
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-12-05 stars in Boston

Boston Bound! - Blog Post #6549

Hello my darlings! πŸ’… It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from the station in good ol' Derby, getting ready for my next big adventure! πŸš‚

You see, dear readers, this week, the wind is blowing me across the pond, right into the heart of the United States, the home of freedom and apple pie...and of course, Boston! πŸ—½πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

I'm bursting with excitement! This has been in the works for ages, you wouldn't believe the sheer number of emails, calls and Whatsapp messages that have been exchanged! I'm sure some of you have noticed my Instagram and Twitter accounts exploding with pink tutu-filled travel shenanigans lately, all because of this momentous trip. Honestly, I'm practically bursting with excitement! It's all happening!

As you know, my love of travel is only matched by my adoration for all things sparkly and pink. Oh, and tutus! Naturally! πŸ˜‰ My dear readers, this journey isn't just any old jaunt. Oh no, this is a mission of pink-tutu-loving proportions! πŸ’– My mission: To get everyone in Boston wearing a pink tutu, and to share my unique brand of glamour and fun. And frankly, it's not going to be easy! πŸ€ͺ

The folks at the Boston Arts & Culture Society are excited, oh so excited, for me to bring my special brand of glittery performance art to the stage. The plan? Well, my lovely darlings, it's going to involve:

  1. A dance-a-thon of epic proportions, combining ballet, street dance, and theatrical flare, all in my fabulous pink tutu. πŸ’ƒ

  2. A street-side performance full of my favourite, and, of course, family friendly, pop anthems. I mean, how can you not smile when you hear "Barbie Girl" with a live, pink tutu-wearing performance? πŸŽ‰

  3. Workshops galore for anyone who wants to join the pink tutu movement. πŸ’– This is your chance to ditch those tired old jeans and embrace the fun of the pink tutu.

But before the dazzling shows, and the swirling tulle, there is a little something else planned: The glorious Boston Ballet! 🩰 I know, right?! My dream! Imagine, me, Pink Tutu Sparkles, standing in the crowd at this iconic theatre, surrounded by so much beauty, with the smell of old velvet seats filling the air! The ballet world is one of the places where a pink tutu makes complete and utter sense. Honestly, it will be divine!

To get there, my darlings, I am using the Rolls-Royce of public transport – yes, I’m taking the train! My grandma would approve, of course! It’s a glorious 24 hours of reading, writing and snoozing my way across the Atlantic - a luxury train with endless free wine, that's the ticket! I know, right, incredible! πŸ₯° The train will allow me to observe, truly observe, the countryside on my journey! The changing landscapes and the quaint little villages will provide some much-needed inspiration for my show in Boston. Maybe it will be just the thing for the tutti frilliest new costume idea yet! πŸ˜‰

As usual, I will be documenting the whole adventure for my dearest readers! It wouldn't be the Pink Tutu Sparkles experience without the photos, stories and behind-the-scenes look! Oh, and I've already lined up a lovely pink dress shop in the heart of Boston! That way, my outfit choices can reflect the truly magnificent cityscape, oh so glamorous! πŸ’– I can't wait to be surrounded by beautiful architecture and brick walls, adorned with floral garlands, because those details get me inspired, my dear readers! πŸ˜‰

While this is all exciting, let’s go back to the origins of all things Pink Tutu. Remember my dear readers, it all started back in Derbyshire, my humble roots! As some of you might remember from my older blog posts, my journey started with a single, sparkly pink tutu, and an idea - the world needed a dose of colour, fun and positivity! And a little bit of a tutu.

I remember it all so clearly. Back then I was just Alex, a nerdy student in a science lab, trying to get my head around polymer physics. Honestly, what on earth was I thinking? Oh, I was also part of the university’s ballet club, and when I saw the pink tutu, I knew, my dear readers, I knew what I was meant to do! πŸ’– There's something quite surreal about a scientist in the lab during the day, trying to calculate the thermal decomposition of fabrics, and then, at night, stepping onto a stage in full, pink, shimmering regalia, under bright lights. Honestly, it is utter madness! πŸ˜…

To think, my journey started with just a single pink tutu, donated to the university for a charity fashion show. After my very first performance, with a slightly oversized pink tutu, I felt so much joy, so much magic in the air, that I knew, I had found my purpose! ✨ And, if I am being honest, wearing a tutu felt a whole lot more exciting than any lab experiment could ever feel. My darling readers, that moment was truly life changing.

So, why don’t we dive into the world of Boston together? You’re just a click away from experiencing the adventure, joining my little corner of the world where every day is a dance party, and everything is dipped in a delicious shade of pink.

See you all in Boston! Don't forget to wear your pink tutus! πŸ’–

P.S. What are your favorite Pink Tutu memories? Tell me in the comments, and maybe, just maybe, I’ll wear the winning memory-inspired costume during my Boston performances! πŸ˜‰

#TutuQueen on 2017-12-05 stars in Boston