Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-03-07 stars in Whitley Bay

Whitley Bay: Tutu Tales from the Seaside! 🩰✨💖

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, glitter-obsessed queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, signing in live from the seaside haven of Whitley Bay! This is post number 6641 for the www.pink-tutu.com chronicles - so grab your pinkest blusher, your sparkliest eyeshadow, and your favourite pink-tutu-inspired beverage because we've got a lot of glitter to cover today! 💖✨

Now, some of you may be wondering, "Why Whitley Bay?" Well, darling, this fabulous town has been calling my name for months! You see, I recently stumbled upon an article about their spectacular promenade, boasting charming arcades, delicious seaside cafes, and, most importantly, an enchanting ballet performance at the Playhouse! You know how much I adore ballet - from the graceful moves to the elegant costumes (tutus!), it's all just so utterly dreamy. So naturally, I had to experience it for myself!

Speaking of my passion for ballet, remember when I told you about the time I tried on a tutu for charity? Well, that was back when I was just Alex, a lowly science student trying to juggle my love of dancing with my studies. But that first twirl in a pink tulle masterpiece was truly life-changing, darling! Suddenly, my world became a stage, and science lab flasks became backdrops for the most fantastical performances I could conjure!

Of course, there was that rather amusing incident in the university ballet club when I, in all my beginner clumsiness, nearly took out half the dance floor with a particularly grand leap! It’s no surprise that everyone giggled. But the look on the audience's faces, their eyes wide with disbelief and mirth, told me that I was onto something spectacular.

Fast forward a few years, and here I am, Pink Tutu Sparkles, strutting my stuff across stages, performing for all kinds of fabulous audiences. My trusty suitcase is always filled with pink tulle wonders, glittery bodices, and of course, the most glamorous of sparkly heels! I’ve even started sewing my own designs - though I have to confess, I’m more of a wearer of tutus than a sewer, so my sewing skills are definitely “in development!”

But, enough about me, darling, let's get back to Whitley Bay! The journey itself was a whirlwind of pink-tutu-induced excitement! I chose to take the train, of course. What's better than sipping a glass of fizz in a window seat while watching the countryside flash by? It’s all part of the Pink Tutu Sparkles experience, don’t you know?

As I stepped off the train and into the vibrant, salty air of Whitley Bay, I felt that familiar feeling of "Pink Tutu Adventure" bubbling within! The sea breeze whisked through my hair, and the sun reflected on the twinkling water, reminding me just how lucky I am to be able to follow my dreams, even if that means trading in my lab coat for a glittery tutu!

First on the agenda was exploring the Promenade. I mean, what's a seaside visit without a stroll down a fabulous promenade? Every stall and arcade held a unique treasure, from traditional seaside souvenirs to brightly coloured sweets - some of which I have to confess I did sneak into my handbag. But it was the smell of the salty sea air, mingling with the tantalising aromas from the cafes and the sound of children's laughter, that really made it magical.

Now, as you know, I am a HUGE fan of the arcades. Not just because of the fabulous old-school games - who doesn't love a good game of air hockey, right? - but because they always hold some kind of fantastical pink-tutu-worthy attire! I stumbled across a darling vintage shop crammed with sparkly dresses and playful hats, perfect for the vintage glam look. My eyes even caught sight of a sequined vest, which had a very pink-tutu-esque feel to it. Imagine the looks on the faces of the fellow arcade-goers as I spun around the machines, radiating pink glitter! A queen never goes unnoticed!

But my main mission, darling, was the Playhouse. And what a performance it was! The ballet, set against a dreamy backdrop of a twinkling moonlit sky, captivated my very soul. It was a captivating blend of emotion and elegance - I nearly shed a tear! I was reminded of all the reasons why I love ballet - the stories they tell, the way they capture a range of emotions through movement, the pure artistry. And let's not forget the glorious, elegant tutus, each more captivating than the last. The colours! The sparkles! You truly need to see them for yourself to believe it. It left me inspired, a little teary-eyed, and wanting to dance until sunrise!

Then came the best part! After the performance, a group of dancers emerged, eager to engage with the audience. Naturally, Pink Tutu Sparkles was right in the middle of the action, showering them with praise, swapping anecdotes about our love of dance, and even snapping a couple of photos - perfect for my Instagram feed! They even invited me to join their rehearsals - perhaps my dancing skills will develop faster than I predicted!

Whitley Bay, with its welcoming charm and its breathtaking views, really is the perfect spot to take a moment to appreciate the beauty and creativity that exists around us. It’s not just a holiday destination, but a place that really gets you thinking about life, love, and glitter, darling! It’s not just the stunning promenades or the charming cafes that made this trip unforgettable – it was the kind and joyful faces I met. They filled my heart with the energy to continue spreading the Pink Tutu Sparkles joy.

You know I love to leave you with a little dose of Pink Tutu wisdom. Sometimes, darling, we get so caught up in our busy lives that we forget to stop and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. The pink tutus, the sparkly things, the love, the joy, the friendships, the amazing experiences… So embrace every pink tutu moment, embrace the joy, and let your own inner sparkles shine! 💖✨

I’ll leave you now, my dear darlings. It’s time for Pink Tutu Sparkles to prepare for a performance tonight, so I must rush! But stay tuned to the www.pink-tutu.com blog for more pink tutu adventures! Until next time, stay glamorous, stay true to yourselves, and remember to always wear a little bit of glitter in your heart! 💖✨

With a fabulous twirl and a sparkly wink,

Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖✨

#TutuQueen on 2018-03-07 stars in Whitley Bay