
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-04-09 stars in Edgware

Edgware Adventures in Pink Tutu Sparkles! (Blog Post #6309)

Hello my darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, fresh from a whirlwind trip to the glorious, ever-so-lovely Edgware. Now, you might be thinking "Edgware? Really? What could a queen like me possibly find in that neck of the woods?" Well, let me tell you, honey, Edgware had a surprise up its sleeve, and I was the lucky one to experience it!

First of all, let's talk travel. I've gotta say, a trip to Edgware would have been so much easier in a pink, horse-drawn carriage. Imagine it! Me, in my signature hot pink tutu, with my sequined top hat and a giant pink feather boa flowing behind me, arriving at a beautiful Edwardian fair on a white stallion! Oh, wouldn't that be a sight? But alas, life sometimes isn't a fairy tale and I had to settle for a more, erm, "mundane" journey by train.

Still, I made the most of it! The carriage was filled with interesting characters. A man with a booming voice read aloud about the properties of... something... I couldn't understand a word he said, but his accent and his impressive moustache made me giggle! A family with an oversized bulldog sat opposite me, the dog sporting a tiny pink bandana... See? Even the canine community appreciates a splash of pink!

Upon arriving at Edgware, my senses were overwhelmed with excitement! I love how much this place truly reflects the English countryside, with its green spaces and quaint cafes. The main square, full of buzzing activity, immediately beckoned me to explore. It felt so different from my usual haunts in London โ€“ far more tranquil, peaceful, and... dare I say it? Charming!

The whole town just had an old-school Englishness about it. Think cosy pubs, independent bookshops, and even a little old-world toy shop bursting with nostalgic wonders. Now, you know I love me some good old fashioned vintage finds. In Edgware, I found myself indulging in a delightful, and completely unplanned, vintage shopping spree.

The real highlight of the day was a visit to the "Edgware Performing Arts Center". Oh, darling, this was truly a gem! This magnificent, historical building has played host to countless talented dancers, singers, and actors throughout the decades, and I could feel the magic in the air. I got so caught up in admiring the old posters and program sheets, imagining the breathtaking performances that must have graced the stage. A certain Mr. Laurence Olivier is even said to have taken the stage here, so naturally, I had to do a dramatic reading of Shakespeare (a little impromptu Hamlet scene, for those of you keeping score!).

Of course, I couldn't leave Edgware without a little theatrical inspiration! I was thrilled to discover a charming ballet school tucked away in a quiet corner. The classes were already in full swing, and I felt my inner prima ballerina begin to stir. I even convinced the teacher to let me take a class โ€“ she seemed quite surprised when I told her I was a "tutu enthusiast," but the shock was soon replaced by laughter and genuine amusement!

I found myself dancing amongst these bright young hopefuls, their excitement truly contagious. Now, you know I always aim for perfect execution, but I have to confess, after my little dance lesson, I felt a little wobbly! You know how it is, darling โ€“ being in my twenties and not keeping up with these graceful little dancers is no walk in the park (literally, as I was limping back to the train station, my pink tutu slightly muddied!).

It was a wonderful, uplifting experience that made me truly feel connected to the place and its unique community spirit. Honestly, dear, my whole week has been filled with a sense of optimism thanks to Edgware. This journey is not about just sharing a pink tutu with the world โ€“ it's about exploring all that life has to offer, embracing the beauty in every corner, and, well, making a splash of pink wherever I go.

And now, dear reader, I must take my leave. I have an important mission to accomplish! I need to make sure every corner of this pink paradise of mine is overflowing with pink tutus! Until next time, stay bright, stay bold, and never forget to dance your heart out!

See you soon, darlings!

Your dearest Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2017-04-09 stars in Edgware