Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-10-05 stars in Tottenham

Tottenham Sparkle: Post #6488

Hello darlings! It's your Pink Tutu Sparkles here, fresh off the train and ready to paint Tottenham pink! This is post #6488 for those of you who like to keep track, and for those of you new here, well, buckle up, buttercup, because you’re in for a wild ride! Today, we’re talking about London! The Big Smoke!

You see, it’s all very well spending time in our lovely Derbyshire - you can't beat a good pint in the pub, can you? - but sometimes a gal needs to shake things up a bit. I felt the itch for an adventure this week, a yearning for bright lights and... tutus, naturally. And so I packed my sequins and my spare tulle, loaded up the glitter cannons, and hitched a ride on the train to Tottenham.

Now, before we get into all the deliciousness of London, I need to address the elephant in the room - that little something that’s going to bring joy to your face and a twinkle to your eye... drumroll... yes, you guessed it: my tutu. Oh, my tutu. This one is particularly magnificent. It's a stunning, swathes of pink, layers upon layers of glorious tulle that wouldn't look out of place on a Sugar Plum Fairy at the Bolshoi.

My tutu isn't just a fashion statement, my loves, it's a symbol of everything that is delightful! It’s a message that we can all embrace our inner child, spin around, and let our worries fade away in a flurry of pink and sparkles. This tutu is my talisman, a little reminder to always see the wonder in life. And maybe, just maybe, to convince everyone to ditch those drab trousers and rock a tutu too.

Oh, my darling readers, you won't believe how the streets of Tottenham vibrated with life! It's such a diverse, colourful, vibrant place. Everywhere you look, there’s a different story unfolding, and every corner whispers with an exciting promise. The sights, the sounds, the smells - it was a feast for all my senses.

Of course, any trip to London must involve a ballet show. And let me tell you, darlings, this wasn't just any performance. No, no, this was a whirlwind of talent and emotion at the Sadler's Wells Theatre. I felt every plié, every pirouette, and I shed a few happy tears. I'll spare you all the details (although, dear God, the costumes!) but just imagine ballerinas floating across the stage like feather boas and a prince leaping through the air as though he was launched from a human catapult. A spectacle indeed, and I’m just hoping that one day, this Pink Tutu Sparkles gets to be up on that stage, my own tutu twirling amongst all those stars.

After the ballet, it was off to the theatre for a play, and what a delightful change of pace. There was so much dramatic tension and raw emotion, it had my heart leaping out of my sequin-encrusted bodice! It was so inspiring. You see, while ballet speaks to my soul through movement, theatre lets those feelings take flight with language. And there are certainly times in my life when my tongue does need to take flight. When all that drama needs a voice and my emotions need to be understood by those who are close to me.

And after a night of art and wonder, it was time for a little retail therapy. Now, any respectable drag queen knows that shopping isn't a need, it’s a lifestyle choice! I've never seen so many shoes in one place. Oh, the glitter! The colours! The textures! It was a veritable rainbow explosion in shoe form, and my bank account whimpered, but my heart? It was a full-blown crescendo!

In between all this glitz and glam, I've also been immersing myself in London's incredible food scene. Let's be real, darlings, it wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles trip without an explosion of culinary delight! My heart swooned for those delicious croissants, those perfectly brewed teas, those mouth-watering samosas bursting with flavour. They simply must be experienced to be believed, and I believe, dear reader, that YOU should try them!

But more than the food, it's the people who really make London such a vibrant, wonderful place. They're kind, welcoming, and utterly open to everything. They have a spark, a love for life, that's absolutely infectious. They’ve made me feel right at home, despite my... well... striking sartorial choices.

It’s so wonderful that we're able to share the stories of this fabulous trip in this digital realm! We can travel across the world through a few clicks and swipes, and share our thoughts with anyone who has an internet connection. It’s amazing how far technology has come, especially when you consider the fact that, for much of human history, our communication has been based around the spoken word or letters sent by carrier pigeon! Oh, my darling readers, don’t forget that while all this technological magic has come into our lives, the human connection and understanding, that has never left us!

Now, I’m sure you are asking yourselves the question that I knew would be on your minds: why Tottenham? It was, in a word, destiny! A wonderful drag night beckoned me to its sparkly, colourful depths like a beacon! It’s been quite the night for the locals as this pink tulle princess came strutting in. Oh, the applause, the cheering from the crowds, the cheers and whistles! The music that made everyone dance, the stories we shared in the audience, the drinks that we downed, the fabulous performers who shared their joy and their skills, the laughs, the dancing… all under one glittering roof.

And the journey back? Well, I think that my favourite memory will be my cab ride home. As the streets of Tottenham sped by, a sense of calmness came over me, and a contented sigh escaped my lips. It was one of those moments of pure, perfect bliss, that feeling of just being… myself. I felt like I was home.

The Pink Tutu Sparkles show must go on! And, to help me do so, dear reader, I urge you to check out my other blog posts on www.pink-tutu.com! And, if you see me strutting my stuff in a theatre, be sure to come and say hello! Now, darling, I’m off to get my beauty sleep and prepare myself for the wonders of tomorrow. But not before leaving you with one final piece of wisdom – live your life in colour, just like the rainbow and the pink tutu! Until next time, darlings!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2017-10-05 stars in Tottenham