
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-01-26 stars in Slough

Slough, My Darlings!

Oh hello, my precious peaches! Welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com for your daily dose of glitter and grace, this is blog post number 6236! The Tutu Queen, thatā€™s me, Pink Tutu Sparkles, is ready to tell you all about my fabulous adventures in the fantastically-named town of Slough!

So, letā€™s rewind back to Wednesday. I packed my bags (pink, naturally), grabbed my trusty pink feather boa, and took the train to Slough, which I must say is quite a journey from my Derbyshire abode. Did you know theyā€™ve started doing the fabulous ballet ā€œSwan Lakeā€ in Slough? Iā€™m not talking about just a small local production, oh no, this is the real deal ā€“ a professional ballet troupe all the way from London, my darlings! Of course, I was there front row centre with my darling Mum (and my best friend, darling Millie, whom I absolutely must tell you about! Sheā€™s the one who made my latest pink tutu and I'll show you all soon!). The choreography was absolutely breathtaking! The swans moved so elegantly ā€“ Iā€™d like to think I moved like that on stage! Speaking of my stage performance, my act was a smash hit, let me tell you. Iā€™ve been incorporating more of my ballet training into my routines and the audiences just go wild for it.

Did you know that I love nothing more than a train ride? Donā€™t get me wrong, I love horses as well ā€“ what can I say, Iā€™m a Derbyshire girl ā€“ but thereā€™s something magical about a long train journey, you know? The rhythm of the tracks, the scenery whizzing past, the fellow passengersā€¦ itā€™s all just so utterly captivating. On my journey to Slough, I found myself sitting next to a lovely lady called Edna. Edna has a pink tutu collection you wouldn't believe! It made me quite envious I must confess but she graciously said she'd donate some to my collection to help spread the pink tutu message across the country, which is my ultimate goal, donā€™t you know!

But back to Slough, my darlings! What can I say about the town itself? Well, itā€™sā€¦unique. Thereā€™s certainly a buzz to it, Iā€™ll give you that. Itā€™s also the location for my first ever fair stall selling my own line of tutus, ā€œPink Tutu Sparkles: Designed by me!ā€ Weā€™re still in the planning stage, but I have so many ideas ā€“ oh my! You can already grab them from my website though ā€“ so check that out! But the stalls ā€“ they will have tutus in all the colours of the rainbow (even rainbow pink, thatā€™s a thing right? My new fave!), everything from delicate pink tulle to full-on sparkly extravaganzas! And, of course, each purchase will come with a little pink Tutu Queen surprise!

One thing I have to say about Sloughā€¦ they love their pink! My dressing room, all the way in the back of the Theatre, was pink ā€“ not just a hint, oh no, full-on bubble-gum pink with sequin curtains. They must know something about the magical powers of pink that only we true Tutu Queens are in on!

Did you know my day job, the one where Iā€™m not wearing glitter, is in a laboratory, testing fabrics? Yes, a real scientist ā€“ even though the fabrics I test can make fabulous costumes (including my darling Pink Tutu). Now, what you donā€™t know is I have plans, very secret plans. And that includes making a new fabric ā€“ it's going to be so sparkly and it'll come in every colour imaginable, including the perfect pink (did I tell you I was working on that too, I forgot!) ā€“ but hush! Not for everyone to know just yet.

You wouldnā€™t believe how much I miss my darling home county, Derbyshire! The beautiful green hills, the friendly people, andā€¦ letā€™s not forget the countryside pub garden where my Mum and I first went for a drink in my Pink Tutu (before my drag days). You see, my love for the pink tutu started when I was studying at uni, I joined the ballet club (they do exist, I swear!) and in a moment of absolute joy and glitter madness, I agreed to try on a tutu for a charity fundraiser. The moment I twirled ā€“ thatā€™s how I knew I was born to be in pink, my darlings.

As Iā€™m writing this, I can almost hear the train whistleā€¦ it's time for my next big adventure ā€“ it's all very exciting as you can tell and I cannot wait to tell you all about it soon. My suitcase is packed, my feather boa is ready, and I am just bursting with excitement! But one last thing before I leave you my darlings.

Donā€™t forget, it's pink tutu time EVERY DAY! So get your twinkle on, my darlings, and shine bright! Donā€™t forget to check out the Tutu Queen blog and share your pink-tastic pics! Until next time, darlings!

Much love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

P.S. I have been nominated for the Best Dressed award at the London Drag Awards, vote for me! Link in the bio.

#TutuQueen on 2017-01-26 stars in Slough