Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-02-15 stars in Ecclesfield

Ecclesfield: A Pink Tutu Paradise! (Post #5890)

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, and guess what? I'm in Ecclesfield! I know, I know, not the most obvious of destinations for a glam queen like myself, but let me tell you, this quaint little town has surprised me in the most fabulous way!

It's been a whirlwind journey, my usual method of travel – either a romantic train journey, a jaunty jaunt on a gentle horse or perhaps a thrilling helicopter flight. Today, though, it was a bit more practical - a comfy bus ride - all to grace Ecclesfield with my sparkling presence. And let me tell you, the folks here have welcomed me with open arms (and maybe a little giggle - it's okay, I'm used to it).

My first order of business? To make Ecclesfield pink! Now, I'm not talking about some tacky pink paint job on the buildings (although, wouldn't that be spectacular? Imagine Ecclesfield's historic church looking like a gigantic pink birthday cake!), but rather a subtle infusion of pink into the hearts and minds of the locals. And who better to do that than the one, the only, Pink Tutu Sparkles?

I've always felt a strong connection to Ecclesfield, which reminds me of home in Derbyshire – quaint cottages, bustling market squares, and a sense of community that just melts your heart. I imagine there's a storybook quality here – the kind that's begging to be told with a whimsical pink tutu and a sprinkle of glitter!

Now, some of you might be thinking, "Ecclesfield? Why, darling, what on earth could a fashionista like you find in a place like that?" Well, dear reader, let me assure you, this isn't just another run-of-the-mill town. Ecclesfield's charm lies in its hidden treasures, its warmhearted people, and a touch of history that gives it an undeniable appeal.

But enough about my general reflections, let's talk about what I've been up to!

Shopping 'til I dropped!

Yes, my lovelies, Ecclesfield has some surprisingly stylish boutiques, which of course, I had to explore! There’s nothing better than discovering new and unique items in smaller towns and shops, away from the high street, a real treat for my fashionista self. I stumbled upon a shop filled with beautiful vintage clothing. There were some sparkling cocktail dresses, flamboyant accessories and, wait for it... an adorable vintage pink tutu with sequins. How could I resist?! This darling little tutu is perfect for my next ballet inspired performance - my audience is going to LOVE it!

Of course, it wouldn't be a shopping spree without picking up a new pair of shoes. After all, every Pink Tutu Sparkles outfit requires the perfect shoe to finish off the look.

A taste of Ecclesfield:

Now, no trip is complete without a culinary adventure, and let me tell you, Ecclesfield has been a feast for the senses! I tried some local treats at the bakery: a delightful pink macaroon – because of course! - and a yummy raspberry and white chocolate cheesecake, yum, yum, yum. All washed down with a cuppa in a quaint cafe with the best afternoon tea, it's my weakness! And let me tell you, it’s a real challenge not to order one of everything – they just looked so delectable!

I also stumbled upon a lovely restaurant run by a couple of young locals, it's got an adorable, shabby chic charm. We indulged in a fabulous meal – I had to have the pink chicken, my favourite! They told me they’d started the business using all locally-sourced ingredients, they said their business model was based on being kind and caring, a real feel good vibe and it's perfect! They're now thinking about doing a special pink themed meal every week with their pink cocktails (made with pink grapefruit juice and pink gin, of course! - and a touch of glitter) – I love their vision! It would attract so many customers and make a whole load of new friends.

Finding a ballet school in Ecclesfield – how incredible!

I know what you’re thinking… “Ecclesfield? Surely they won’t have a ballet school?”. Well, darling, you’d be wrong! I managed to track down a little ballet school called ‘Ballet on the Hill’ . I've always been a sucker for all things ballet and let me tell you, this school has charm. The dance teacher is a real firecracker and her students are so energetic and enthusiastic. The atmosphere is very supportive, it’s like a little community, really heartwarming!

And of course, being Pink Tutu Sparkles I had to show off my own moves! You know me, darling, I always love an impromptu dance-off! My performance, naturally, included a sprinkle of pink magic! Now, I wouldn't dare divulge too much information – you’ll have to wait for my next video to catch a glimpse. I just may need to move to Ecclesfield and open a drag school! Just imagine - “The Pink Tutu Dance Studio”! I'm not saying I'm thinking of opening one – but I’m not saying I'm not, ha!

And lastly... A real Ecclesfield Surprise!

Well, darlings, this wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu Sparkles post if I didn't stumble upon something fabulous and unusual. Guess what I found? A local craft fair in the middle of Ecclesfield! There was such a great vibe - the kind that really puts you in a good mood. And it wasn’t just your average crafty stuff - oh no. Imagine a giant, sparkly purple tutu-shaped cake, it was delicious, and of course, had pink icing on the side, a perfect touch of colour. The cakes and cookies had colourful patterns, all kinds of crafts, beautiful flowers in a riot of colour! I even got a custom made pink sequinned headband made to my exact specifications. I bought one for each of my drag friends – and my mum (don’t tell her!). It’s all about bringing the pink tutu sparkle everywhere, right?

Final thoughts from the queen of Ecclesfield

You know me, I'm always eager to embrace new places, meet new people, and discover the world's unseen beauty. Well, let me tell you, Ecclesfield has more to offer than meets the eye. It’s been an absolute joy to visit. This sweet, little town has a charm and authenticity that I’ve just fallen for. The locals are so friendly, they gave me such a warm welcome. They welcomed me, a drag queen, with open arms and embraced me, despite my pink tutu and outrageous style. It makes you realize, the true sparkle lies in people and in sharing our journeys, spreading love and making the world a brighter and more pink place!

I know, darling, some of you are going to scoff and tell me “ Ecclesfield? What a ridiculous place to go! “ - but honestly, darling, open your eyes! Don’t underestimate the smallest of towns. There’s a little something for everyone if you know where to look! Don’t be afraid to leave your comfort zone, you never know what surprises and wonderful experiences await you! Remember, darlings, life’s too short to be dull! So grab your favourite pink tutu, unleash your inner sparkle and have a fabulous time!

Don’t forget to subscribe to www.pink-tutu.com for more adventures and I hope to see you on the next adventure!

XOXO Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2016-02-15 stars in Ecclesfield