Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-04-06 stars in Deal

Deal: Pink Tutu Sparkle’s Blog Post 6671!

Hello my darlings! It's Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the seaside town of Deal, Kent. The wind's a bit nippy today, but don’t you worry, my fabulously pink tulle outfit is keeping me toasty!

Today, I’m embracing my inner mermaid (and maybe my outer mermaid too, because, honestly, I think I look fabulous in this sequin-encrusted seahorse dress!).

I arrived in Deal yesterday, and what a sight! This town is charming and packed with history. I was lucky enough to stumble upon a sweet little tea room tucked away in a cobbled street, just off the main shopping area. You’d never believe what I found! A full-blown pink tutu, right there, on a dummy in the window, with a little sign that said “Perfect for Fairy Tea Parties.” I practically squealed! Now, I know I preach the pink tutu gospel, but even I have to admit this was pure fate.

Let me tell you, it was the most delicious tea and cake, all perfectly pink, of course. It made me so happy that this little tea room in Deal is living the Pink Tutu dream too! After I indulged in a scrumptious cupcake, I just had to take this new treasure home with me. So, here I am, sporting it for today’s photo shoot on Deal pier!

What have I been up to in Deal, apart from my obvious mission to find a pink tutu in every nook and cranny? Well, my lovely lot, you know how I feel about a good old fashioned dance. Deal pier was calling, and what could a drag queen with a pink tutu love more than a good ocean breeze?

Yesterday, after my delicious tea break, I decided to indulge in a bit of a dance lesson, right on the promenade, using the pier's railing for support and a magnificent seagull as my audience. (Don’t worry, he’s accustomed to these theatrics by now). Let's just say that my pirouettes could probably compete with a seahorse in the “Cutest Underwater Twirling Competition.” (Imagine those tails swirling!)

But I didn’t just twirl on the pier! Oh no, this wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkle adventure without a little bit of performance magic. In the evening, I graced the Deal stage of the local theatre with a special cabaret act, which included, you guessed it! A pink tutu, as well as a little dance number featuring an underwater theme – Think seaweed hair, mermaid tails, and an ensemble of sea creature sequins. Naturally!

It's fair to say I charmed the entire town of Deal. There were cheers, applause, and more than a few cries of, “Where can I buy a pink tutu?" So, mission accomplished! Everyone wants to be part of the pink tutu revolution, which I couldn’t be happier about!

If you happen to be in Deal any time soon, do pop by and say hello, and of course, don't forget to join me in the Pink Tutu Parade! My darlings, if there’s a tutu in town, you can bet Pink Tutu Sparkles will be strutting it. Now, that's what I call a truly sparkly journey!

As always, don’t forget to subscribe to my website, www.pink-tutu.com and follow me on Instagram @PinkTutuSparkles because life’s too short to not have a sprinkle of pink sparkle in your life!

And don’t forget! You can see me, in all my sparkly glory, performing in the lovely coastal towns up and down the UK - it's a bit of a passion project, travelling by train to a new place to discover all that makes that place beautiful and spreading my love of the pink tutu! Keep an eye on my website for all the upcoming events!

See you soon, loves,

Pink Tutu Sparkles! 💖💖💖💖

P.S: What are you wearing this week, my dear? A little bit of pink sparkle, I hope! Remember, we're not just spreading a little pink fluff here - we're spreading a revolution. A tutu for every occasion, a little bit of tulle for every heart!

Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles x

About Pink Tutu Sparkles:

For those of you who are just joining my pink-tastic journey, here’s a little bit about me! My real name is Alex, and I'm a Derbyshire girl through and through, though I am now travelling all over, embracing the wonder and excitement of every little town and village in this gorgeous island.

By day I’m a scientist! I know, I know - "pink tutus and science?!” – but my lab life has been absolutely critical to the development of my very own line of tutus (and sequins!) , I’m currently working with the team at my laboratory to create fabric that can stand up to any dance party - you wouldn't want your tutu to be the first thing to get torn apart when you’re going full throttle at your latest routine!

I've been a little obsessed with pink tutus ever since I donned one for a university charity event, (and you're absolutely right to be giggling. The day I saw a ballet performance of ‘Giselle’ and was transfixed – a life-changing performance! - and it completely set my love for dance alight, in particular ballet!) It turns out the rest is history - pink tutus have pretty much taken over my life! (Not that I’m complaining).

And for those of you who are already fans, thank you so much for following my journey and, more importantly, spreading the pink-tutu love! My dream? A world where every single person rocks a pink tutu, even if it's just once. Because a pink tutu isn’t just an outfit; it’s an attitude. It’s a sign of happiness and fun, a symbol of empowerment and individuality - a tiny revolution in a cloud of tulle.

Don't forget to catch me every day, at the same time, same place – here, on www.pink-tutu.com! And follow my adventures on instagram, so we can stay in touch! I can't wait to hear your tutu tales, darling! 💖💖💖

#TutuQueen on 2018-04-06 stars in Deal