Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2015-07-09 stars in Longbridge

Longbridge, darling! It’s Tutu Time! 💅🩰💖

Hello my darlings, and welcome back to the magical world of Pink Tutu Sparkles! It’s me, your favourite pink tutu-wearing queen, ready to share another glorious adventure with you all. This is blog post number 5669, and let me tell you, it’s been quite a week!

Today’s tale is a proper, quintessentially British adventure: I’m off to Longbridge! Oh, how I do adore a good train journey, especially when I’m sporting a perfectly fabulous pink tutu. The rhythm of the rails, the rustling of the carriage, and the chance to people-watch - it’s all so very charming. And the best part? I can stretch my legs! Did I mention that my legs look absolutely divine in this shimmering, hot pink tutu? Just heavenly.

Now, you might be wondering, why Longbridge? Well, my loves, Longbridge is hosting the grandest fair this side of the Thames, and let me tell you, no fair is complete without a visit from the Pink Tutu queen herself! My suitcase is brimming with sparkles, feathers, and more pink tulle than you can shake a feather boa at. I’m ready to take Longbridge by storm, and trust me, darling, they are ready for a dose of pink tutu magic!

Before we head off, let’s have a quick flashback. For the uninitiated, you see, Pink Tutu Sparkles wasn’t born overnight. No, my transformation was a beautiful, shimmering journey. I was a perfectly ordinary Derbyshire lass called Alex, studying science and enjoying life in the ballet club. One day, the club was having a charity fundraiser, and I thought, why not, let’s get adventurous and try on a tutu. Well, my loves, let’s just say that the moment I saw myself in the mirror, draped in that glorious pink tulle, the whole world shifted! That’s when the real magic began, the Pink Tutu magic!

Today, my loves, Alex is a scientist, and I, Pink Tutu Sparkles, am a sparkling star in the drag world, travelling the country and bringing a little bit of pink tutu joy wherever I go! Life's a beautiful whirlwind of pink, and I love it!

Now, back to Longbridge! The station’s a buzz with activity. There’s something about a bustling railway station that gets my sparkle gene going! Everyone is rushing around with their little shopping bags and picnic baskets. A sense of anticipation fills the air. You can just feel that this fair is going to be extraordinary, and my heart’s full of excited butterflies, just waiting to take flight!

Speaking of butterflies, the Longbridge fair is renowned for its spectacular floral displays, and my love, they are a visual feast! It’s like stepping into a fairytale. And naturally, Pink Tutu Sparkles needs a picture-perfect bouquet for the occasion, because you know, everything needs to be picture perfect! After a spot of flower browsing, I’m off to grab some fresh-baked scones from the cutest little tea shop. They have the most divine strawberry jam and clotted cream. Now, who said fair food has to be boring?

Of course, no visit to the fair would be complete without a little thrill seeking, darling! So, I’ve just managed to squeeze in a ride on the Ferris wheel, and the view from up there, my dears, is breathtaking! The wind whipping through my hair, the Ferris wheel spinning slowly, and my heart swelling with happiness, this is how dreams are made, my darlings!

As the sun dips low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the fairground, it's time for me to prepare for the grand finale: my performance! The stage is set, the spotlight is shining, and my trusty Pink Tutu awaits. You know me, I like to keep my acts a secret! You'll have to imagine the glitter, the sequins, the songs, the fabulousness! One thing’s for sure: you’ll never forget a Pink Tutu Sparkles performance! Let's just say there’ll be lots of dancing, sparkles, and of course, plenty of pink tulle to go around! It’s my mission, after all, to get the entire world rocking a pink tutu!

I’ll share all the dazzling details later, my loves. But for now, I need to get into the fabulous pink tutu spirit and prepare for a magical night in Longbridge! After all, you don’t need a wand to make magic, my darlings, you just need a pink tutu!

Don’t forget to keep checking back on my blog www.pink-tutu.com for the full run-down of all the pink tutu loveliness from my Longbridge adventure! Until next time, my lovelies, keep it sparkling, stay positive, and wear your heart on your…tutu? 😉💖

#TutuQueen on 2015-07-09 stars in Longbridge