
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-08-08 stars in Lancaster

Lancaster - Pink Tutu Sparkles takes on the North!

Hello darlings! Itā€™s your favourite tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and guess what? Post number 6065 sees me heading to Lancaster! This gorgeous city has been on my "to do" list for a while now, and I couldnā€™t be more excited to finally be here, shimmering in my pink tutu, of course! You can follow my adventures on www.pink-tutu.com. I aim to make every single day a magical tutu extravaganza!

Tutu travel Tales - A Train-tastic Journey!

This trip involved a spot of rail travel. I absolutely adore trains. Thereā€™s just something so magical and elegant about gliding across the countryside in a grand, glass-walled carriage, with the sun reflecting off my fabulous pink tutu. (I even wore my diamantĆ© tiara this time for a touch of regal glamour - one never knows when one might need a tiara, right?)

Anyway, the train journey itself was a complete blast! The scenery whizzed past, I caught up on some emails (with a sparkly nail file handy for the most impeccable mani, naturally) and people kept sending me knowing glances - who could resist a glorious pink tutu? I even met the cutest old gentleman, bless his cotton socks. He thought my tutu was absolutely "sparkling", and we had a lovely chat about his own granddaughter who was "always wearing pink", even in her 70s! (What a queen!) He was wearing a lovely purple tie, a real dandy - clearly a kindred spirit.

Lancaster's Fabulous Lancashire Feast

As soon as I arrived, I popped to the station cafĆ© for a hearty cup of tea and a scone. Now, you see, this cafĆ© is famous for its "pink" scones (they add some red colouring). Itā€™s not exactly what I would call ā€œtutu-tasticā€ (those little touches, dear reader, are so crucial in this pink life!), but hey! Theyā€™re close! I took a few photos - my tutuā€™s shimmer adds a touch of tutu-tastic even to the most drab of cafes. I had to pop a pink filter on them, though! A good drag queen always ensures their feed has the right shade of pink!

I was also determined to explore Lancaster's shops, and oh my word, they are a delight! So many quaint boutiques bursting with vintage clothes, treasures, and - you guessed it - pink things. It was like walking into my own personal fantasyland. The perfect day for a spot of retail therapy. I picked up a few little treats, a bejewelled fascinator that will definitely make its way into a future performance (a bit of sparkle never goes amiss) and a fabulous, new tutu (it was only Ā£30 in a little vintage shop and is actually more of a pale peach colour, but it's tutu, right?)

Dancing the night away at the Lancaster Ballet Centre!

Then, it was time for my biggest excitement ā€“ the ballet! The Lancaster Ballet Centre is such a beautiful, elegant space! They even had a lovely "Pink Room" where they displayed some vintage tutu designs (the perfect selfie opportunity, by the way.) It wasnā€™t just any ballet show either, darlings ā€“ they were staging "Sleeping Beauty". Iā€™d dreamed of performing that ballet in my childhood, so it was pretty special seeing it on stage with the incredible costumes and talented dancers. Even got myself a spot on the stage, holding my pink sparkly wand in the interval, for an impromptu photo op. (Naturally, my signature twirl added extra drama to the scene.) Just goes to show, you can create a magic moment with a bit of sparkle and a twirl!

Dinner fit for a queen ā€“ and a very large portion of fish and chips!

Later that evening, after another delightful trip into Lancaster, I was famished! Luckily, I stumbled across this great little fish and chip shop near the centre. Oh. my. Goodness. They gave me such a massive plate, and I wolfed the whole lot down in one go, just as any queen would do. The chef had an amazing smile (which always warms a queen's heart). I think my pink tutu cheered him up.

A good night sleep under the castle stars!

As the night fell, I made my way to my favourite boutique hotel for a much needed rest. It has an amazing view over Lancaster castle! They had these lovely velvet pink blankets that, naturally, reminded me of a tutu! I mean, can you ever truly escape a pink tutu life? And the view - utterly dazzling. What an evening! Lancaster certainly won me over with its friendly people, enchanting atmosphere and my own personal little sparkle.

Always aiming for tutu-tastic magic

My darlings, until next time, always remember:

ā€œShine brighter than the stars, and embrace the wonder of a pink tutu!ā€

Until then, keep spreading the sparkle - and the pink!

Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles (Alex, your favourite science-turned-queen)

Follow my pink life daily on www.pink-tutu.com and don't forget to follow me on all the socials too - Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok.

#pinktutusporkles #PinkTutuQueen #Lancaster #ballet #travel #drag #queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-08-08 stars in Lancaster