Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-12-01 stars in Consett

Consett Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes the Stage in the North East (Blog Post #6180)

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-loving, tutu-wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another thrilling adventure from the world of sparkle and frills! This time, I'm taking you to the charming town of Consett, nestled in the beautiful North East of England!

It all began with a twinkle in my eye (and a couple of strategically placed rhinestones) as I packed my sparkly suitcase full of tutus and dreamt of enchanting audiences with my fabulous performance. After all, every journey starts with a leap of faith (and a quick stop for a hot cuppa at the station - we're all about keeping those British traditions alive, aren't we?).

The train journey, always an adventure for a queen like me, was a whirlwind of chats with fellow passengers, admiring the countryside views, and indulging in a cheeky slice of Victoria sponge from the trolley. I just love the freedom and nostalgia of travelling by train! It gives me the chance to truly embrace the spirit of the destination.

As the train pulled into Consett station, a sense of excitement surged through me! It was my first time visiting this charming town and I could feel its warmth radiating towards me, just like a well-worn vintage tutu. My venue was a local pub, brimming with a welcoming community atmosphere.

Now, I've said it before and I'll say it again, there's nothing more thrilling than sharing the stage with an eager crowd! From the first notes of the music, the energy in the pub exploded. We were dancing, we were laughing, we were twirling…all wrapped up in a pink tutu fuelled joyride!

After the show, I spent a blissful evening mingling with the locals, exchanging stories and tips for finding the best cup of tea in town (we all know how crucial a good cuppa is for a queen, especially after a dazzling performance). One of the things I adore about my travels is the unique opportunities to experience different cultures and connect with people from all walks of life. Consett truly showed me the welcoming and vibrant side of Northern England!

One of my favourite parts of exploring new towns is discovering the hidden treasures. A local market, teeming with handcrafted trinkets, captured my attention, showcasing the incredible creativity of the town. You could say I made a few additions to my collection, because honestly, a queen can never have enough pink things!

Before bidding farewell to Consett, I stumbled upon a beautiful old building – an elegant art deco theatre, adorned with sparkling lights and echoes of dramatic whispers. Imagine the enchantment of a ballet performance within its walls, just the kind of elegant setting that would make any pink tutu shimmer with pride! This led me to think about how even the smallest towns, those hidden away from the main streets of life, can have such extraordinary treasures, waiting to be uncovered.

And with a twinkle in my eye (and a little shimmy of my pink tutu) I said goodbye to Consett, taking a piece of its magic back with me. After all, this is what it's all about: spreading joy, love and, yes, the power of a pink tutu one town, one audience, one glittering performance at a time!

Until next time darlings, stay sparkling!

Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

P.S. If you're thinking about a trip to Consett, I highly recommend checking out [Name of Theatre], it’s absolutely stunning and definitely worth a visit, even if just for a coffee.

P.P.S Speaking of sparkle, have you checked out the new “Sparkle Collection” on Pink-Tutu.com? I have personally designed these limited edition pink tutus and they are guaranteed to make your heart (and your dance moves) shine. Click the link in my bio to find out more!

A Bit More About My Pink Tutu Journey: A Scientific Fairy Tale

Let me take you behind the scenes of my journey for a moment, and share a little bit about the story behind the glitter. You see, before I embraced the world of feathers, rhinestones, and tutus, I was just a shy student with a secret passion for ballet.

My life changed the day I joined the university ballet club and reluctantly donned a fluffy pink tutu for a charity event. It was love at first pirouette! That magical moment sparked something within me and I realised I needed to embrace my inner sparkle, whatever the cost!

By day, I am a scientist in a bustling lab, testing fabric and diving deep into the mysteries of fibers. But come nightfall, I shed my lab coat and step into my Pink Tutu Sparkles persona, taking the stage to inspire and entertain. It’s not easy balancing my scientific work and my artistic pursuits, but somehow, it all works out! The science, in a way, fuels my artistic spirit – finding the perfect texture of fabric for a dazzling tutu or discovering the most flattering shade of pink through meticulous color analysis!

My aim is simple: to bring a bit of magic to the world, to encourage everyone to embrace their inner sparkle, and maybe, just maybe, to wear a pink tutu! If you are ever in Derbyshire, swing by the lab for a chat – you might be surprised at who you might bump into in the scientific wonderland!

So, tell me, my darling readers, what are you waiting for? Join me on the Pink Tutu Journey and let's paint the world with pink!

Find me at www.pink-tutu.com, your one-stop shop for all things sparkly, and follow my adventures on all social media platforms!

And always remember…you were born to shine!


Pink Tutu Sparkles x

#TutuQueen on 2016-12-01 stars in Consett