Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-04-12 stars in Milan

Milan: A Whirlwind of Pink and Glitter, Blog Post Number 5947

Oh darlings, you wouldn't believe the adventures Pink Tutu Sparkles has been having! Milan, the fashion capital of the world, beckoned me, and how could I possibly resist? This is post number 5947 on www.pink-tutu.com, and trust me, every day's a fashion adventure for your girl!

Now, Milan, that's a city that knows how to live, darling! The cobbled streets are bursting with chic boutiques and the air hums with the energy of haute couture. I strutted around in my most fabulous pink tutu (a new one from a delightful little shop on the outskirts of town!), drawing gasps and admiring smiles from the locals. Let's be honest, I am a magnet for attention, a shimmering beacon of fabulousness in a sea of sleek suits.

But my Milan adventure started a bit differently. I wasn't swanning around in glamorous cafes, I was in the heart of a bustling railway station. You see, I have a thing for trains, darlings. There's just something romantic about chugging across the countryside, seeing the world zip past at a leisurely pace. I'd opted for a grand train journey from my beloved Derbyshire, leaving behind the fields and sheep to embrace the bustling city life. Of course, the station was my chance to showcase my latest fabulous look. Picture me: a hot pink tutu, a shimmery sequined top, and enough sparkles to rival the Milky Way. Even the stoic station attendants had to give me a sideways glance and a small smile, bless their souls.

The train journey was a delightful experience. The gentle rhythm of the carriage lulling me into a blissful daze, while I daydreamed about all the wonders awaiting me in Milan. Of course, no Pink Tutu Sparkles travel diary is complete without a touch of glam. My bag? A pink sequined tote bursting with enough beauty supplies to rival a Parisian perfumery. Snacks? Only the finest gourmet treats. After all, even travelling should be done in style!

And then, I arrived in Milan! The grand, echoing station filled with hurried travellers and a palpable air of excitement. As I made my way towards my destination, I realised how much I missed the buzz of the city, the cacophony of sounds, the endless flow of life. It was intoxicating, exhilarating, and absolutely brilliant.

Now, the first stop was my favourite thing in the world, darlings - ballet class! You know me, a true ballerina at heart, even when my performance outfit is a flamboyant pink tutu. It turns out Milan has a fantastic ballet school nestled amongst the city’s charming piazzas. The teachers, a passionate group of women, took me under their wing and, with their guidance, I waltzed through elegant sequences and graceful jumps. My legs were on fire, my heart was soaring, and the sweat pouring down my face? Let's just say, a bit of sparkle never hurts!

You see, ballet, it's not just a performance art, it's a form of magic. Each pirouette, each graceful plié, tells a story, and with a flourish of my pink tutu, I weave myself into the narrative, expressing the joys and emotions of life through movement.

And the real magic? My performances! The nights were filled with music, laughter, and glitter. I danced at a small, intimate cabaret nestled in a bustling district, its stage lit by a thousand sparkling lights. Each night, the stage became my canvas, a space where I transformed from Alex, the fabric scientist, to Pink Tutu Sparkles, the flamboyant and joyous performer.

Speaking of performing, darlings, I've discovered a new love. A local theatre, with a charming little stage and the warmest welcome, has invited me to participate in a "ballet street" show. They've combined the energy of ballet with the artistry of street theatre, and the results were simply magical. My heart swelled as I twirled and pirouetted amidst the throngs of people, a whirlwind of pink tulle, joy, and a touch of theatre magic.

Milan has a real appetite for vibrant creativity. I found myself performing on the steps of a historic cathedral, the gothic arches and stained glass windows acting as my backdrop. As the music soared through the evening air, I felt a connection with this vibrant city. Its love for art and life, its commitment to creativity, is mirrored in my love for ballet and, yes, my beloved pink tutu.

So what does Pink Tutu Sparkles think about Milan, darling? Simply fabulous. This city embraces creativity, style, and of course, a little bit of pink sparkle. I can't wait to visit again soon!

And remember, darling, embrace the magic. Dance your way through life, twirl with confidence, and wear that pink tutu with pride!

P.S. Be sure to follow my daily adventures on www.pink-tutu.com, I'm always ready to share my glitter and sparkle with the world!

P.P.S. If you're looking for a great place to grab a cuppa after your ballet class in Milan, head to Café' Campari for some sweet treats! It's pink and glittery, and oh-so-fabulous!

#TutuQueen on 2016-04-12 stars in Milan