Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2015-10-07 stars in Carlisle

Carlisle Calling! 💖 Pink Tutu Sparkles Heads North (Blog Post #5759)

Oh my darlings! Get ready for a whirlwind of pink tulle, glitter, and locomotive excitement! It’s your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, heading to the enchanting city of Carlisle for a weekend of wonder and whimsy!

I simply can't get enough of exploring this beautiful country! This time, I'm trading in my beloved stiletto heels for a comfy pair of Doc Martens (still sparkly, of course!), because I'm travelling by train – the perfect way to enjoy the changing scenery and soak up the charm of the countryside. This journey's already promising to be a dream, all thanks to a gorgeous vintage-inspired pink dress I scored in a charity shop in Matlock yesterday!

But before we set off, let me give you a peek into the life of Pink Tutu Sparkles in a slightly different, more day-to-day light (with some delightful pinkness thrown in, of course!).

From Lab Coat to Pink Tutu: My Secret Life as a Scientist

You know those brilliant folks in the lab, the ones in the pristine white coats with furrowed brows and laser focus? That's me, Alex by day, the science nerd, buried in testing the textures and resilience of fabrics. My job is actually pretty fantastic: I'm like a detective for the fabric world!

But there’s a twist, a hidden secret beneath the scientist’s façade! Under the moonlight, I shed my lab coat and step into the world of sparkle and sass. My other persona, Pink Tutu Sparkles, takes centre stage, dazzling audiences with bright pink twirls and joyous performances!

It might sound like a bit of a contrast, but actually, the two sides of me complement each other wonderfully. Science gave me an appreciation for order, precision, and a sense of awe for the wonder of the universe, which are all things I carry with me as I unleash the chaos of sparkle and joy as Pink Tutu Sparkles!

From "Pink Tutu" to the "Tutu Queen"

Now, I haven't always been a dancing drag queen. Way back in university (when my world consisted mostly of exams and lab work), my fate took a pink-tinted turn. I joined the University Ballet Club for a laugh and somehow ended up donning a pink tutu – yes, the very first one that ever stole my heart! It was all for a charity performance, and the energy of the audience, their applause, and the joy I felt in that beautiful pink tutu – it changed my life! I realized that this is what I wanted to do: bring joy to people, inspire others to express themselves freely, and make the world a more dazzling place, one pink tutu at a time.

Since then, Pink Tutu Sparkles has been on a rollercoaster of glamorous adventures – from travelling by horse (and I'm talking actual horses, my darlings!) to sharing the stage with fabulous performers who've become dear friends. And the love affair with tutus has only gotten deeper and bolder! I’ve got enough tutus to open my own shop now (and, if I ever decide to retire from this amazing journey, I'll make sure my very first pink tutu takes pride of place in my own museum dedicated to pink tulle).

Carlisle: A Pink Sparkles Extravaganza

Carlisle is waiting with open arms – and sparkling chandeliers! My darling Pink Tutu Sparkle fans know I never go anywhere without some glitz and glam, and this trip will be no exception.

I've got a whole rainbow of fabulous looks lined up for Carlisle: think sequined bodices, shimmering headbands, feathered fan headdresses, and my signature, you guessed it, pink tutus! And the colour pink will definitely be present at all the venues! Carlisle is ready to welcome me, and my fabulous performances will surely bring some excitement to the air!

I’ll be gracing the stage at a fantastic variety show, "Carlisle Cabaret". There’ll be all kinds of incredible talent, including, of course, yours truly, Pink Tutu Sparkles! My set will include some new numbers inspired by the Carlisle landscape: think graceful pirouettes reflecting the rivers of Cumbria, dramatic bows referencing the stunning Hadrian’s Wall, and a final pose capturing the sheer power and elegance of Carlisle Cathedral – the biggest medieval cathedral in England! Just you wait for my pink tutu to twinkle beneath the stained glass windows. You'll want to whip out your smartphone to snap photos of that scene, darling!

And after the performance, it’s time for more exploration. Carlisle Castle is on my to-do list, and I'll be taking a peek at the ancient Roman walls. I'm absolutely ecstatic about exploring The Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery – the history and the arts, all in one beautiful space? Yes, please! I'm planning to spend an afternoon lost in the captivating world of Carlisle’s beautiful museum, discovering the culture, history, and art of this region. I just can't wait! And to make the trip complete, we'll be heading to one of the famous Carlisle tea rooms to indulge in delicious treats and sip on freshly brewed teas (in pretty pink teacups, naturally!).

This trip promises to be an exciting journey of pink sparkle, cultural adventures, and delightful surprises, so join me as we set off on this incredible adventure in my next blog posts! I promise to keep you updated with photos, videos, and anecdotes of every sparkling moment – so, be sure to keep an eye out for more fabulous blog posts on pink-tutu.com! Until then, my darlings, spread the pink tutu love!

Pink Kisses,

Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖

#TutuQueen on 2015-10-07 stars in Carlisle