Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-02-12 stars in Hove

Hove: A Pink Tutu Paradise! 🩰✨💖

Hello darlings! It's your Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to dazzle you with the latest from my whirlwind adventures! Today, we're headed to Hove, a coastal haven on the south coast of England, and this is blog post number 6253 on my fabulous website www.pink-tutu.com. Buckle up buttercups, it's gonna be a pink explosion!

Hove has been calling to me for ages. Imagine, beaches, seaside strolls, the scent of salty air – it's enough to make any tutu twirl with excitement! But more than that, Hove is brimming with art, theatre, and dance. A true haven for a girl like me who's obsessed with the elegant movements of ballet. It's practically begging me to unleash my inner prima ballerina!

Now, you know I love to travel in style, so of course, I'm going by train. The journey itself is an adventure, the gentle rhythmic sway of the carriage and the whoosh of the wind – so calming. The landscape changes constantly outside the window, giving me endless inspiration for my next costume creation. This trip, though, I'm feeling especially creative, envisioning a new, light, breezy look for my Hove performance, inspired by the soft, dreamy colour of the sea.

Speaking of performances, let me tell you about my plans for Hove! First, I'm performing at the Hove Art Gallery. Can you imagine, darlings? A breathtaking backdrop for a dazzling display of pink tulle and sparkly glamour! The theme of the event is "Fantastical Fairies," so I'll be incorporating some ethereal wings and magical touches into my tutu.

But the real highlight is my ballet class! Yes, you read right, darling. I'm taking a beginner's ballet class with the Brighton & Hove Ballet School. It's time to perfect my pirouettes and plies under the expert guidance of real ballet professionals. The mere thought of it makes my tutu flutter with joy!

Then, after the ballet class, I'll be strolling along Hove Promenade. I hear there are some divine shops, and you know me, darling! I’m always on the hunt for fabulous fashion finds. This time, I'm looking for a vintage hat for my upcoming "Victorian Vaudeville" performance – think feathers, ribbons, and a touch of theatrical whimsy.

Of course, I wouldn’t be true to my "Pink Tutu Sparkles" self if I didn’t enjoy the local delights. There's a fantastic new bakery that’s supposed to make the most exquisite raspberry macarons – my absolute favourite! I might even find a pretty pink teapot for my tea party themed afternoon performance. Imagine, sipping tea and devouring these delicate pink delights, surrounded by an audience of eager fans – I’m already bubbling with excitement!

Oh, and I nearly forgot to mention the beach! I plan to catch a glimpse of the sunset, watch the waves crashing against the shore, and maybe even try some sandcastle building with my amazing fans – after all, they're part of the Pink Tutu family. And, of course, I'll be sporting a beautiful, flowing, pink tutu. Let’s face it, darlings, what better place to showcase a pink tutu than on a beach? It'll be magical!

So, Hove, I'm coming for you. Be prepared to be charmed by pink, sprinkled with sparkle, and infused with all things tutu. Don't forget to follow my Instagram account (@pinktutusparkles) and keep checking this website for all the exciting details and photos from my trip!

Until next time, my lovelies!

Always with sparkles and twirls,

Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖✨

Pink Tutu’s Journey: How I Became The Tutu Queen!

Okay, darlings, before I go on and on about the wonder that is Hove, let me give you a little peek into my life and how I came to be known as Pink Tutu Sparkles. It all began back in my university days – you know, those glorious years filled with student parties, late-night study sessions, and a sprinkle of youthful rebellion.

It's hard to believe now, but I actually studied science. I'm talking chemistry, labs, beakers filled with bubbling concoctions, that kind of thing! Don't worry, I didn't become a mad scientist or anything. (Although, there were definitely times I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs when some experiment went terribly wrong. Thankfully, the bubbling potions were harmless.)

But, I wouldn’t be Pink Tutu Sparkles if I didn’t have a hidden passion, a little secret to my otherwise mundane existence. My love for dance, my obsession with twirling and expressing myself, had always been burning deep inside. And you know what? The university had a ballet club. It was my calling, a sanctuary for all things graceful, a chance to express my soul through dance.

