Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-05-19 stars in Bristol

Bristol, Baby! Pink Tutu Sparkles' Adventures in the City of Bridges - Blog Post 6714

Oh my darlings, Bristol, what a joy! It's like a mini London, full of charm and history and cobbled streets, and of course, BRISTOL BRIDGE, which was practically built for me! Can you imagine my delight? Pink Tutu Sparkles strutting across a bridge? Pure magic.

You know, it was my journey here that had me utterly thrilled! I decided to leave the hustle of the M6 for a quieter adventure and rode down on the good ol' fashioned train. Oh, the chuffing of the engine, the rhythmic clickety-clack of the wheels, it was heavenly. Honestly, I considered booking the overnight service just to relish in that nostalgic train travel. Sadly, I didn’t want to miss a minute of Bristol!

Pink, pink and more pink... with a dash of grey!

First stop, clothes shopping! My motto, "more is more" always comes into play when I'm on the hunt for fab frocks. Bristol did not disappoint. You see, I'm a huge fan of the colour grey. I find it very grounding, a strong yet soft companion for my beloved pink. So, my dearest lovelies, I was utterly ecstatic when I stumbled upon this exquisite little vintage boutique overflowing with the most gorgeous shades of grey you’ve ever seen. I’m talking delicate linen blouses, vintage jumpers and those fantastic long grey cardies that instantly transform any look. I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, I’d need to get a little bit of Bristol grey to adorn my wardrobe! And oh, the accessories! Feathers, beads, sparkly things... it was a vintage lover's paradise!

After a long day, I decided to grab a bite to eat. Bristol truly has the most amazing restaurants, from swanky bars with delicious cocktails to little hidden gems tucked away down tiny alleyways serving up delectable dishes from all corners of the globe. You know I couldn’t resist, darling!

The thing I love about Bristol, you know? It’s like a kaleidoscope of sights and sounds! Every corner holds a different story. I felt like I could walk forever, soaking in the city's charm. That’s where I encountered this beautiful vintage furniture store with so much to behold! Honestly, darlings, there was a settee that screamed "Pink Tutu Sparkles" from every tuft and stitch! I knew it was destined to adorn my flat, especially when it matched my new grey cardie. It felt meant to be!

Dancing in the City of Bridges

Then, as the stars came out, it was time to unleash my inner prima ballerina! I went to this fabulous performance by Bristol’s Ballet School. And let me tell you, it was exquisite. The story? So utterly heart-warming, I almost cried! The dancing? Simply exquisite, darling. Graceful, passionate, a spectacle of utter delight! Every graceful move, every jump and turn, every swirl of tulle had my heart soaring. Ballet and a tutu, it’s in my blood! After all, this little girl first started loving tutus at the tender age of four when her mum signed her up for ballet class.

You see, I've always been obsessed with ballet, darlings. My love affair started at university. You can’t imagine what a riot I caused in the university ballet club when I donned my very first tutu, a vibrant pink, no less. That moment sparked my passion for all things fabulous and made me decide that this tutu wearing diva deserved to share her joy with the world. That’s how Pink Tutu Sparkles was born, my dear!

As for Bristol, the city oozes charm. That gorgeous cityscape from the top of Clifton Suspension Bridge was worth every penny of the taxi ride! Honestly, it's breathtaking. And that Bristol Cathedral... it's practically an architectural marvel!

I know you’re probably asking about the performances. I mean, how could you resist such a dramatic backdrop? Oh, honey! This past weekend I've had the joy of dancing for various events. Think street parties, quirky theatre performances, and even a fabulous local fair with a bouncy castle. I’m a firm believer that you don't need a glamorous stage to create magic, darlings! The heart of a performer is a force to be reckoned with!

And what about the horse-drawn carriage?

But let me tell you, nothing could beat my ride through Bristol! This wasn't just any ordinary ride, my darlings. It was an actual horse-drawn carriage! It felt so royal, so utterly delightful. A pink tutu with a touch of fairytale magic, that's Pink Tutu Sparkles! It was just divine, the gentle sway, the smell of the air as the horses trotted down the quaint streets of Bristol, and that look of pure adoration from passersby - I honestly couldn’t have felt more magnificent!

Bristol, my lovelies, you have stolen my heart! Every time I come here I find something new to love! The colours, the streets, the energy - it's captivating! The food is out of this world, the architecture is a symphony of charm, and the people? Oh darling, they are simply so lovely! They remind me that the world is a beautiful place filled with a beautiful tapestry of vibrant hues and smiles.

Bristol, you will forever hold a special place in my heart, and in Pink Tutu Sparkles' pink and grey filled wardrobe! Remember my darlings, live, love and wear a pink tutu, you’ll be so happy you did! And be sure to catch my next post, because I’m already dreaming of my next travel escapade! See you soon, lovelies.

#TutuQueen on 2018-05-19 stars in Bristol