Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2015-11-18 stars in Kettering

Kettering: Tutu Travels Take Me To the Midlands!

Pink-tutu.com, Post 5801

Hello, my darlings! It's Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and oh boy, have I got a treat for you today! I've just returned from a whirlwind trip to the lovely little town of Kettering, and it's all thanks to the magic of tutus, naturally. You know me, always chasing the next adventure in a twirly, pink-hued dream.

This time, it was all about embracing the quaint charm of the Midlands. Picture this: a cosy little train carriage, me nestled amongst the commuters, my vibrant pink tutu peeking out from under my scarlet mac. I do love a bit of travelling by rail - it allows me to take in the changing scenery, get those creative juices flowing, and, most importantly, give my feet a well-deserved rest. I always wear my ballet flats when I travel; they are perfect for comfy yet chic! After all, you never know when you'll need to twirl on a moment's notice.

Kettering welcomed me with open arms. Now, Kettering might not be the first name that pops up when you think "fabulous destination," but let me tell you, it has a heart of gold. I mean, where else can you find a lovely little theatre right in the town centre? The Kettering Town Hall is a beauty, with intricate carvings and a grand old entrance, and inside it’s like stepping back in time.

As soon as I saw the Kettering Theatre on my map, I knew I had to stage a little performance. A fellow drag queen friend had told me that they held occasional "Amateur Night" events and thought my act could be just the thing to bring in the crowds. The organiser, bless his cotton socks, gave me the go-ahead, and I couldn’t wait to bring some Pink Tutu Sparkles magic to their lovely town.

Naturally, the biggest question was "What outfit?" Oh, darlings, I could not possibly travel to a town like Kettering without my most beloved blush-coloured tutu. This beauty is just the right shade of pale pink, with just the tiniest hint of lavender woven in. It’s not your average tutu, oh no, this is one that takes me back to my days in the Derbyshire ballet club, all those years ago.

Back then, I was just a little lab rat with a secret yearning for sparkly tutus. I’d go to university and then disappear to the ballet studio, escaping my world of test tubes and beakers for a few hours each week. It was a dream I'd always kept tucked away, never really daring to imagine it could come true.

Then one day, there was this university fundraising event - it was something crazy like "the most elaborate costume" contest or whatever it was called - and one of my fellow dancers gave me this beautiful vintage pink tutu. It was meant to be, because the second I wore it, my heart went "plop."

The rest is history. I remember how utterly amazed I was by how confident I felt in that tulle beauty. There’s just something about those layers of chiffon that brings out your inner grace, don’t you think? I even won the silly fundraising competition – the sheer joy of getting everyone to twirl with me to get to the stage, now that was something truly memorable!

The moment that pink tutu went on, something shifted within me, a sense of courage I'd never felt before. So here I was, back in Kettering, paying tribute to that turning point in my life by choosing my pink tutu masterpiece for my performance.

My stage name - Pink Tutu Sparkles - might be a mouthful, but the message is clear. The moment that tutu went on, I felt this dazzling spark within me. Like magic, I was finally able to let my inner sparkle shine, and Pink Tutu Sparkles, the sassy queen, was born.

Kettering's audience loved me. They went absolutely wild when I twirled my way onto the stage, and, of course, they laughed their socks off when I explained the origins of my love for all things pink and tutu-licious. It's always so much fun seeing their faces light up as they hear my stories and see my outfits!

Afterwards, we danced the night away in a lovely local pub. I took to the stage once again, performing a little impromptu impromptu set. The bar was full of friendly locals who'd been to the theatre show, all eager to get in on the sparkly fun! Everyone got a chance to twirl, we even had some impromptu tutu contests! I love those kinds of nights – where the whole crowd becomes a family, sharing laughter and memories.

And, wouldn't you know it, several ladies even popped into the shops the next day and told the shopkeeper they’d just seen me perform at the town hall theatre. "Now I want a tutu too!” they cried, “Make it pink!”.

I swear, my darlings, every time I perform in a different town, people come up to me, thanking me for being myself. For encouraging them to take that leap of faith, to own their inner Sparkle! My love for pink tutus started out as a passion but has become this amazing mission to get everyone embracing their individuality. If wearing a pink tutu, however silly, can give you that extra boost of confidence to chase your own dreams, then that’s a mission worth having, isn’t it?

So, if you’re looking for some tutu-licious inspiration and a good old dose of fun, why not take a trip to Kettering? Or even better, start your own tutu-themed adventure in your very own town. Don't be shy to unleash the pink tutu queen within you. After all, we all need a little bit of pink magic in our lives!

Till next time,

Pink Tutu Sparkles!

#TutuQueen on 2015-11-18 stars in Kettering