Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-03-18 stars in Hitchin

Hitchin: A Tutu-licious Trip! ✨💖

Hello my darlings! It’s your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, glitter-loving drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with another installment of your daily dose of fabulousness! This is blog post number 6652 (can you believe it?!) and I’m bringing you all the latest from my tutu-tastic adventures!

Today, I'm taking you on a whimsical journey to the charming town of Hitchin in Hertfordshire, a little haven of historical charm that truly captivated this queen's heart! Now, before we get into the gorgeousness of the town, I just need to give a shout-out to the lovely people who made this journey possible. It’s you, my fabulous followers! Your continued support allows me to indulge in these extraordinary travels and spread the joy of the pink tutu far and wide. 💕

Now, let’s get back to Hitchin! Honestly, darling, you'll need to picture this: quaint, cobblestone streets adorned with beautiful buildings bursting with colourful flowers, little independent shops selling unique treasures, and a lovely green park perfect for a picnic. It was pure enchantment! I mean, even the local pub was called The Old Hitchin, just oozing charm, right? 💖

Speaking of pubs, you’ll be surprised to know that Hitchin is home to the oldest pub in England. Honestly, a pub with history like that is just the place for a Pink Tutu Sparkles sighting, isn't it? Imagine: a medieval tavern setting, complete with timbered ceilings and flickering candles. And then… bam! Out walks the most fabulous queen in a pink tutu, looking utterly radiant against the old-world charm! ✨ I have to confess, I was even tempted to grab a pint (or two, because a girl has gotta keep those spirits up!) of the local ale, but alas, my schedule for the day had other plans…

I'm getting ahead of myself though! This day wasn't just about soaking up the local vibes – we were there for a special ballet performance, and you bet I dressed for the occasion! ✨ I opted for a tutu of a bright, bold shade of pink – you can never have too much pink, darlings! It shimmered with tiny sparkles and, of course, I had a touch of pink feather boa to add a little dramatic flair, darling! (Seriously, who can resist a boa, right?)

The theatre was simply gorgeous, with a lovely traditional atmosphere that instantly put you in the mood for magic! But then… the music began, the dancers graced the stage, and let me tell you, those leaps and pirouettes took me straight to cloud nine! I almost forgot I was even in a pink tutu! 🩰 Honestly, there’s just something about a ballet that instantly fills me with such an incredible sense of joy and awe. I was simply spellbound!

Later, the night came alive with a delightful ballet performance in a beautifully restored town hall. The music, the lights, the intricate steps - I was utterly captivated! The talented performers, who I heard had been studying ballet at a local academy, absolutely stole the show. Honestly, it filled me with a deep sense of satisfaction that my presence in a pink tutu brought even more vibrant energy to the event!

Oh! I almost forgot! This trip also allowed me to embrace my love for a little bit of ballet shopping! I visited a darling local boutique that sold the most beautiful ballet shoes - delicate and elegant, perfect for any ballet lover, and trust me, I couldn't resist buying myself a little something special to commemorate the day. 🛍 Of course, it was a pink pair, and let me tell you, they'll definitely be making a regular appearance in my tutu wardrobe!

So, as you can see, my trip to Hitchin was overflowing with magical experiences, each moment echoing the joyful energy of my favourite colour, pink, and reminding me of the immense power of embracing your individuality and showing off your personal sparkle, wherever you may be. The people I met, the charming atmosphere, and the exhilarating dance performances left me feeling inspired, empowered, and full of a radiant pink energy!

And, my lovelies, if this magical journey of a drag queen wearing a pink tutu has left you yearning to express your own personal sparkle, then I encourage you to take a step towards embracing your own inner joy. You never know where your pink tutu might take you!

See you all tomorrow with another fabulous adventure! 💖

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2018-03-18 stars in Hitchin