
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-01-11 stars in Cumbernauld

Cumbernauld: Pink Tutu Sparkles Travels the World, One Tutu at a Time! (Post #6586)

Hello, darlings! It's Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with you on another thrilling adventure in fabulous fashion and pink, pink, pink! ๐Ÿ’…

Today's post is all about Cumbernauld. Let's just say that you couldn't get me further away from my beloved Derbyshire without putting me on a train (or maybe a really well-trained horse, wouldn't that be fun?!). But, oh darling, wouldn't you know it, Cumbernauld was hosting a big, bright, and absolutely beautiful street performance festival! And guess what?! They needed a dash of sparkle and pink, right? Well, who better to deliver than your one and only, Pink Tutu Sparkles! โœจ

Now, as you all know, getting from one place to another is half the fun! And as always, I travelled by the best possible method โ€“ train! I packed my fabulous pink-sequined carry-on bag and my (also pink!) overnight bag. Honestly, travelling with all the paraphernalia for my Pink Tutu Sparkles alter ego is no mean feat! ๐Ÿ˜œ I packed my usual essentials: a dozen spare tutus, my sparkly pink lipstick (itโ€™s the best shade ever!), and enough eye shadow to make a rainbow jealous. And, of course, enough pink fabric samples for all my fans, because you never know when youโ€™re going to need some inspiration!

As soon as the train pulled into Cumbernauld, the excitement started brewing! You see, this performance festival is a massive event, a real celebration of everything art and everything shiny. It took me just seconds to realise that this place needed more sparkle, more tutus, more PINK! ๐Ÿ˜‚

The first thing I saw was this absolutely adorable little fair stall set up next to the station, filled with bright pink feather boas, sparkly gloves, and headbands so bright theyโ€™d blind you! I simply couldn't resist grabbing a dozen boas in all the shades of pink you can imagine โ€“ hot pink, bubblegum pink, blush pink, baby pink โ€“ the lot! They are so good! A real Pink Tutu Sparkles touch, right? Then, after a bit of pre-show twirling and glitter application, it was time to join the main stage! โœจ

As the lights came up, a wave of excitement went through the crowd. I had never felt such energy from the crowd. From the first step, I could feel it, the connection โ€“ the way they were looking at me in pink, embracing everything I stand for. I spun, twirled, and twirled again, each movement bathed in the glorious glow of a dozen pink lights! The crowd cheered as I delivered my signature pink tutu-inspired performance, the kind of thing that would bring even the dullest soul to their feet and begging for a pink tutu!

One of my favourite parts of the Cumbernauld festival, I have to say, was a beautiful performance by a group of local ballerinas. There they were, in all their elegant glory, twirling and leaping, each with the grace and confidence I adore. It was a true inspiration! Later on, after my own act was done and the crowd had all shouted "more sparkles! more pink! more tutus!" (yes, they did!), I found myself chatting with a lovely ballerina called Grace. She was so lovely, so sweet and very interested in my tutus! It turns out she was part of a ballet school in Cumbernauld! You could not have paid me to look any happier โ€“ it was so obvious, this was just meant to be.

This town needed my pink sparkle magic and Iโ€™d done it! Not just because I had brought more tutus to the world but because I was helping Grace to spread her passion, sharing a message of love, strength, and expression. The power of dance is one of my lifeโ€™s biggest inspirations!

But of course, it wouldnโ€™t be a proper Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure without a bit of fun shopping! You know, picking out that perfect, pink item for my wardrobe. It didn't take long for my eyes to be drawn to a vintage shop brimming with beautiful fabrics, trinkets and even some of the best sparkly accessories. The store had it all โ€“ you could almost see the vintage pink sequins, they literally shouted my name from across the street!

You betcha! I bought everything in the shop that was remotely pink! ๐Ÿ˜‰ From the glittery boas to a beautiful vintage scarf and the best pink bag ever! It is all going into my next outfit. The shop owner (a true pink-loving aficionado like myself!) even let me try on a collection of sparkly pink evening gowns. It was fabulous โ€“ we giggled like teenagers, I think we even had the rest of the shop staring at us in amazement.

It's moments like these, moments where I meet new people and share the Pink Tutu Sparkles spirit, that really make this whole thing worthwhile. Every adventure is a new story, every place I go, every person I meet brings a new layer to this journey I am on.

And that, my lovelies, is why you never know where youโ€™ll find Pink Tutu Sparkles next! I will be posting my next adventure right here tomorrow so keep coming back for more Pink!

Till then, keep sparkling, and wear your tutus with pride!

Pinkly yours, Pink Tutu Sparkles ๐Ÿ’‹โœจ

(And thatโ€™s my daily dose of Pink!)

#TutuQueen on 2018-01-11 stars in Cumbernauld