Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-02-16 stars in Hartlepool

Hartlepool Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles on Tour - Blog Post #6257

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another fab-u-lous travel tale. Today I'm buzzing with excitement because, my loves, I'm in the enchanting seaside town of Hartlepool!

The journey was a real hoot! I always prefer travelling by train, it's such a delightful way to take in the scenery and maybe even strike up a conversation with a fellow sparkly enthusiast (or a charming gentleman with a penchant for pink... you never know!). But the real thrill this time was the carriage. Can you believe it, a carriage drawn by a beautiful, noble steed? I just knew my pink tutu and I would fit right in, a vision of 21st-century elegance against the backdrop of rolling countryside.

This trip is all about celebrating the art of performance, and Hartlepool just seems to have that magical air about it. It reminds me of those charming little coastal towns where you expect a jolly, tap-dancing sailor to waltz right out of a pub. This is my first visit to Hartlepool, and already it's captivating me with its history, its bustling streets, and its, shall we say, "eccentric" characters.

And why did I come all this way, you ask? It's the fabulous Hartlepool Theatre, darling! Tonight, the curtains rise on a classic ballet performance, and I'm so excited to share the magic with you. Ballet is such a beautiful art form; the fluidity, the grace, the pure artistry of it all is a breath of fresh air. And my darlings, you won't believe what happened! As I sashayed past the theatre on my way to meet my friends for a spot of afternoon tea (I simply had to try their renowned Earl Grey!), I spotted a street performer doing an impromptu ballet routine. My loves, he was incredible! A whirl of dazzling movements, and just look at that leg extension, a complete arabesque, as if the very air itself supported his grace! I'm not ashamed to say, a tear escaped my eye... he reminded me so much of myself, starting my own journey with just a dream and a pair of glittery pumps.

This isn't my first time gracing the stage of a grand theatre. Believe it or not, before the pink tutu stole my heart, I actually had a pretty serious science career brewing! You know, the lab coat, the chemical concoctions... it was a good life. But then... I stumbled into my first university ballet club party and my destiny unfolded before me! This fantastically flamboyant fellow had just put on this gorgeous pink tutu, and I was completely captivated. It felt like something had shifted, a cosmic alignment of feathers, glitter, and… well, frankly, a lot of tulle! From that moment on, it was clear what I had to do: bring the joy and the fabulousness of pink tutus to the world.

And since then, darling, my life's been an whirlwind of colour and excitement! From the small local fairs where I started out, to the bustling streets of London, and even international trips (think shimmering catwalks and glamorous red carpets… it's been truly a magical journey! ) I always keep my love for science close, though. You know, testing the different types of fabrics for my tutus... because a real queen always has to be looking sharp! I guess you could say that my pink tutu journey is the perfect blend of science and sparkle, a symphony of sequins and analytical reasoning!

Oh, but I'm going on and on and haven't told you about my outfit tonight! Let's just say it's going to be an explosion of pink tulle with a hint of seafoam green for a touch of Hartlepool charm. (We don't want to overshadow the gorgeous performance, do we?) But enough of this... the ballet's about to begin! Don't forget to follow me on Pink-tutu.com for more travel updates, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, and my own pink-tutu creations, because, darlings, we're not done spreading the magic yet!

Until next time, stay sparkly,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

#TutuQueen on 2017-02-16 stars in Hartlepool