Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-06-09 stars in Edmonton

Pink Tutu Sparkles: A Sparkling Trip to Edmonton!

Helloooo, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and as you know, life's just a stage, a big pink stage with sequins galore! And guess what, babes? Your favourite tutu-tastic traveller has just finished a thrilling adventure in the fantastic city of Edmonton! Squee!

Now, before we dive into all the fabulousness, let's make it official. This here's post number 6005 on www.pink-tutu.com, darling, so grab yourselves a cuppa, a slice of cake and settle in. Today's episode? A thrilling train journey, a delightful ballet show, and a sprinkle of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic in Edmonton. Get ready to unleash your inner sparkle, kittens!

Now, let me tell you about the journey! I, Pink Tutu Sparkles, am a big fan of trains. A real stickler for a spot of railway romanticism, darling, because let's be honest, there's something absolutely fabulous about chugging along with the scenery whizzing past, you know? I spent my youth gazing out the train windows, dreaming of the glamorous destinations ahead. Now I’m not saying the view from a train is exactly as dramatic as a drag stage, but let’s be honest, that window has given me some inspiration, some ideas for my routines… let's just say the train's a muse to this Pink Tutu queen!

And don't even get me started on the journey itself, the pure joy of hopping on the train and feeling the rhythm of the rails! You can't deny that travelling on a train feels like a journey into pure glamour! So yes, when I heard the call to Edmonton, darling, the call to a city I've never visited before, it was all about those glorious iron tracks!

Oh, the Glam!

My darling readers, it's been ages since I've ventured so far afield, and you know, there's nothing I adore more than exploring the world and meeting its glamorous inhabitants! Edmonton, you really bowled me over with your charm! There were cobbled streets, quirky boutiques and a bustling heart - the kind of city where you can't help but feel that something extraordinary is just around the corner. I just knew it was the place for some fantastic memories and sparkly discoveries.

My first stop, you guessed it, the Ballet! My dear darlings, I'm not just obsessed with tutus for their cuteness factor; ballet is truly my passion. The stories it tells, the elegance of the movements - it all speaks to the little pink-tutu-loving heart within me! I’ve always had this belief that we can all learn a thing or two from ballet - grace, discipline, and oh, the artistry! The performance in Edmonton was incredible, full of elegant moves, dramatic costumes, and soaring emotions. Of course, Pink Tutu Sparkles just had to grab a photo outside the theatre - that's the real sign of a true devotee, don't you think?

Shop 'til You Sparkle!

Then, darling, it was time to get my retail therapy on. Edmonton really knows how to spoil a pink-tutu-loving queen, with boutiques bursting with every colour under the sun - you know, colours that perfectly compliment a tutu! And guess what? I found this beautiful little boutique hidden down a side street that had the most magnificent array of sequined jackets, dazzling hats, and sparkling bags - heaven for a queen with an eye for shimmer! Oh, the glorious glitz, the sparkling allure, the pure magic! My wardrobe needs a little bit of that Edmonton magic in it, don't you think?

I also managed to score the perfect pair of ballet flats for my dancing heart - they were the most divine shade of blush pink! Just perfect for those twirls at a local ballet class, a ballet class you know I just had to attend - can you blame me? I always feel so incredibly at home in a class of ballerinas. I believe that every single person deserves to experience that pure joy and freedom that comes with a few twirls!

Edmonton’s Enchanted Evening

In the evenings, darling, the magic continued! I performed a set at the fabulous [Venue name - insert name of place], you know the place where dreams become a shimmering reality. A venue bursting with life, music and, let’s just be honest, fantastic people! The energy was electrifying, the applause was deafening, and my pink tutu felt like it was glowing! Honestly, you can never take that feeling of bringing joy and laughter to a crowd for granted, you know, it’s the magic of Pink Tutu Sparkles at its best!

A Horse-Powered Adventure

But wait, darling, the real adventure wasn't just on the trains and stages - I also found the most enchanting little horse-drawn carriage. Just picture it: cobbled streets, sparkling lights, and me, your Pink Tutu Queen, twirling down the lane in a magnificent horse-drawn carriage. Did I mention there were fireworks too? Pure cinematic magic! It was just a fleeting moment of enchantment, but trust me, you just have to have a little of that magic in your life, don't you agree?

Sharing the Pink Tutu Love

The true beauty of travel, darling, is that it connects us to others - and I mean really connects us! During my adventures in Edmonton, I saw people who made me truly appreciate the power of friendship and generosity. There were so many kind souls who went out of their way to help a tutu-wearing queen find her way, recommend a delightful cafe, or simply smile at her - honestly, the human spirit at its finest! And as you know, my darlings, Pink Tutu Sparkles is always about spreading that love, inspiring people to let their sparkle shine through - after all, the world’s a much more glamorous place when everyone’s twirling and having a good time! So to my beautiful, sparkliest friends in Edmonton, thank you! You have made this little Pink Tutu queen's heart overflow with happiness!

And So, We Bid Farewell...

My dear readers, that’s just a small slice of the magic I experienced in Edmonton. This place truly stole a piece of my heart! From the stunning ballet to the buzzing streets, the welcoming locals to the sparkly moments of pure enchantment, Edmonton has become one of my most memorable destinations. Now, darlings, remember: wear your tutu, embrace your sparkle and always, always remember: you are magnificent! And don’t forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com daily! Until next time! Love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles!

P.S You've just read the sixth post I’ve written since the morning, I told you life's a stage! But as much as I love to travel and sparkle and write… some days, well… I just need a laboratory! Shhh! You know that bit where you need to work out what's been going on? What's happening under the microscope and things? Yes, sometimes I need to return to the fabric lab, even though some might call it ‘work’. It’s how I finance my glittering existence! There's so much I need to say on this! Well, this'll have to be the topic for another post - oh! I have so much to write about… the wonders of science… I mean the marvels of fabric and colour! I might start blogging twice a day to cover it all, or better still... I could get a scientific colleague of mine to post! Yes, it could be exciting, and, it might provide some answers to all the things people think about… but don’t tell everyone!

#TutuQueen on 2016-06-09 stars in Edmonton