
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-10-23 stars in Rayleigh

Rayleigh, Darling! Post Number 6506: A Pink Tutu Adventure

Oh, darlings! It's Pink Tutu Sparkles, ready to whisk you away to the most delightful adventure yet! Today, I found myself in Rayleigh, a charming little town with a certain air of... well, of being utterly perfect for a pink tutu queen, wouldn't you say?

Now, I must admit, the journey wasn't quite as glamorous as usual. Usually, I prefer to travel by train – oh, the luxurious leather seats, the hushed conversations, and the window view of the passing countryside. However, this time, the universe had other plans – a carriage drawn by four majestic, black horses, my dears! Not your standard chariot, I assure you! It felt a bit like something out of a fairytale. I felt like I'd stepped out of a Dickens novel, but with a rather dashing pink tutu on top, naturally.

Reaching Rayleigh was like entering a whimsical storybook. The air was fresh, the sky was blue (even if the clouds were playing a little game of hide-and-seek!), and the streets were adorned with pretty cottages that made me think of sugared almonds. It was just the kind of place to put on a fabulous show and spread a little pink tutu magic, you know?

This time, I performed at a most delightful event - The Rayleigh Annual Craft Fair. A veritable treasure trove of beautiful handcrafted items! From delicate pottery to stunning hand-knitted scarves, it was truly an inspiration. And guess what? The stall holders seemed just as delighted to see a queen in a pink tutu as the crowds did!

Speaking of crowds, dear readers, they were absolutely delightful! Every time I twirled, their faces lit up with glee! Even the children seemed enthralled by the fluffy pink spectacle – a sight that must have sent little minds racing with magical images.

It warms my heart, you know, to see the pure joy of a simple twirl in a pink tutu. I started wearing these frothy delights way back when I was studying science. A boring charity event, it was. Everyone looked miserable, so I thought "What better way to lift everyone's spirits than a bright pink tutu? ". And wouldn't you know it, that one moment changed everything. It was like I stepped into my true calling, a calling to spread happiness, sparkle, and – oh yes! – a little bit of pink tutu love!

Now, after a truly exhilarating afternoon of performances and glitter bomb distribution, it's time to bid farewell to Rayleigh. It’s always difficult to say goodbye to a place that's given me such joy. But every departure means a new adventure is waiting just around the corner!

My adventures are often accompanied by some seriously fabulous finds in vintage stores! Now, it's no secret that I absolutely adore the hunt for the perfect piece to add to my collection. Today, my dears, I stumbled upon the most magnificent hat adorned with a delicate veil and a spray of feathers. Just a teensy bit over the top, wouldn’t you say? Perfect for my next trip, a trip to London for the most lavish ballet gala, darlings! I simply cannot wait to strut my stuff and unleash a dazzling, pink tutu whirlwind upon the elegant patrons at the Royal Opera House!

To my dearest readers, wherever you may be, remember to spread a little magic and kindness today. And if you have a pink tutu hidden in the back of your wardrobe, I urge you – unleash it upon the world. You never know what wonders a simple pink tutu might bring! Until next time, stay fabulous!

Much love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2017-10-23 stars in Rayleigh