Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2015-07-07 stars in Wellington

Wellington, Darling! Post #5667

Oh, Wellington! What a fabulously fabulous place! This city is right up my alley, it’s bursting with so much creativity and the people are so kind. And did I mention it's gorgeous?

Remember my blog post from a few weeks ago when I talked about my ultimate dream trip? The one that involved me sipping champagne, wearing a gigantic fluffy pink tutu, and dancing through the streets of a foreign city, ending up at a magical cabaret performance in a converted barn? Well, darling, guess what! It's finally happened! This was the dream I never knew I needed!

This week I took my pinkest tutu and headed for Wellington, the windy city, to bring a little bit of pink sparkle to your lives! I travelled there by train - let’s face it, a proper carriage class on a train beats a cramped car journey or boring aeroplane ride hands down.

But first, a little bit of backstory, shall we? Now, some of you may be wondering how on earth a little Derbyshire lass like myself ended up a global travelling drag sensation. Well, my darlings, it all started with a single pink tutu.

You see, way back in the day, when I was just a budding young scientist at university (who knew I'd be a fabric tester in my day job, eh?), I had this brilliant idea of joining the university ballet club. Why? Because, frankly, there's nothing quite as fun as being swirled around in a dance studio with a whole bunch of other enthusiasts in sparkly tutus! That first club meeting is where my journey truly began. We were raising funds for a local hospice and as part of the charity fundraising event, they dared me to put on a tutu and do a spin for the crowd. And wouldn’t you know it, that little act completely changed my life. It was there, in that pink tulle halo, that I knew I was meant for something more – something grander.

So, with a newfound zest for life and an even greater love for tutus, I began my journey into the world of drag, taking my name from my first love: Pink Tutu Sparkles. I was, after all, a woman who dared to wear pink! My career as a professional performer took off right there at university, I danced the nights away and took to the stage like a swan takes to water. I still get that excited tingly feeling every time I see the spotlight shining, I can feel it coming alive with anticipation, a rush of electricity shooting down my spine. My biggest joy, my deepest passion, has always been spreading the magic of the performance. I started in small venues and market fairs, gradually expanding to grander theatres and finally, my worldwide journey began.

But I wouldn't be where I am without you, my incredible online fam! Every time I look at my socials, I feel that incredible burst of warmth that lets me know, it’s worth all those sleepless nights of sewing beads on sequins! And I have you to thank for those times. My online journey, darling, that’s the thing that allowed me to reach the hearts of so many people - you lot are my shining beacon of love, support and utter joy! So here I am, on my worldwide tour of tutu-clad dreams and sparkling delight!

And, let’s be honest, darling, if I can bring joy to the world with my pink tutu then it's all worthwhile, isn't it? Now let's get back to the capital city of New Zealand, shall we?

Wellington is like that friendly cousin you haven’t seen in years - they’re bursting with things to do and they’re not afraid to let their personality shine!

The first thing I did was get myself a good Wellington coffee, it’s strong and rich, a true delight for the senses. I mean, we’re not talking dainty Earl Grey, oh no, my darling! This coffee packs a punch, the kind that keeps you going all day. Then it was off to the theatre, and the energy was phenomenal. People here really understand the value of a good night at the show!

I absolutely loved the cabaret shows here, especially one at a tiny little cafe where the performers had set up a miniature stage. Let’s just say, that small space was overflowing with a dazzling mix of circus tricks, song, and dance that kept my little pink heart aflutter all night long! It’s the kind of performance you want to experience over and over again. I love the vibrancy of it, you just know this is a city that encourages and cherishes the creative arts! The energy was simply electrifying.

Of course, darling, being in a vibrant city like this I just had to do some shopping! Now I know what you’re thinking: a tutu shop is on my list of priorities! (You know me, my dears). I couldn’t help myself!

But darling, you wouldn’t believe the sheer number of amazing clothing stores they have in this city! It’s a fashion lovers paradise! It really does have that vintage, eclectic, bohemian feel that’s right up my alley. Let’s just say, darling, I may have splurged a little! It’s for my performances, of course! But can a queen be too sparkly? No! Never.

Of course, my Wellington escapades weren’t limited to cafes and theatres. The whole city itself was a stage for a wonderful display of urban ballet. It’s like this magical world where street art meets contemporary dance! The buildings were all dressed up with murals that reminded me of the grandest theatrical backdrops I’ve seen!

I wandered through the streets of this dynamic city and was immediately struck by the friendly nature of its people. Everywhere I went, people were willing to share stories and experiences and let’s face it, we all need that little bit of warmth and friendliness from time to time, don't we? Wellington had the vibe of that intimate cocktail party where everyone just feels comfortable to relax and let their hair down! It's those kinds of little details that turn a simple trip into an unforgettable memory.

I also, of course, indulged in the city's incredible food scene! If you like delicious, colourful dishes, then Wellington's the place to be. Their cuisine had an elegant twist that made you realise, “Oh, darling, we’re not talking beige here”! There were so many options: fresh seafood platters, vibrant, spice-infused curries, delicate desserts – there’s nothing this city can’t deliver! Oh and don’t even get me started on their incredible cakes. Let’s just say my Instagram was in overdrive this week!

So, you can see, darling, this whole Wellington adventure has been a fairytale, just like a scene straight out of my favorite ballet! This magical city had a warmth to it, an air of fun that you can't find anywhere else. Every day I was living in my dream tutu-tastic world!

Remember, you can follow my worldwide adventures right here at www.pink-tutu.com So make sure you’re signed up for the newsletter and, darling, make sure you’ve given that pink tutu a good dust off, because who knows where this travelling Queen will pop up next? I wouldn’t want to miss your vibrant, sparkly, enthusiastic energy!

Love and light,

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

#TutuQueen on 2015-07-07 stars in Wellington