Helloooo darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the vibrant town of Welling, and let me tell you, I'm already feeling like a princess in this charming little place. Today's adventures involve the exciting world of ballet, of course (as usual, darling!), and oh my, did you know Welling has a real-life ballet studio? The fabulous Ballet Centre, where I'm planning to get my tutu twirls on later today!
But first, a bit of a backstory: how I ended up here in Welling? Well, darlings, it all started with a yearning for the open road. You see, sometimes even Pink Tutu Sparkles needs a bit of a change of scenery. Since I'm a drag artist who performs almost everywhere I go (ahem, did someone say a "Fair to Fabulous" event in a local park earlier today? Those ladies love me! My 'Tutulicious' medley was a total hit!). I get to meet so many amazing people and explore so many gorgeous places.
This time, I felt that train travel was the only way to go. I hopped on the carriage from my hometown of Derby, feeling as glam as ever with my luggage and of course, a stunning pink tulle top as a nod to the train journeys of the 1930s (and yes, my handbag matched my new tulle, because well, pink perfection is key).
Arriving at Welling station, the energy was simply infectious. This town oozes history and tradition, but with a modern vibe that was super welcoming. The shops were brimming with colour (even saw a few shops showcasing my beloved pink – always a good sign!), and I just knew this was a place I'd love to explore further.
And speaking of exploration, one of my absolute favourite things to do is uncover hidden gems in new places. Well, darling, imagine my delight when I discovered the "Welling Library" just a few streets down from my hotel (and no, it wasn't just a great place for book-lovers like me to stock up on novels – which I did, because well, I do love a good book, don't you?) – it's also housed within a beautiful Victorian building with these gorgeous ornate details. Just imagine the perfect Instagram photos! The perfect place to put on a little ballet "ballet shoes" show, or even take some time out to watch the local children, all bundled up, giggling while choosing a new book – truly heart-warming, isn't it?
After a bit of exploring (and some yummy afternoon tea at "The Bake House" – I cannot recommend the lavender cake enough, it's heavenly!), it was time to head to the "Ballet Centre" for my lesson!
My favourite tutu, the one that I call "Rosy Sparkle" – a soft pink cloud of fluffy goodness (and darling, if you haven't already guessed, yes, there are sequins!), is hanging by the dressing room mirror. And while the class is a good work out for those legs, it's really more about expressing myself. My dream, after all, is to see the entire world in pink tutus. Who wouldn’t want to twirl, dance and sparkle through life?!
It wasn't easy starting out as Pink Tutu Sparkles, but now it's just who I am. From my hometown in Derby, it seemed like a long way to travel, but I knew if I had a dream to make people laugh and twirl with joy, then it was a journey I needed to take.
Before I came out of the closet as a drag artist, I never imagined being as happy as I am today. By day, I am a scientist, analysing fabric fibres in a high-tech lab, but I also do what I love and share my joy with people by performing at shows. Honestly, my two careers are a good balance: sometimes when things get really difficult at work, I remember all the wonderful smiles I see at my shows, it keeps my spirit up, which I’m sure you’ll agree is pretty important, right?
Before I was Pink Tutu Sparkles, I was just plain Alex. An ordinary scientist studying for a degree in biochemistry, the last thing I thought about doing was wearing a pink tutu. I mean, what kind of scientist would wear pink tutus, right? Then my life was turned upside down and I never looked back. Remember those charity fundraising events you do in universities to help the students? I was part of one. It was to raise money to support kids’ hospitals, so all of us university students dressed up in silly costumes to get people donating. Some wore pyjamas, others went for superheroes – some even did it naked (I don’t recommend that one!), but one of my fellow student's went dressed in a pink tutu (which made a total statement!) and everyone who saw it loved it! It seemed to be what I was born to wear…
That evening, I had to convince my family, they had no idea I was interested in anything like that, and they definitely didn’t think it was normal. It was tricky to begin with. “Why on earth would you wear a pink tutu?” my dad kept saying. “Well, it’s not just pink. It’s more of a pink tutu!” I said with an attitude (but secretly hoping he’d just give up on the subject). They never actually told me I couldn’t, it just felt like there was this invisible wall between what I liked and what my family thought. It really wasn't that simple, because I love them more than anything, but, if it wasn't a tutu, then what? How can you explain something you can’t fully grasp yourself? It just took some time, I think.
As soon as I started drag, my family was so proud! “Don't stop being you!” said my mum, and, when my grandma realised I was in drag (when I told her myself), she was so delighted that she wanted to come see my show! So now she’s a regular – and brings her friends. So, yes, my family and I found a new, sparkling common ground, we are now completely okay with each other. And I get to share something special, my love for dancing, performing and pink tutus with all of them! This journey from scientist to performer was quite the roller coaster, but with love and support, anything is possible.
And now it's time to twirl! The ballet studio is waiting for me!
Until next time, darlings,
Pink Tutu Sparkles (And remember, wear your tutus with confidence, and always keep on twirling!)