
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-08-07 stars in Altrincham

Altrincham Calling! (Blog post #6064)

Oh darling, you wouldnā€™t believe the excitement building up in the Pink Tutu Sparklesā€™ household! Itā€™s a day for dazzling ā€“ the 7th of August, and the darling of the draq scene is setting off to Altrincham for a night of shimmer, sparkles, and of course, the obligatory pink tutu. It's like the fairy-godmother has just handed me my glass slipper, but with sequins instead of diamonds!

Now, you know Pink Tutu Sparkles always likes to travel in style, so the first dilemma is choosing the mode of transport: shall it be the majestic galloping power of a beautiful steed, or the graceful swish and sway of the railway? After careful consideration, today I'm opting for the train ā€“ after all, what's a drag queen on a mission without a good old-fashioned, high-speed train journey, fuelled by steaming mugs of tea and buttery croissants? (Okay, I admit, maybe I'll indulge in a pink raspberry macaroon too! winks)

My outfit is a dream of fluffy, pink, fabulousness! A cascade of shimmering pink tulle layers the tutu, just waiting to burst into a rainbow of joyous sparkles as I hit the stage. With a pop of hot pink lipstick and shimmering eyeshadow, I'll be a whirlwind of girly glamour. Don't forget the feather boa, that sassy little wink to the 1920s flappers that makes the look complete.

Why Altrincham, you ask? Well, darling, itā€™s a haven for draq performers, you see, just buzzing with anticipation and ready to welcome the dazzling spirit of Pink Tutu Sparkles. You know what they say: where thereā€™s a draq queen, thereā€™s a party. So get ready Altrincham, itā€™s going to be a night of fabulous dancing, music, and let's not forget - the ultimate showcase of pink tutus.

Now, I just know youā€™re wondering, ā€œHow does Alex (thatā€™s me, darling, in my human form) balance her love of science and all those shiny, fluffy tutus?ā€ Well, hereā€™s the truth - the life of a draq queen isnā€™t just glitter and fabulous costumes. There's the dedication and the commitment to bring a bit of magic to the world, even if it means rocking up at the lab first thing in the morning. Iā€™m a scientist, darling! I test fabrics for strength, durability, you know the drill - that science-y stuff. But it's my secret talent as a draq queen, with my Pink Tutu Sparkles act, that truly fuels my passion, a sprinkle of glitter on my daily grind.

You know, ever since I put on my first pink tutu for a charity fashion show while I was studying biology (yes, itā€™s true, a scientist with a penchant for the pretty!), itā€™s been all about spreading the joy of pink, sparkle, and tulle! Think of me as a fashion missionary on a journey to convert the world one tutu at a time.

Itā€™s funny to look back ā€“ Iā€™ve come so far! From being that nervous young lad, stumbling in oversized platforms in a crowded college hallway to becoming Pink Tutu Sparkles. Itā€™s not always been easy, of course. You know, Iā€™ve encountered the ā€œbut youā€™re a boy!ā€ look and even some puzzled stares, but I learned quickly: a dash of pink tutu magic, a good dose of confidence, and an optimistic attitude go a long way. Itā€™s about making the most of every single moment.

Letā€™s face it, the world can feel a little dull at times, and everyone could use a dose of fabulous. And why not add some sparkle to everyday life? Thatā€™s the philosophy of Pink Tutu Sparkles: celebrate every chance to let your fabulousness shine through. Life is a dance, after all. We've only got one life, darling!

Right, that's my little slice of pink tutu wisdom for the day. Gotta dash! My pink glitter boots are already calling, the stage awaits! Follow the pink tutu trail at www.pink-tutu.com for my daily dose of dazzling updates. You know, thereā€™s a pink tutu waiting for each and every one of you.

Until next time, darlings!

Love and sparkle, Pink Tutu Sparkles

Psstā€¦ donā€™t forget to check out the gallery for a sneak peek into my glittery journey in Altrincham! Youā€™ll find everything, from pre-show prep to the final stage bow.

#TutuQueen on 2016-08-07 stars in Altrincham