Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-10-17 stars in Basingstoke

Basingstoke Calling: Tutu-licious Adventures in the Hampshire Heartlands!

Hello darlings! It's your Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and this little fairy is feeling positively giddy with excitement for post number 6,500 on www.pink-tutu.com! Buckle up your pink ballet shoes, darlings, because today we're hopping aboard a journey to the heart of Hampshire - the bustling town of Basingstoke, no less!

Remember how I said I'm always on the lookout for the most fabulously fun gigs across the land? Well, my shimmering senses led me to the most dazzling opportunity in Basingstoke! Imagine my delight at being booked for a performance at the Basingstoke Gala! This glamorous event promised all the sparkles and pizazz I adore, and a chance to spread the gospel of pink tutus to the masses! Now, darling, if you think I was excited, you should have seen the reactions of the sweet locals when I popped out of my pink suitcase! It was absolute chaos! Laughter, shrieks of delight, and a whole lot of selfies later, I was ready to werk the stage and spread my unique brand of pink tutu magic.

I confess, darling, my heart always skips a beat when I travel by train. The chug-a-chug of the engine, the rhythmic clatter of the wheels, it's pure magic, just like watching a grand ballet. As I journeyed through the rolling green hills, I daydreamed of tutus twirling in the wind and the joy I'd spread with every sequin and feather. And speaking of magic, dear readers, I happened to spot the most beautiful sight – a magnificent horse and cart! A true gentleman in a velvet waistcoat offered to transport my shimmering suitcases – and darling, my darling, I couldn't resist snapping a photo! Now that’s what I call a true romantic, channeling the spirit of the grand carriage rides I always dreamt of as a little girl!

When we arrived in Basingstoke, a little part of me felt like I had been transported to another era. It was so different from my little corner of Derbyshire. Cobbled streets, traditional pubs, and little cafes - a delightful time warp. And, naturally, my hunt for the perfect outfit led me straight to the quaintest little boutique you've ever seen! Bursting with delightful hats and the most gorgeous, delicate dresses, it was like stepping into a vintage fashion dream! I couldn't leave without picking up the most exquisite pastel pink dress - so dreamy! And wouldn't you know it, the shopkeeper swore that they've seen more than one man who loved wearing dresses just like a drag queen, a real blessing indeed! It just goes to show, darling, fashion has no limits, no rules, and certainly no gender!

Once I settled into my room, the performance at the Basingstoke Gala became my only focus. This town really knows how to party! The energy was so vibrant, the laughter infectious, the crowds buzzing. From my perspective, darling, the stage was pure perfection, with beautiful floral decorations and enough lighting to blind a peacock. I’d even had the honour of meeting the mayor, bless her little heart. As always, I felt like a princess ready to enthral my subjects. Now, you must know that a good pink tutu isn’t about conforming, it’s about breaking those conventions! I chose my dazzling pink and turquoise tutu, designed with cascading ruffles, and matching ballet shoes. They literally stopped traffic! The air crackled with electricity when I entered the stage, the lights dazzling as I began to dance.

The whole place just went bananas, dear! The crowd was enthralled by my performance! The lights, the music, the sequins – it was just sheer bliss. It felt like an outpouring of joyous magic and glitter!

After the show, I spent hours with the kind townspeople, talking about life, drag, and tutus. It truly felt like a big family reunion, and you know, I adore meeting people from different walks of life. They reminded me of a recent visit to a ballet class in my local town. Honestly, the local dance school there was just as fabulous. Every Thursday, they host an open class for beginners, and honestly, it’s become my favourite weekly treat. Watching them navigate the art of the plié, then finally nailing the fouetté with such joy was just truly uplifting. Oh, and let's not forget about those wonderful dance outfits they had. A touch of black and a sparkling silver trim here and there – a little different from my everyday pink of course, but elegant nonetheless. But the best part is, the instructor has no hesitation at all in suggesting those gorgeous white tutus to new students – I mean, honestly, could it be more delightful?

Even though I’m a true champion of pink tutus, I do love exploring all things glamorous. For instance, recently I spent an afternoon wandering the shops of Harrods – they do say it’s the most famous department store in London, don’t they? It was like a visual feast for my eyes – oh, the sparkle and the silk! I picked up a stunning little black dress - oh darling, it's utterly perfect! That said, it just doesn't have the same fun as wearing a fluffy pink tutu, darling, let me tell you! It’s more about elegance, less about expressing one's fabulous inner unicorn.

All in all, dear reader, this adventure in Basingstoke was truly delightful! From the welcoming atmosphere of the local folk to the magic of performing under the spotlight, it felt like another milestone on my pink tutu crusade. And, naturally, this isn't the last of your Pink Tutu Sparkles. Stay tuned for my next adventure – I promise to be back soon with more delightful escapades. Remember to pop by www.pink-tutu.com for a peek at my daily blog updates, filled with all the glitz and glam of a Pink Tutu Sparkles! Until then, darlings, keep your hearts sparkling and those pink tutus twinkling! 💖

#TutuQueen on 2017-10-17 stars in Basingstoke