Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-12-28 stars in Bebington

Bebington Bound: Tutu Travels & Sparkling Dreams (Blog Post #6572)

Hello darlings, and welcome back to www.pink-tutu.com! It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad diva, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from… well, you guessed it, Bebington!

Now, some of you might be thinking, "Bebington? Really, Pink Tutu? Why on earth would you choose that particular corner of the world for your fabulous adventures?" Well, darlings, sometimes a girl just needs a little change of scenery. The energy here is electric, I can just feel it! And let me tell you, this trip is going to be everything with a capital 'E'.

Remember that delightful train journey last week, all about the beauty of the changing scenery and the soothing rhythm of the rails? It felt like something straight out of a whimsical ballet, the way the light danced across the countryside. And, because you lot know I always have to be one step ahead, I treated myself to a new set of tutu-tastic accessories – a pink velvet beret to keep my curls perfectly in place and some pink satin gloves to ensure the carriage knew I was a serious performer, even when travelling incognito.

Bebington's calling to me has been strong for months now. I felt it deep down in my sparkly little soul. My research revealed a charming market held on Thursdays, overflowing with all sorts of unique treasures. Now, you know me, darlings, I'm all about supporting small businesses and unique handmade finds! My delicate sense of fashion is just itching to see what kind of treasures I can discover – vintage accessories, hand-painted hats, quirky trinkets… you name it, I’m hoping to find it. And naturally, a bit of shopping never hurts when I’m hunting for the perfect pink accessory for my wardrobe.

Now, if you're anything like me, you might be wondering what I'll be up to when the market closes its stalls. Well, I've already got my sights set on the local ballet academy. I hear they have an impressive schedule, filled with both traditional and contemporary performances. There's just something about seeing those graceful movements that inspires me, reminds me to keep reaching for my dreams. I can just picture myself twirling amongst the dancers, feeling the energy of the music flow through me. And you better believe, I'm packing a serious sparkly outfit, ready to turn heads at the bar afterwards.

Then, of course, there's the whole cultural side of Bebington. I've heard tales of enchanting parks, cosy little cafés, and a bustling theatre that's full of character. There's nothing like immersing yourself in a new environment and soaking up the local vibe. Who knows what fabulous new opportunities await? I might even meet my next dance partner (if he's a skilled waltz-er with impeccable taste, naturally).

But even the most extravagant adventure needs a place to rest those sparkly shoes! I've booked myself into a quaint bed and breakfast nestled away on a cobbled street. From what I can see on their website, they've got floral wallpaper, plush velvet cushions, and an old-fashioned tea room that sounds divine. It's a true blend of traditional charm and contemporary style, and just the kind of setting I need to recharge my tutu-powered batteries.

And you, darlings? Do you have any tips for me? What hidden gems should I seek out in Bebington? Where can I find the most tutu-tastic tea? Are there any dance studios in town? Tell me all! And if you happen to be in the neighbourhood, give a little shout!

Stay tuned, darlings, for the latest updates on my adventures. Bebington, here I come, and I’m ready to sparkle!

Remember, my lovelies, wearing pink tutus is more than just a fashion choice, it’s a lifestyle.

With all my heart, Pink Tutu Sparkles (aka Alex)

*P.S. * I know some of you might be thinking, “But Alex, how do you afford all these fantastic travels? Are you a millionaire?” No, darlings! It all started in my first year at university, studying for my science degree. It was the time I became hooked on pink tutus! It was all down to a charity fundraising event where we tried on ballet costumes. The one I was drawn to was pink, with layers of soft, shimmering tulle. From then, the pink tutu queen was born! My passion for pink, tutus, ballet and sparkly dance shows has grown and now I travel all over the world. As a drag artist, I perform in so many venues - it’s quite exhausting sometimes! However, my job during the day gives me the stability I need to continue the travelling and the shows. I work as a textile scientist in a lab testing fabric. That means, darlings, that the dresses, tutus, trousers, suits… you name it, if you’ve worn it in the last few years, it’s more than likely I had a role in getting it out to you! Now if that doesn’t show how fashion and science mix, I don’t know what does! But you see, darlings, it all goes to make a wonderful dream of the travelling tutu-wearing performer!

#TutuQueen on 2017-12-28 stars in Bebington