
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-05-09 stars in Rhyl

Rhyl - Where Pink Tutues are Kings! ๐Ÿ‘‘ (Blog Post #6704)

Hello my darlings! It's your favourite Pink Tutu Sparkles, bringing you another dazzling dose of glamour from the world of tutus, trains, and all things fabulous! Today, I'm whisking you away to the charming seaside town of Rhyl, where I've just spent a delightful afternoon basking in the sunshine, twirling in my signature pink tutu, and spreading the joy of sequins far and wide.

This journey started like many others โ€“ a train journey. Yes, my darlings, I'm a creature of comfort and find the rhythmic sway of the carriage to be incredibly soothing. Besides, nothing says 'fairytale travel' like a trip on a train! Plus, you never know what kind of fabulous outfit you might spot amongst the commuters - a splash of colour always brightens the day!

Arriving in Rhyl, I was immediately struck by the vibrant energy of this coastal town. It's full of friendly faces, colourful beach huts, and that wonderful seaside smell of salt and ice cream - just heavenly! The locals were absolutely charming - such warm and welcoming folks!

As soon as I stepped onto the sandy shore, I felt a sudden urge to twirl! And what better place to do it than in front of Rhyl's stunning pier? My pink tutu fluttered in the sea breeze, its vibrant colour a delightful contrast to the blue sky. As always, I couldn't resist grabbing a selfie or two for my loyal followers on www.pink-tutu.com!

My evening was jam-packed with fabulous fun, starting with a visit to the "Rhyl Pavilion", a grand old theatre brimming with charm and history. Oh, the sheer magic of those old stage curtains, the soft glow of the footlights, and the palpable buzz of anticipation!

Of course, I had to showcase my signature sparkle, and I graced the Pavilion's stage for a brief performance โ€“ think glitz, glam, and some serious twirling! I know some people think I'm crazy, dressing up in a tutu to entertain, but I find such joy in bringing a little magic to people's lives. It's about making someone smile, a shared moment of laughter, and the magic that comes with expressing yourself without boundaries.

Then it was off to a charming local pub called "The Anchor", where I found myself right at home amongst the friendly locals. Laughter, good conversation, and even a cheeky dance or two โ€“ thereโ€™s nothing I love more than spreading joy through the power of music and movement. It turned out the barmaid, a sweet lass called Sarah, had been a ballet dancer back in her youth - imagine that, a secret passion for pirouettes hidden behind that pint glass! We ended up having a fascinating conversation about her childhood ballet days and the thrill of being onstage.

But before I wrap this post up, darlings, I must confess to a secret: one of my favourite finds in Rhyl wasn't an ice cream cone or a stunning seaside view, but a beautiful antique shop! I spotted the most adorable pink silk hat tucked away on a dusty shelf โ€“ I practically gasped! This magnificent piece was meant for me! And as fate would have it, the hat perfectly complimented my trusty pink tutu!

Iโ€™m sure youโ€™re wondering how my trusty pink tutu survived a day at the beach! I never venture outside without my secret weapon, a lightweight, yet utterly charming, plastic travel bag that allows my tutu to safely make every trip! I know, what a stroke of genius, it came to me in a dream during my last train trip! I even added a pocket for my trusty powder compact to touch up those sparkly highlights. And naturally, every Pink Tutu Sparkleโ€™s travels are always accompanied by a handy folding mirror and a small makeup bag. I can't bear to be caught unawares, not even in a seaside town!

Remember darlings, even a small touch of sparkle can bring big smiles and joy to the world. Never be afraid to embrace your own unique brand of fabulousness - go forth and shine! And as always, my darlings, wear your tutus with pride, especially the pink ones!

Keep it sassy, keep it sparkly, and until next time, keep those tutus twirling! ๐Ÿ’–

Yours always,

Pink Tutu Sparkles ๐Ÿ’‹

#TutuQueen on 2018-05-09 stars in Rhyl