
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-07-23 stars in Loughborough

Loughborough: Sparkles & Steam Trains!

Post Number 6049

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you a little piece of pink-tastic joy from sunny, lovely Loughborough! This town's a real gem, let me tell you! I arrived in style, naturally, aboard a delightful steam train. Oh, I do love the romance of train journeys! Makes you feel like a starlet headed for a glamorous performance!

Speaking of performance, you won't believe the outfit I had to wear for this adventure! I couldn't help myself - it just screamed Loughborough: a beautiful vintage pink and white spotted number, with a layer of shimmering pink tulle and a gigantic fluffy white boa to boot! All perfectly complemented by my trusty, oh-so-sparkly pink tutu, of course! I mean, how can one resist a splash of pink in such a charming little town?

Now, you know my motto is "Spread the Pink," right? So, naturally, the minute I arrived, I sashayed into the local shop and, guess what? I managed to snag myself a stunning pink and white vintage teacup and saucer set - just darling! This perfect pink souvenir will definitely be finding its way to my "Pink Tea Time" display back home.

But hold your horses, darling! Let's talk ballet, because you all know how much I love that graceful form of dance! I was thrilled to hear that Loughborough boasts a fantastic ballet school - how delightful! It's a beautiful, grand building, a real treasure. I couldn't help myself; I had to try my luck with a "Pink Tutu Class" for adults. Imagine me, twirling amongst the hopeful young ballerinas in my shimmering pink tutu! You just can't buy that kind of joy! (Even if, let's be honest, the class was a bit of a struggle!)

Of course, no trip to Loughborough is complete without a trip to the glorious Queen's Park. It was a perfect, sunny, sparkling afternoon, and the place was simply brimming with happy families! Everyone was out enjoying the summer sun and soaking up the peaceful atmosphere, which, my dears, was absolutely delightful!

However, it wasn't all sunshine and roses, you know. The next day brought a surprise chilly wind - how fickle our weather can be! It gave me a little chance to showcase another of my favourite styles: a sleek and sophisticated pink tweed dress, just the ticket for this kind of changeable weather, if you ask me! I'll be honest, I wasn't sure about the pairing with the pink tutu, but it all came together beautifully.

I just knew I had to visit the Loughborough Carillon Tower - a sight to behold! Imagine: 47 bells! You just have to see this impressive feat of architecture to appreciate its grandeur. But you know, there's nothing like taking in a majestic scene with a beautiful ballet score playing in your head, am I right? That was definitely the vibe for my stroll around the town centre!

Now, here's a tip: be sure to make a detour to Loughborough Market Square! A genuine treat for the eyes and, my darlings, it really embodies the heart and soul of this delightful little town.

Did you know, this little corner of England was a huge inspiration for one of my very first costumes - a beautifully hand-painted, pink floral dress paired with my iconic sparkling tutu, all designed and handmade by yours truly, of course! I remember, I even went the extra mile and added a fluffy pink pompom hat. You know, to give it that little touch of PINK T-U-T-U sparkle!

Speaking of sparkle, Loughborough has a great nightlife too! It's one thing to be a sparkly drag queen during the day, but seeing the local bar scenes light up with vibrant colour - ah, magic! And let me tell you, the cocktails flowed as freely as the pink champagne. I have to say, I felt quite at home. And of course, I felt obligated to put on a show! No time to lose! A couple of show-stopping numbers, my glitter bomb signature move, and, naturally, my ever-present pink tutu.

So, my lovelies, my visit to Loughborough was a true fairytale experience. Everywhere I went, I met such lovely people. The residents were friendly, charming, and always up for a laugh.

As I boarded my steam train homeward, I realised I'd found a special little piece of my heart in Loughborough. It's an incredibly friendly town full of amazing culture and, let's face it, what more could a girl want? Of course, a trip isn't complete without spreading the pink, right? And what better way than with my mission: to get everyone wearing a pink tutu!

If you're looking for a fun getaway, then you must come and experience the wonder of Loughborough yourself! Trust me, darlings! You won't regret it!

Until next time,

Your ever-so-pink-tastic friend,

Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2016-07-23 stars in Loughborough