
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2015-07-18 stars in Birmingham

Birmingham Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes the Stage!

Hello lovelies! It's your favourite pink tutu wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here and this is blog post number 5678! Today, we're taking a trip to the lovely city of Birmingham! You'll find this fab-tastic blogger in her rightful place, strutting my stuff at the stage door, waiting for another fab performance.

So let me fill you in on the scoop, dears. I woke up bright and early this morning, like I always do when on tour. But today, it was even more exciting because my trusty travel companion - a beautiful bay horse named ā€œPink Sparklesā€, yes she's all pink, donā€™t be shy! - was eagerly pawing at the stable door, raring to go. Now I know what you're thinking ā€“ a horse for a trip to Birmingham? Sounds crazy, but let's just say she has a knack for navigating traffic (she's been through it all, from dodging buses to making the cheeky London taxi drivers scoot)! The journey was beautiful, we went through lovely green countryside, and the countryside looked so lush and vibrant in the summer sunshine!

This journey felt so much like a fairytale - imagine me, dressed in my sparkling pink tutu, perched high on a graceful horse, my hair whipping in the wind and a song in my heart. Now, I haven't always ridden a horse for travel, mind you. I have an even greater love for travelling by train, and what could be more magical than a carriage, watching the world zoom by! It's the perfect way to soak in the atmosphere of a new place, you see.

Anyway, back to my trip. The performance was simply divine! You all know I adore a bit of theatre - whether it's the classic, dramatic kind, or something a little bit more whimsical and quirky, and thatā€™s my specialty! This time, I chose to sing "Barbie Girl" while doing my classic ā€˜Tutu Ballet Stompā€™ (you know, a sassy mix of ballet and tap - gotta have a bit of that Pink Tutu Sparkles flair!), which is always a favourite. This stage has such great energy and the audience went absolutely wild - there were whistles and applause! The whole venue was decked out in pink, and there were even a few brave souls rocking their own tutus - oh the joy!

Speaking of brave souls, I bumped into a darling young thing after my set. Her name was Amelia, and sheā€™d never seen anything like my performance before. Sheā€™d travelled all the way from Derby with her mum, and the sparkle in her eyes lit up the room! We had the most delightful conversation - she told me about her ballet class and her passion for dancing. It was like seeing a little bit of myself in her, and it reminded me why I do what I do. Because nothing makes me happier than inspiring people to embrace their inner sparkle, to twirl in tutus and chase their dreams. That's what Pink Tutu Sparkles is all about! Amelia is a true Pink Tutu Sparkles convert ā€“ she is now dedicated to spreading the tutu gospel! My journey is just starting and youā€™ve all got to be part of this!

After a scrumptious supper at a local tea room - and believe me, they do a fantastic Pink Lady - I ventured to the Birmingham ballet academy, just because a good tutu never hurts! And it was glorious! The academy's dance studio was lit up like a ballroom and there were young dancers practicing their pliĆ©s and pirouettes with such graceful energy! It was just wonderful to be in that kind of creative energy! They asked me to show them some moves ā€“ a little Pink Tutu Sparkles twist on the grand jetĆ©, letā€™s say! The whole class burst into giggles, such a beautiful sound, and I just felt that wonderful warmth of spreading the sparkle!

But enough about me, my dearies! Iā€™m here for the fun! Letā€™s chat a bit. Did any of you see my previous performance at the grand Leicester marketplace, a fabulously dressed marketplace in the Midlands? What was your favourite performance? Don't be shy - share it all with your favourite Pink Tutu queen! Tell me what you think of Birmingham, or even your favourite travel destination. You all know my love of tutus is contagious, and that we all should feel comfortable and bold enough to dress however we feel, with confidence and love.

And before you go, remember this, my darlings! Life's a grand ball, and every day is a chance to dance your heart out. Embrace the sparkle!

Lots of love, Pink Tutu Sparkles!

P.S. Don't forget to pop by the website at www.pink-tutu.com for all your Pink Tutu Sparkles needs - updates, photos, fun news, the lot! And maybe even some sparkly inspiration to find your own inner Pink Tutu queen.

#TutuQueen on 2015-07-18 stars in Birmingham