Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2015-06-18 stars in Bromsgrove

Bromsgrove: Pink Tutu Sparkle's Diary #5648

Oh darlings, get ready for some serious sparkle! Today I'm spilling the tea about my latest adventure, right here in the heart of the beautiful Bromsgrove. And trust me, this is going to be a blog post fit for a Queen... or a ballerina... or perhaps both! 😉

I absolutely adore exploring new places, especially when I get to show off my fabulous pink tutu. This time, I chose to travel the good old-fashioned way – by train, naturally! It’s something so romantic, just like stepping out of a fairytale. The clackety-clack of the wheels on the tracks always gets my imagination going, and let me tell you, I had a whole parade of whimsical ideas dancing through my head during that ride!

Before I arrived, I had a little chit-chat with some local gossips. Apparently, Bromsgrove has a lovely little ballet school – I just had to see it for myself! The rumour is that they’re even setting up a dance academy. If this isn't a sign for me to spread my pink tutu gospel, I don't know what is! I just can’t wait to get a glimpse of all those tiny dancers pirouetting in their adorable tutus. 🩰

Now, speaking of tutus, have you seen my latest creation? It's a glorious confection of tulle in a shade of pink so divine, it could only be called "Strawberry Sunset". You’ll just have to take my word for it, I don't have pictures of it yet! I need a proper photoshoot – it's an absolute dream to twirl in! My dear old nan, bless her soul, stitched a few new diamantes onto it. She's a total whizz with needle and thread! 🪡

Tonight, I'll be performing at the local fair. The whole thing is looking pretty spectacular! You can find me shimmering under the lights, dazzling the crowd with my signature ballet moves. If you’re in the area, don’t be shy! Come say hello – I'm always up for a good old fashioned natter! And while you’re at it, why not don a tutu? We could make a right pink party of it!

This little adventure wouldn't have been possible without my fabulous makeup and outfit! Let’s talk sparkle! Did you know that, just a few months back, I discovered a new shop that sells sequins by the pound?! Now, that's my kind of shop. I picked up enough for my entire wardrobe and a few extra bags for my best girlfriends! They make the most divine sequin earrings! It’s all in the details, darlings, and details make the difference! 💎

Anyway, I must be off now, darling. It's show time, and I need to give myself a good once-over. I promise to have plenty more fun and fashionable frolicking to share with you tomorrow. Stay pink!

Yours always in sparkle,

Pink Tutu Sparkles ✨

P.S. Want to know a secret? My real name is Alex, and by day I’m a scientist working in a lab, testing the tensile strength of fabrics. You might even say that my love for textiles came out of my day job! I discovered the wonders of the tutu during my time at university, while working for a charity fundraiser. One of the volunteers asked me to try on a tutu and, well, you could say that history was made! From that day on, I knew my calling was to spread pink tutu love everywhere. 😊

#TutuQueen on 2015-06-18 stars in Bromsgrove