Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-08-04 stars in Wood Green

Wood Green Calling! #6426

Oh, darlings!

Well, I'm back, back again. Pink Tutu Sparkles is here to stay! And boy, oh boy, has it been a week. The train journey to Wood Green was truly a highlight, a fabulous symphony of tulle and travel, don't you know! A carriage decked out in pastel pink with just enough sequins and a little, just a little, sprinkle of glitter was waiting for me and it truly was an enchanting journey, if a touch on the pricey side. I am not one for a journey in the slow lane so the express train was a joy. And can we talk about this tutu! The shade of pink? Honestly, divine, darling! It makes my skin look absolutely radiant, it just melts into my aura! You all know that a bit of glitter really makes the moment so I chose to wear it with my special glitter, a pink glitter from a fancy boutique in Harrods that makes the tutu almost electric in the evening light!

You know me, darlings! I'm always on the hunt for the next amazing event, the next extraordinary experience. This time it was the glorious *[Insert Name of Performance in Wood Green] *. The theatre was breathtaking, it really took my breath away - with plush velvet seats, sparkling chandeliers, a perfectly sized stage... it was everything a true drag queen could dream of, darling! And the atmosphere, oh, the atmosphere was electric. Every last person there was absolutely buzzing with excitement.

The performance itself, well, let's just say that it left me speechless, darling! Every single dancer and performer brought their absolute A game! You all know how much I love ballet, right? It's literally the best way to express your inner beauty, don't you think? The grace, the elegance, the exquisite movement... it all just feels so pure and lovely! The costume design was just utterly perfect. It all seemed like such hard work but it made me, yes me, Pink Tutu Sparkles, really think about what makes ballet special. It’s more than just the clothes and the music, it's the emotion! It's that spark, that raw passion, that lets us forget everything and lose ourselves in the magic of dance! It was everything a performance should be! A kaleidoscope of colours, emotion and absolute dazzling artistry.

Now you all know my mission: To spread the pink tutu gospel, right? So, what happened? Did Wood Green turn into a pink wonderland? Well, let me tell you. There were just a handful of people rocking tutus! Just a couple of sweet little girls sporting pretty ballerina outfits, a lone, slightly apprehensive young man with a pink tulle skirt in his handbag. But here’s the thing. I spotted him as soon as he walked in. I've got an eye for these things. And trust me when I say that, after that performance, his bag wasn’t looking so lonely at all. The thing is, darlings, when I put on a tutu, when I become Pink Tutu Sparkles, I am creating a magical space for all of us, for everyone who wants to play, to sparkle, and just be!

And so my darling readers, my sweet loves, my sparkling, glittertastic little angels, I urge you: Go out and grab yourself a pink tutu! What are you waiting for?! The only requirement? That you embrace your inner sparkle, that you allow your dreams to twirl and spin and blossom, just like a pink tutu in a soft breeze. Don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be full-on glitter! Just embrace the fun, darlings, and remember - the world needs a touch of pink.

Speaking of touch… You can't possibly leave here without my latest pink delight. My oh my, did I find something gorgeous. Let's go! Let's indulge our inner magpie!

The Emporium of Fashion

Let's be real. Every girl (and every boy who rocks the pink tutu lifestyle, that's you my fabulous glitter fan, I see you!), has to make time for some retail therapy, don't you agree? Especially when you've just seen a show like the one at Wood Green, where there’s an opportunity to soak in that extra dose of glam! I found this completely gorgeous store tucked away in Wood Green called the [Name of store]. I can’t wait to share the secrets I found there! From sparkling feather boas to sequined boleros (you simply cannot live without a good sequin, darlings!), it's a must-visit! The owner? She has such an amazing eye for fabulous! We shared some fashion tips over a glass of fizzy lemonade, the good kind, mind you! We were even debating how many sequined tutus you need. I’m not saying my number is excessive… but if we were to be brutally honest? Well, you really can’t have too many!

So, let's recap! We have glitter, we have pink tutus, and we have absolutely amazing retail therapy, darlings! What more could you possibly ask for? I'll give you a moment. Don’t be shy! I know your hearts are skipping a beat! It's the sparkle, my dear! It's the pink, it’s the magic, the delight, the oh-so-beautiful glamour that only a pink tutu wearing queen could bring to your day. Now, do not leave your house without one! Until next time! Pink Tutu Sparkles! Out.

P.S I found a little vintage boutique hidden just behind the theatre and spotted a fabulous [Name of boutique] ! If you love the sparkle and the thrill of the hunt for vintage treasures, then you have to check it out. Trust me! I found a beautiful hand-stitched black lace top. Honestly, the perfect combination for a pink tutu, don't you think? I already paired it with my newest vintage gold brocade purse, just perfect for those glamorous nights! I just need to work out if a vintage hair comb will really give my tulle a special touch. You’ll have to tell me what you think!

I took this picture in front of the shop, to commemorate the discovery, obviously! I just hope it captures how exciting it was.

[Add image]*

P.P.S I do love travel, especially in the comfort of a horse-drawn carriage. A carriage ride was my little post-show treat, as it’s been quite the week in the laboratory! Yes, a glamorous scientific scientist with a secret identity. By day I’m busy creating new, advanced, fabrics but in the evenings you know what I become, don’t you? Let's just say a pink tutu isn’t easy to work with under the fume hood, or even in a centrifuge. The scientists in the laboratory just don’t understand why I use a pink sparkly pen for my notes. You know me. But if anyone wants to see my invention, a self-cleaning glittery tutu that has a rainbow coloured layer that only shines under a blacklight ( it's amazing I tell you!), just let me know. Now back to my experiments… or should I get back to planning my next pink tutu outing? It's always a battle of heart vs science, isn’t it?

[Add a photo of Alex as a Scientist and a picture of Pink Tutu Sparkle in full Drag]*

*Oh! Oh! Just one more thing… [Name of local area]! You’re so lovely! Don't you worry darlings, I’ll be back, Pink Tutu Sparkles will always find you… *giggle… (in my next post, perhaps?) But next week I’ll be at [The name of the next place], don't miss me.

Until next time! Stay sparkly, darlings! X**

#TutuQueen on 2017-08-04 stars in Wood Green