Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-08-18 stars in Leith

Leith Lights Up with Pink Tutu Sparkles!

Pink Tutu Sparkles Adventures – Blog Post No. 6075

Helloooo darlings! It’s your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and let me tell you, Leith has been a whirlwind of a good time! My train journey up north was picture perfect – think billowing tulle skirts as the countryside whizzed by – truly divine. I was heading to the city to make my debut in the Leith Festival, a chance for this Pink Tutu to bring the magic of sparkle to the streets of Edinburgh!

But before I take you all through my sparkly shenanigans, let’s go back in time a bit, shall we?

It’s not every day you find yourself a scientist by day, a dazzling drag queen by night. But hey, life is full of surprises, and mine certainly came wrapped in a shimmering, pink tulle bow!

I’ll never forget that fateful university ballet club meeting. The charity event they were holding had a big “Wear A Tutu, Do A Spin, Save a Feline!” theme, and to my surprise, I found myself surprisingly drawn to a dusty pink tutu nestled in the back corner. Let’s be honest, a tutu is all about letting go, a moment of joyful absurdity, and it brought out a side of me I never knew existed. A side that's totally obsessed with tulle, sparkles and a whole lotta pink.

The reaction from my fellow students was phenomenal. Their laughter was music to my ears. From that day onwards, I was hooked. I started going to more ballet classes, buying as many tutus as my tiny Derbyshire student budget allowed. Then, I started thinking about all those gorgeous clothes, all those sequins and fabrics and how, for a certain special night, it all could be transformed.

The rest, my darlings, is history.

The Leith Festival wasn't just about my show, you see. My heart belonged to the city too! I found myself wandering down the cobbled streets, past charming boutiques bursting with beautiful dresses, and my inner fashionista simply couldn’t resist the lure of the Edinburgh Royal Mile. Let’s just say, there was a pink explosion on the High Street, with my newly-bought frock looking absolutely fabulous with a tutu layered over it. Oh, the joys of mixing high-fashion with pure fun!

But Leith was waiting!

I arrived at my venue to find it packed! The air thrummed with energy, and my pink tulle wings were tingling with excitement. The moment the music started, my heart leapt into my throat. I knew then, in that very instant, this was where I belonged.

And what a show it was, darling! Imagine a storm of glitter, dazzling costumes, and pure theatrical delight, with me, Pink Tutu Sparkles, right in the centre of it all. From swirling pirouettes to shimmering jumps, my dance moves were infused with every ounce of my pink, tutued heart. The audience, all smiles and cheers, completely enthralled with every sparkle-filled step. They even joined me in a final dance number! It was a perfect ending, and I left Leith with a heart brimming with joy and the faintest suspicion that the town itself might have become just a tad more pink!

The next day was about soaking in all the beauty Leith had to offer. I stopped at a vintage shop for a tutu hunt - let's just say I didn't disappoint. I scored a mint green one and a beautiful shimmering red one! I just knew it needed to go into the mix! It’s all about embracing the endless possibilities, you see! After a sumptuous seafood feast – oh, the mussels were divine – I popped into the Usher Hall. It’s a true cultural gem, and while a tutu isn’t quite fitting for a classical concert, it was nice to admire the venue where my heroines of the dance world perform.

You see, darlings, this life isn’t just about glamorous outfits. It's about connecting, embracing your truest self, and spreading a touch of sparkle and magic wherever you go. And I've been doing just that. From my home in Derbyshire to the Edinburgh streets, I'm on a mission to share the power of a pink tutu and spread some joy wherever I wander!

So keep those pink tutus at the ready, darlings! You never know when your inner Pink Tutu Sparkles will shine through.

Love, hugs and a thousand sparkling kisses,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. I’ll be posting all my Leith adventure pics on my Pink-Tutu.com site - don’t forget to check it out! Don't be shy, darlings - tell me all about your adventures! Let’s fill the world with a touch of pink tulle!

P.P.S. Who knew Leith held so many delightful coffee shops? From the traditional to the quirky, there’s a flavour for every palate, and believe me, a tutu just elevates any coffee break.

P.P.P.S. You know how much I adore trains, don’t you? Well, it wouldn’t be a proper Pink Tutu Sparkles blog without a nod to the magical world of travel! The Edinburgh to London overnight train journey was truly dreamy, all hushed whisperings of a journey through the night, followed by a pink-hued sunrise over the city. Just divine, darling, divine!

#TutuQueen on 2016-08-18 stars in Leith