Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-03-17 stars in North Shields

North Shields: Where the Pink Tutu Sparkles Brighter than the Tyne!

Hello my darling dears, and welcome to post number 6651 on the fabulous www.pink-tutu.com! Today, I’m thrilled to share with you the vibrant adventures of Pink Tutu Sparkles, that's me, landing in the charming coastal town of North Shields, where the windswept beaches met my swirling tulle with an electric kiss.

Remember that glorious feeling you get when your favourite song comes on the radio, a blast of pure joy? That’s exactly how I felt arriving in North Shields – a delightful dose of excitement, fuelled by a pint of sparkling elderflower fizz (and a cheeky mouthful of rainbow sprinkles) at the station. After all, this trip was all about bringing my colourful brand of fun to the North East, spreading that sparkle wherever I go, and you know me, the North Shields scene needed a dose of pink!

Now, I won't lie, getting to North Shields was an experience. As much as I love a journey, you know, whizzing through the countryside in a vintage steam train or perhaps even trotting along a dusty trail on a trusty steed, let's just say this journey was more... “commuter style." But trust me, it's all about the destination, isn’t it? I found my happy place in a cozy carriage adorned with vintage posters of London’s theatre district. I even managed to coax a shy gentleman into letting me add a flourish of pink ribbon to his suit collar - who doesn't need a touch of playful vibrancy in their day?

Anyway, back to my trip to North Shields. It's a beautiful town, with its historic fishing heritage, quaint shops filled with treasures, and the Tyne flowing like a shimmering ribbon towards the sea. Imagine a classic seaside town with a playful, modern twist – that’s the vibe. I found myself entranced by the traditional pubs, bustling with warm laughter and the aroma of freshly cooked fish and chips. Let’s just say, my visit included a few too many helpings of those delicious delights.

I took my pink tutu on a whirlwind tour, starting at the impressive Tyne and Wear Archives, which houses fascinating stories of North Shields' history. Imagine, their collection includes records from local newspapers and businesses, original photographs and artwork. What a stunning slice of the past, just begging for a vibrant Pink Tutu Sparkles spin in the spotlight!

And speaking of the spotlight, my evening was filled with glittering mayhem! I performed a spellbinding cabaret set, my pink tulle swirling around me like a hurricane of joy, at a beautiful theatre in the heart of North Shields. The audience were just amazing. They roared with laughter at my jokes and cheered with delight at my dancing. It truly warmed my little pink-tu-ted heart. I even taught the crowd a few moves - the perfect reminder that joy can be found anywhere.

But the fun didn't stop there. As dusk settled over the town, I went for a magical stroll along the North Shields promenade, the crisp sea air brushing my face as I admired the stunning vista. It felt like the perfect ending to a dazzling day, a true testament to the power of embracing life's beauty, be it pink tutus or coastal sunsets.

Now, my dear lovelies, you might be thinking, how does a scientist turned drag artist manage all this? I must admit, I've got a secret - I wear my tutu for much more than just performing. It’s the spark of colour and individuality in my life. It's what makes me feel alive, happy, and empowered, whether I'm conducting experiments in a laboratory or sharing my love of tutus with the world.

You see, for me, a tutu is more than just a piece of fabric. It's a symbol of freedom, of self-expression, of owning your own unique style, and it’s all about the power of positive energy, because pink tutus truly are magic. In my world, tutus are a passport to a world filled with joy, a language that transcends the mundane and embraces the extraordinary.

The world needs more glitter, my darling dears. It needs more twirling, more laughter, and more than a little bit of pink tulle. So, if you see a tutu, take a twirl, and spread that vibrant love! And remember, the only limit to the magic you create is the power of your imagination.

And that's a wrap from North Shields. Stay tuned, my dears, because next week Pink Tutu Sparkles will be strutting her stuff in a brand-new location, filled with even more glittery surprises. Until then, stay happy, stay colourful, and remember... the world's a better place with a pink tutu in it.

Lots of love and sparkly hugs,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xXx

(Psst! Don't forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com for more fabulous posts, tips on how to create your own Pink Tutu look, and to find out how to bring your own dazzling Pink Tutu journey to life!)

#TutuQueen on 2018-03-17 stars in North Shields