
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2015-10-16 stars in Uxbridge

Uxbridge: A Sparkly Adventure in Pink! πŸ’–

Hello my darling darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, and it's time for another dazzlingly fabulous blog post! Today, we're taking a little trip to Uxbridge, which, I must admit, has been on my radar for quite some time now. Why? Because my dear friends, Uxbridge boasts a thriving arts scene, with several theatres and performance spaces, and what's a drag queen to do with a closet overflowing with dazzling pink tutus except show them off in such places?!

This marks blog post number 5768, if you can believe it! Time truly flies when you're twirling around in a tutu and spreading a bit of pink joy to the world, right?

Before we delve into my fabulous escapades in Uxbridge, let me tell you about my journey. I travelled by train, of course! Who wouldn't choose a comfy carriage, a cuppa, and some fantastic scenery over those stuffy, cramped planes? Besides, train journeys offer excellent people-watching opportunities, and you never know what fabulously stylish person might be sat across from you, inspiring a whole new outfit for the show!

Speaking of outfits, my ensemble for this trip was absolutely divine! Imagine a hot pink tutu, so fluffy you could almost lose yourself in its layers. It had this magnificent sequined pattern that glittered like a thousand stars in the daylight, and oh my darling, the way it twirled! Then, over it, I draped a feather boa, a cascade of sparkling pink feathers, perfect for whipping around on stage and making a grand entrance. To complete the look, a touch of blush pink eyeshadow, perfectly winged eyeliner, and of course, my signature pink lipstick, for a touch of timeless elegance.

Arriving in Uxbridge, I felt an immediate sense of excitement. The air buzzed with creative energy, the shops displayed charming artwork, and the sound of music from a local pub wafted into the bustling streets. I immediately started snapping pictures, because honestly, everything looked so chic and glamorous!

My first stop was a delightful cafe. I have to say, my love for a good cup of tea knows no bounds, and finding a cute little cafe where I could enjoy a spot of afternoon tea and contemplate my next move felt absolutely divine.

The next day, my grand performance at a local fair was the highlight of the trip. It's amazing to perform for such an enthusiastic crowd! Imagine, a sea of faces lit by smiles, some mesmerised by my elaborate choreographies, others mesmerised by the sheer sparkle of my pink tutus! The energy in that space was simply electrifying!

Of course, no visit to a new town is complete without a bit of exploring, and I took the opportunity to indulge in some window-shopping. I mean, what's a pink-tutu-loving queen to do in a town like Uxbridge without browsing the latest fashion trends, especially those featuring the colour pink, of course! My wardrobe was calling out to be adorned with a few more dazzling additions, and let's be honest, we all know what it's like, darling. A pink-loving queen's work is never done!

I managed to discover this incredible vintage shop crammed with treasures. Imagine: clothes from every decade, from those elegant vintage dresses to fabulous disco outfits, all with a touch of whimsy and unique character. Now, while I'm known for my pink tutus, a vintage dress adorned with a pink feather boa is definitely going on my list for a future performance!

But Uxbridge held even more magic for me than just fabulous shops and shows! There's a local ballet studio, where, can you believe this, they were teaching ballet street, darling! That's ballet with street style mixed in, all that wonderful expressiveness, grace, and dynamism from ballet but brought into a modern context. Of course, I had to try a class, how could I not? A chance to explore another dimension of dance with all the drama and glitter I love? Pure joy!

That evening, I enjoyed a breathtaking ballet show at the local theatre. I always find a performance to be a beautiful, calming experience, it really lets me switch off from all the bustling of everyday life. There's something absolutely enchanting about those graceful dancers, and I always leave feeling completely refreshed.

And, my dear darlings, as you might already know, I believe ballet and pink tutus are the perfect pair, so, I simply couldn't resist purchasing one more. It’s a dreamy light pink tutu, just perfect for the next performance.

Uxbridge was an enchanting experience, filled with exciting discoveries, lovely people, and even a chance to teach others about the wonderful world of pink tutus! I made so many new friends, spread some pink joy, and even discovered a hidden ballet studio. I always leave my heart in every town I visit, but Uxbridge truly captured a bit of mine with its creativity and charm.

This journey is a reminder that the world is filled with so many magical places, ready to be explored by a pink tutu wearing queen! So, wherever your travels might take you, darling, remember to embrace every moment with joy, laughter, and, of course, a touch of pink sparkle. And, if you ever see me on your travels, be sure to wave! I can't wait to see you next time, darling!


Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2015-10-16 stars in Uxbridge