A Tutu-tastic Adventure!

Hey darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you post number 5646 from the wilds of… Kendal! This fabulous, bustling town is buzzing with festival fever and I, your resident tutu queen, am right in the thick of it. As always, I’ve donned my signature pink tutu, this time paired with a fetching sequined top that sparkles like a thousand disco balls under the Kendal sunshine.

It’s a true joy to be here, surrounded by vibrant energy and friendly faces. I’m embracing the festival vibe wholeheartedly, from the aroma of delicious street food wafting through the air to the captivating sounds of music spilling from every corner. Kendal truly embodies that spirit of freedom and celebration, a feeling I find deeply inspiring.

I arrived in style, of course. No boring bus or car for this pink princess. I opted for a scenic train journey, gliding through rolling countryside, a fitting entrance for a tutu queen with a penchant for elegance and charm. I’m embracing the true spirit of a ‘grand tour’ - seeing the sights, tasting the local delicacies, and meeting fellow fabulous beings along the way.

Speaking of fabulous beings, Kendal is full of them! There are so many fascinating personalities in the festival crowds, their attire as eclectic as the musical genres that pulsate throughout the grounds. It's a rainbow of individuality, where self-expression reigns supreme. It reminds me why I love my life as Pink Tutu Sparkles. We are all artists, each with a story to tell, and Kendal is the perfect canvas for this vibrant tapestry of humanity.

But let’s be honest, my darling readers, my main aim here is to bring a sprinkle of tutu magic to the festival scene. I'm on a mission, as you all know, to make the world a more pink and fluffy place, one tutu at a time. The Kendal crowds are definitely up for the challenge. I’ve spotted countless tutus – pink, blue, sparkly, feathered – a visual feast for this tutu queen's eyes!

Of course, I wouldn’t be Pink Tutu Sparkles without indulging in some artistic inspiration. My trusty ballet shoes have already taken me to a fantastic open-air ballet performance nestled within the festival grounds. It was captivating, magical – everything a ballerina at heart could dream of. The dancers glided across the makeshift stage with effortless grace, their movements like a beautiful dance of dreams. It truly touched my soul.

And no visit to Kendal would be complete without venturing into its charming, cobblestone streets. There, amidst the quaint boutiques and historic buildings, I found myself lost in a treasure trove of vintage clothing. I snagged a magnificent sequined cape to add to my performance wardrobe. You can trust me to look fabulous at every single opportunity, after all!

As always, my daily blog posts will document this amazing journey, so stay tuned for more adventures from my Kendal escapade! It's full of vibrant music, dazzling lights, and maybe, just maybe, I’ll be encouraging a few more individuals to embrace the magic of a pink tutu.

Who knows, maybe Kendal will even inspire a new design for my next dazzling creation!

Keep shimmering,

Pink Tutu Sparkles



(And now for a deeper dive into the world of Pink Tutu Sparkles and her adventures)

It’s been a long journey, darlings, from my little Derbyshire village to the glamorous world of drag. But like any good fairy tale, it began with a sprinkle of magic. You see, it wasn't always about tutus and sequins.

My true self, Alex, has always had a penchant for the arts, especially the graceful, flowing world of ballet. But when I was just a wee lass, I wouldn’t be caught dead in a tutu. Not with my friends, at least.

It was in the sterile world of a science lab where the first sparks of drag ignites. You’d think that a girl with a passion for dance wouldn't have landed in science, but hey, life’s full of surprises, isn't it? I actually loved studying the intricate complexities of our universe, particularly the properties of different materials. It all seemed quite magical, like a science fiction fairy tale, really.

Then, during one of my first year exams at university, I joined the ballet club. You know, for a bit of fun. But it turned into much more. One night, during a fundraiser, we had a "wear a tutu for charity" event. They even had pink ones! Now, you'd think a sensible science student wouldn't be caught dead in a pink tutu. But there was something about the way that the tulle danced and twirled around me, a feeling of pure magic that took me completely by surprise.

Something shifted within me that night. Suddenly, the thought of performing on stage, wearing a magnificent pink tutu and radiating the most flamboyant personality imaginable, was an irresistible fantasy. From that point forward, Pink Tutu Sparkles was born.

My journey wasn’t all rosy, though. My scientific career never went into hibernation; I continued my studies with a focus on textiles, delving into the magical properties of different materials, finding a parallel in the beauty of different fabrics to the grace of ballet and the joy of drag. It seemed the world of science was now a source of inspiration for Pink Tutu Sparkles.

By day, Alex toiled away in the lab, examining fabrics, unraveling their secrets. But by night, a stunning transformation occurred. Alex would shed her lab coat and emerge as Pink Tutu Sparkles, adorned in the most dazzling tutus imaginable.

My drag career was initially a private passion, performed at small gatherings and local pubs. I found myself mesmerised by the sheer joy that I felt on stage, watching audiences captivated by my vibrant personality and flamboyant costumes. It was pure magic, darlings. And I was addicted.

My fame, if you could call it that, started to spread. Word of the "pink tutu queen" began to ripple throughout the local communities, from quaint pubs to boisterous fairs. Soon enough, I found myself performing at all kinds of venues.

People often ask me, “Where did you learn to be so glamorous?”

“Oh, honey, it's a lifelong study,” I say, twirling my sequined finger. "Glamour is a philosophy. It's about believing in the magic within, embracing the flamboyant aspects of your soul. And trust me, we all have one!"

That's why, I’ve set myself the challenge to help every person embrace their inner sparkly princess. Because every soul deserves to shine, to twirl under the spotlight of their own inner joy! That’s the message I spread, one glitter-covered dance move and dazzling pink tutu at a time.

Oh, darlings, this has all become a fabulous rollercoaster of joy and creativity. The world has been filled with so much sadness and despair recently, but Pink Tutu Sparkles refuses to succumb to negativity. Why? Because beauty still exists, hope persists, and I, your resident tutu queen, intend to spread this message far and wide.

So stay tuned, darlings. Pink Tutu Sparkles is on a mission! And it starts, you guessed it, with a pink tutu.


Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2015-06-16 stars in Kendal