The first time I stepped into the club, my heart did a little happy pirouette. My classmates, who wore sweatpants and sneakers for their daily life, donned leggings, ballet shoes and stylish leotards! The magic was in the air! It was at that ballet club that I tried on a tutu for the first time, a little pink tulle masterpiece, designed for a fundraising event for a local charity. From that moment on, the pink tutu bug bit me good! I could not have anticipated that this fluffy cloud of femininity would become my destiny. It was a pink explosion in a drab, grey world!

It was almost love at first sight, that delicate, airy lightness against my skin, the graceful movements of my new passion for ballet, it was simply magical. The tutu became an extension of me, my personal expression, the perfect encapsulation of the woman I wanted to be.

Of course, being a budding scientist by day and a drag artist by night came with its challenges. I have always tried to balance my science background with my drag act, my true self. During my studies, the idea for Pink Tutu Sparkles came to me. I loved dressing up, experimenting with fabrics, creating bold outfits – something completely opposite of the white lab coat! My pink tutu obsession took over and, before you know it, my entire life started swirling with glitter, sequins, and all things tutu!

The Scientist & The Pink Tutu

Now, you're probably wondering: how can someone be a scientist AND a flamboyant drag artist? You might imagine me being stuck in my lab, mixing chemicals with tweezers, all while in my pink tutu! But trust me, my darlings, it's not as chaotic as you might think.

Let's face it, my real life job isn't all about crazy experiments and toxic substances. While I have a true passion for science and working with materials, my daily job is far from a chemistry set! I spend most of my time in a lab, testing different fabrics to see how they react to wear and tear, how well they withstand stains and water damage. Basically, I test fabrics, so the clothes you wear are comfortable, last longer and are beautiful and long-lasting! This is all quite helpful for my pink tutus too!

But, in a strange turn of events, it actually works surprisingly well. It helps my creative side by understanding the properties of fabrics, by knowing which ones are durable enough to create my beautiful, twirling tutus. Not just that, but my job also gives me a good eye for detail and helps me to understand colours and colour mixing - perfect for designing and creating unique looks for my Pink Tutu performances. It also fuels my interest in fashion, costume, and my love for fabrics! My true love will always be the delicate pink tutus I get to create, however.

Besides, isn’t it a little refreshing to have a science-based brain behind the vibrant world of Pink Tutu Sparkles? There's something deliciously cheeky about a scientist with a twinkle in their eye, ready to strut in their pink tulle and twirl across the stage! After all, life is meant to be filled with a little bit of glamour and sparkle, regardless of whether you're working in a laboratory or performing for a cheering crowd.

A Pink Tutu Paradise!

Hove, my darling, you have no idea how much I've been waiting for you. I've heard whispers of your vibrant energy, your love for art, and the beautiful sea. And then there are your grand, old buildings – perfect backdrops for my spectacular pink tutu photo shoots!

And the pink…oh, the pink! Your pink peonies in bloom are already on my list, just as iconic as the Hove pink sunset over the beach! The city's aesthetic aligns perfectly with my own!

I've been eagerly scrolling through images of the beautiful Hove lawns, the promenade with its charming cafés and restaurants. Can you imagine how fabulous a tutu-filled picnic would be?

But the true magic is waiting for me on that stage at the Hove Art Gallery. Oh, how my tulle-laden skirt will shimmer as the spotlight illuminates my every move. A perfect opportunity for a graceful Pink Tutu show, the spotlight on me, my elegant moves on stage. I cannot wait!

And then the ballet! A true dream come true! Yes, you are reading correctly. I'm taking a ballet class in Hove! There’s so much I want to learn. Imagine me mastering a pirouette on those beautifully polished wooden floors of a traditional ballet studio! It will be breathtaking. My love for ballet has never been so strong, especially as it is inspired by the grace and elegance of the ballerinas I see on stage in theatres around the world!

So, are you ready for a Pink Tutu invasion? The journey will be documented on my fabulous pink tutu website. Keep checking in and I'll see you in Hove!

With pink love and sparkly twirls!

Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖✨

#TutuQueen on 2017-02-12 stars in Hove