Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-10-04 stars in Llanelli

Llanelli Calling: A Tutu Queen's Journey to the Welsh Coast!

Hello darlings, it's your Tutu Queen here, Pink Tutu Sparkles, with a brand-new post fresh from the heart of Wales! It’s your favourite fashion-forward, ballet-obsessed drag queen with a mission to spread the joy of the pink tutu - worldwide! And guess what? My quest brought me to the enchanting Llanelli on a glorious October day, just bursting with sunshine, good vibes and a whole lot of sparkle!

This is post number 6122, folks, and you know what they say, practice makes perfect, right? Well, in my case, practice makes glamorous! And Llanelli didn't disappoint, giving me the chance to dazzle crowds, strut my stuff, and spread the gospel of tutu-ness in my most fabulous attire, a pink tutu that would make a flamingo jealous!

You might be thinking, "Why Llanelli, Pink Tutu?" Well, darlings, you see, I’ve always been a bit of a train enthusiast! This whole pink tutu life allows me to travel far and wide. I hop aboard those beautiful carriages and get lost in the scenery, watching the world rush by and conjuring up new dance routines in my head.

But this journey to Llanelli was more than just a train ride - it was an opportunity to share the magic of tutu with the locals. You see, it wasn’t all pink and sequins, folks. Before I embarked on my drag-tastic adventure, I was Alex, your friendly neighbourhood lab scientist, busy analysing fabrics to make sure they pass muster in the quality control department.

The two worlds, the scientific and the dramatic, might seem miles apart. But hey, wouldn't you know it, sometimes the wildest journeys begin with a single tutu. My world was forever changed that day in university when I donned a tutu for a charity event and realised there was nothing quite like it! The feeling of that delicate fabric floating around my legs, the magic of the pink... it was a transformative experience, to say the least!

It took some time for my Derbyshire heart to find the courage to go full pink-tutu on the world, but after years of performing, of making people smile and spreading the joy of dance, I know that it's all worth it! Llanelli was a brilliant reminder that life is an adventure, especially when you’re living in your favourite pink tutu.

But where to start, right? Llanelli itself was such a gem, the vibrant heart of Wales! And let me tell you, it wasn’t all windswept beaches and rolling hills, though there was plenty of that too! I had the privilege of visiting the famous Llanelli Library, a real beacon of knowledge and learning in the heart of the town. They’re doing fantastic things for local literacy and making sure that everybody has access to all sorts of brilliant books - the very essence of inspiration.

Then, the iconic Ffwrnes Theatre! Talk about history and grandeur, darling! The intricate details on the building’s exterior reminded me of an ornate fairytale castle. I'm a sucker for beautiful architecture, you know! It’s always such an inspiring sight to see the dedication to creating beauty that goes into something like a theatre building, not to mention how it serves the community and helps to nourish the local talent scene.

Of course, no trip to Llanelli would be complete without indulging in the local delicacies. And you know, my sweet tooth is always ready for a treat, particularly something that embodies the local traditions. You won’t believe the delicious cream tea I enjoyed at the lovely 'Tutu's Tea Room', an aptly named little café with a menu designed to delight any sugar fiend! I mean, it’s all in the name, right? The scones were heavenly! I was especially happy to discover that my 'special' request for a pink tutu cake was taken in stride - what’s a trip to Llanelli without some playful tutu themed delights?

As the sun began its final descent, painting the sky in hues of pink, orange and purple, I realised the day had been a beautiful culmination of dance, food, art, history and the pursuit of happiness. What more could a girl in a pink tutu ask for? The trip wasn't about grand feats, darling - it was about simple moments of joy, connecting with people, spreading kindness, and dancing to my own rhythm, tutu-clad and absolutely thrilled to be in Llanelli.

Now, remember darlings, you don’t need to be in Llanelli, Wales to live your own fabulous dream. Take a chance, follow your passions, be unapologetically yourself! The world is waiting to see what magic you’ve got inside.

Until next time, keep shining!

Love always,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

Remember to visit www.pink-tutu.com for daily updates from your favourite tutu-clad drag queen, and to share your own adventures with the #TutuQueen hashtag!

#TutuQueen on 2016-10-04 stars in Llanelli