Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-08-05 stars in Barrow in Furness

Barrow in Furness: A Tutu-licious Trip!

Hello my darlings, it’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here! Today's post is number 6062, and I’m feeling absolutely sparkly! It's always a joy to bring you a new entry from www.pink-tutu.com – I mean, you could say my entire existence revolves around this very blog, right? Today I'm writing to you from the charming town of Barrow in Furness, nestled in Cumbria. And let me tell you, I had an absolute hoot on this journey!

For the first time ever, I’m traveling by horse… or should I say, by a magnificent team of horses! We’ve just arrived in this delightful town on a magnificent horse-drawn carriage. A proper fairy-tale start to the day, wouldn't you say?

Let's rewind a bit. Before arriving at the stunning setting of Barrow in Furness, it was all about train travel. Swish past the emerald hills of Derbyshire, zoom through bustling Birmingham, then a gentle glide through the captivating scenery of Lancashire – talk about a breathtaking journey!

Now, as I often say, traveling is truly living. It's where my true sparkle comes alive! While the carriage was soothingly rolling, I was busy getting all gussied up – every trip deserves a special outfit!

Today’s attire is a glorious confection of sunshine-yellow, a real tribute to the warmth of the Cumbrian sunshine. I'm sporting a fabulously fluffy yellow tulle tutu with delicate white lace trim, cascading down to the ground in all its glamorous glory. A smattering of bright pink sequins here and there, and I'm ready to take Barrow in Furness by storm! My perfectly sculpted hair is pulled back into a chignon – gotta keep those tresses pristine for all the exciting activities I have planned!

To complement my delightful ensemble, my nails are adorned with sparkling rose gold glitter, adding an extra layer of shimmering loveliness. Now, you simply cannot have a perfect Pink Tutu look without the pièce de résistance – a glittering, rainbow-hued pink crown, set off by my own personalized dazzling face makeup, with a delicate dusting of pink and silver shimmer on my cheeks – what else? This entire look, my darlings, is a true testament to the enchanting spirit of a pink tutu-clad queen!

Let's talk about this fabulously quirky town – Barrow in Furness. First impressions? A seaside town bursting with character! My dear old Granny used to come to Barrow in Furness years ago, and would talk endlessly about the pier and all the colourful arcades that are on the seafront. A place that still has those proper seaside attractions. They still have the little teacups you can ride around, which are much smaller and more intimate than what I'm used to. Honestly, I am obsessed with all of it, every little shop. We'll have to wait for my next post to go into the seaside attractions in full detail – but trust me, it's going to be glorious. I just had to go to a few shops yesterday and this morning!

After my amazing train journey, it was time for a little bit of theatre – Barrow in Furness doesn’t just offer breathtaking views. There is so much creativity bubbling up, that I had to catch the local amateur production of Sleeping Beauty at the Forum Theatre, Oh! It was just simply magnificent!

From cuteness overload to pure and utter artistic bliss, I think we have an emerging talent, a delightful young ballet dancer called Lucy in the local production – let’s give a big shoutout to this young lady who dazzled in her pink tulle ballet costume.

There is an overwhelming joy that happens at any theatrical performance, but especially here in this beautiful venue. I love the atmosphere here, and it just seems to sparkle with magic.

And my loves, a trip to a fabulous town wouldn’t be complete without some scrumptious afternoon tea. I mean, you need that boost after dancing and admiring a magical stage production! Barrow in Furness has so many cafes and restaurants – from traditional tearooms serving perfectly pink Victoria sponges and dainty, sugared cookies to cafes that ooze bohemian vibes with their coffee and gorgeous pastel cakes – there’s something for everyone. My favorite place so far has been a cafe called “The Pink Parlor” - oh, my! They served strawberry tarts so yummy they almost brought a tear to my eye, not to mention the lavender tea that tasted like pure fairy dust.

You see, the real beauty of my travels is finding little pieces of pink and sparkle hidden everywhere!

Well my dearest readers, it’s time for me to go now – I’m sure you’ll be thrilled to hear that I’ll be venturing out to the promenade this afternoon – time for me to take a spin on those teacups! I’ll share some photos tomorrow, and remember to check back to see what we get up to next on this amazing Barrow in Furness escapade.

Remember to keep spreading pink sparkle and sending those photos to www.pink-tutu.com - It's what we are all about! I mean, just look at the fantastic town of Barrow in Furness – its full of sparkles.

Until tomorrow my lovely dears, sending you all my pinkest and glittery love –

Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S - Oh! And a big thank you to my followers. I had to pop into the "Sew Much Fabric" store in the center of town, you’ve never seen so much gorgeous fabric in your life – and to thank my followers, and to celebrate that I have achieved my travel dream to travel to the lovely Barrow in Furness, I’m having a competition - and I know, you're thinking "this is too good to be true". It is so not. So for one of you lucky ladies, I have two bolts of my signature pink sparkle tulle – simply fabulous for crafting! It's a prize to die for (don’t tell anyone, but you may be able to create the next iconic tutu in the making. See tomorrow's blog post for more info on how to enter!).

P.P.S - Oh! Before I go, I just have to show you something! I popped into a fabulously vintage tea shop this morning, and guess what I found?! The owner let me borrow this absolutely amazing piece for our next photoshoot! This pink tutu dress dates back to the 1930’s - I’m absolutely obsessed!

And as I mentioned before... This evening, we will be heading down to the promenade – oh! this is going to be spectacular. So tune in tomorrow for the fun!

See you tomorrow - my dazzling darlings!

* Pink Tutu Sparkles *

#TutuQueen on 2016-08-05 stars in Barrow in Furness