Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2015-07-21 stars in Nottingham

Nottingham! The City of Pink Tutus! 💖✨ (Post #5681)

Hello darlings! It's your favourite Pink Tutu Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from Nottingham! You wouldn't believe the adventures I've been having, but more on that later!

Before we get into the glitter and glam of Nottingham, I have to tell you all about my latest train journey! Now, I know I'm known for my fabulous pink tutus and all things sparkly, but don't let that fool you. There's nothing quite like the feeling of the wind whipping through my hair, the clackety-clack of the train wheels on the tracks, and the beautiful countryside scenery flashing by as I travel by rail. 🚂 You see, I truly believe train travel is a journey for the senses, and when it's in a comfy, roomy carriage, and the platform is bathed in a soft, ethereal pink glow, it just makes everything a little bit more magical! ✨

Speaking of magical, you wouldn't believe the new pink tutu I snagged just before my departure from Derbyshire. It's absolutely stunning – think feather boas, crystal embellishments, and enough tulle to make a princess faint. It practically begs for the stage, doesn't it? 💅💋 Well, thankfully, Nottingham is providing the perfect stage!

You see, my darlings, Nottingham is a city that simply demands to be graced by the presence of a Pink Tutu Queen. I've heard tales of its historic theatres, its bustling market squares, and its vibrant nightlife. So, of course, I had to check it out for myself.

Firstly, let me tell you about my visit to the Nottingham Playhouse! This majestic building truly stole my heart with its graceful architecture and vibrant history. The moment I stepped inside, I could just picture myself pirouetting on the stage in my Pink Tutu! 🩰 I even got to go backstage and try on a real theatre costume. It was so grand and elaborate, and while I was feeling a little self-conscious at first, I was immediately transported to a different world, like I was in the heart of a Shakespearean production.

My love affair with Nottingham was far from over! My next stop was the Nottingham Castle. I knew it was going to be fabulous because let's be honest, what's more dramatic than a castle? It lived up to every expectation! The stone walls were so imposing, and the views from the top were absolutely breathtaking. My tutu spun around like a whirling dervish as I posed for photos on the ramparts, truly embodying the spirit of Nottingham's past!

As a drag queen who believes that every day should be a performance, I can't tell you how much I love shopping! The Victorian Quarter is where I had to explore, a true gem! It's bursting with quirky vintage shops, boutiques overflowing with pretty pink clothing, and all the sparkles my little heart could desire. Every single shop I visited made me feel like I was in a scene from "Pretty Woman". 💖💋 It’s not even my favourite colour, but there was such an air of '80s retro chic about the place that I couldn’t resist! I had to bring a whole extra suitcase to fit my shopping loot. (I don’t think that makes me an overly enthusiastic shopaholic at all!) 🙈

But let's get down to the nitty-gritty of this blog, the thing that gets me so excited! My fabulous performances at The Hockley Arts Club! It was a place of unadulterated excitement and laughter. The music was pumping, the lights were flashing, and the audience was a mix of friendly faces, all eager to celebrate and have a good time!

I’ve got to tell you, my outfit for my show really caused quite a stir! The dress had so many ruffles it was almost as if a hundred tulle layers had married together, just for the occasion, and a generous dusting of glitter all over (I know, right?!). The most fabulous thing? This venue absolutely adored a Pink Tutu Queen! And honestly, let’s face it, who wouldn’t!

After a whirl around the city centre, with my feet still dancing and the echoes of applause still ringing in my ears, it was time to visit The Arboretum! This picturesque park is an oasis of tranquillity and beauty right in the heart of Nottingham. I could imagine I was back in the green heart of my Derbyshire childhood! So calm and green. The beautiful trees swayed gently in the breeze as if they were bowing to the Pink Tutu Queen! 🌳 This really is my kind of town! It’s really starting to feel like my second home!

And of course, what's a Pink Tutu Queen to do in a town with a beautiful lake like The Arboretum's? I couldn't resist a graceful spin! My pink tutu swirled around me like a ballerina, capturing the essence of elegance and joy. Even with the occasional tourist pausing to ask about the most magnificent “giant pink marshmallow” (that’s their word, not mine!), there was something undeniably magic about being there, on a bench beside that little wooden boat house. (And honestly, with the light catching the water and creating this little sparkle, I might just be tempted to make it into a boat for Pink Tutu Sparkles. Hmmm, how to create a tutu to match...)

Speaking of magic, my stay in Nottingham wouldn't have been complete without a visit to the Theatre Royal! Now, you guys know I'm a HUGE fan of ballet! A true passion! And that love for the art form was taken to a whole new level at this theatre, built in 1865, truly a marvel of history! So ornate and beautiful, it made me want to channel the ballerinas that must have once graced its stage, the elegance and precision of movement – oh the dream!

In fact, you won't believe it, but the entire time I was there, it just felt like the city of Nottingham itself was on the cusp of a performance! From the graceful lines of the old Victorian architecture, to the buzzing nightlife and, most of all, the wonderful people. Each one seemed ready to twirl and be embraced by the magic! Every street corner was an opportunity for a dramatic entrance, and every pedestrian was an appreciative member of the audience.

After a little more shopping (don't worry, you'll see a photo on my Instagram soon), my time in Nottingham sadly came to an end, but leaving the town felt like the finale of a play, the curtain falling on an act I'll never forget! This vibrant city really showed me what life in the fast lane is about - the kind where every street corner is full of magic, where history comes alive, and where the love of dancing and fabulousness reigns supreme! And as a Pink Tutu Queen, I couldn’t be happier. 💖✨

To those who think the Pink Tutu Queen is about sequins and frivolity - they really need to hear the roar of a full house cheering a Pink Tutu Queen in full performance at the Theatre Royal! That is sheer excitement and sheer fun, that’s what life’s all about.

But wait, you thought I was going to finish without some real Nottingham excitement?! There's nothing quite like ending the night by heading back to my humble home in Derbyshire after a fantastic week in Nottingham on one of my beloved horses. The sound of their hooves, and their strength underneath me - it really makes a change from those fabulous stiletto heels, right? 🐎💖 Just picture it: A pink tutu riding on a horse in the twilight sky! Absolutely the best.

Anyway darlings, it’s almost time for me to make the latest pink tutu and feather boa combo for my next tour, but for now, give a big Pink Tutu Sparkles high five! It’s been fab. ✨

Until next time!


Pink Tutu Sparkles ✨ (Alex!)

#TutuQueen on 2015-07-21 stars in Nottingham