Coulsdon Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Is Back With A New Post!
Post number 6181! Woo hoo! Hello, dearies, it's your favourite pink tutu-wearing, sparkly, fabulous queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back again for another blog post, straight from my trusty laptop! (Which, I confess, is emblazoned with pink glittery hearts, as I am Pink Tutu Sparkles, after all! Haha! Just look at the website!)
This week, my lovelies, I've been travelling to the beautiful, bucolic town of Coulsdon. Oh, what a magical place! Such beautiful old architecture, rolling green hills, and so much tea! But this blog isn't about tea (although I do adore a good cuppa! Maybe that's why I live in good ol' Derbyshire!). It's about a fabulous opportunity, dearies! You see, a wonderful, kind lady in Coulsdon is trying to get as many people in Coulsdon as possible to wear a pink tutu. So, naturally, when she heard of a fabulous, pink-loving queen who loves tutus almost as much as she loves her pink sparkly microphone, she knew she had to contact me!
(Disclaimer: she had a lot of help finding my contact details, cough cough internet is magical cough cough, but it wasn't all magic, dearies! I have a website now, as you've probably gathered from me talking about it so much!)
Anyway, where was I? Ah yes! Coulsdon! I absolutely adore a good challenge, and it's one of my missions in life, to encourage people to put on a tutu, any tutu, really, but pink ones are my favourites, obviously, and make you feel good, fabulous and ready to spread joy.
That brings me nicely onto the fun bits, loves!
This Saturday, dear, dear Coulsdon is getting ready for a spectacular event! And the name? You guessed it - Pink Tutu Coulsdon! Oh yes! It's all about wearing tutus - and they don't have to be pink. Except, they are more lovely in pink, you understand, darling! And it’s all for a good cause! We are fundraising for Coulsdon's new children's hospital. Now, what could be more rewarding, my dearies? A whole day filled with tutus and raising money for a great cause!
Of course, I'm performing. I couldn't possibly resist a good party, a chance to dazzle and the chance to encourage everyone to feel fabulous!
Oh, dearies, what have I done today to get ready for the Coulsdon Pink Tutu Spectacular?
I popped into the lovely, chic clothing shop, Fab Finds, and grabbed a fabulous new sparkly pink top for my tutu-clad body. It sparkles in the sun like diamonds and the girls at Fab Finds helped me find a fabulous new pair of high-heeled sandals! (I can never say no to a pair of lovely shoes! Especially ones with a fabulously sparkly pink strap! I love shopping in shops. It's so much better than that dreaded internet shopping, wouldn't you agree, dearies?)
I tried on some of my favorite pink tutus and they're going to get the perfect 'Pink Tutu Sparkles' makeover. Oh, they’ll be covered with gems and sparkles, so shiny you'll need your shades, my dearies! (No, you can't borrow my shades, love, they are specially designed by a world-renowned artist with diamante rims and are so sparkly they give you 3D vision!).
Of course, I rehearsed a special new dance routine. I wanted it to have a ballet vibe as this week I'm completely taken with classical ballet! And, darling, you can see my love for ballet if you scroll down and take a look at this amazing image! It's of me in my pinkest tutu, doing a pirouette right in the middle of a performance. The tutus and the dancing - oh, dearies, I love it! I also love how these two wonderful loves of mine - ballet and drag - bring people together! (If I had my way, everybody would wear pink tutus every day!)
(A special thanks to the *Fab Finds team for my sparkly top and lovely shoes - they always have amazing new goodies - check them out in Coulsdon! I've found some wonderful friends in this town! If you are in the Coulsdon area - check out my lovely friends at the Fab Finds store!)*
I’ve been dreaming about this trip, dearies! I have a super fun and very girly set for my set, all ready to go. It will sparkle in the most incredible way. If it all goes according to plan, the Coulsdon Pink Tutu Spectacular is going to be mega popular - we’re hoping for 5,000 attendees, dearies! Imagine 5,000 tutus and 5,000 sparkles! We are so excited! And I promise to keep you all updated on how the event goes - especially on my new website. The Coulsdon Pink Tutu Spectacular is totally going to be something special, dearies, with everyone decked out in fabulous tutus and sparkly goodness!
How do I get to this fabulous party, you might be asking, dearie? Oh, the train is my preferred mode of transport, of course! A long journey, so I’m packing a bag full of essentials for this fab drag queen! Lots of make up, lipstick, glitter - oh, and I must have my emergency sparkly stick, my emergency sequins and a backup pair of feather boas, just in case something extra fabulous is required, darling. A special bottle of glitter nail polish is in my bag too! The trip will definitely need to involve at least 1 or 2 fantastic cafes. A journey to Coulsdon isn’t complete without at least a dozen (maybe a bit more) macarons and delicious latte. I might need a cheeky bit of prosecco too, you never know. Now I need a good strong coffee as the train journey is long, and I'm so excited I just know I’ll be needing a nap! This girl loves travelling - it's my happy place. Just sitting and watching the world go by is such a lovely feeling, although, to be fair, it does mean missing out on the ballet practice, but you can't do everything darling!
I’ll leave you with these fabulous photos from Coulsdon and an inspirational image from my most recent performance. Remember dearies, sparkle, spread joy and love tutus (and try to have some in your life, ideally pink!). You don’t have to have all pink, darling, you know! A touch of pink works perfectly well too! It’s the pinkness in your heart that counts!