Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-05-21 stars in Liverpool

Liverpool: A Pink Tutu Paradise!

Post number 6716

Hiya darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to whisk you off on another sparkly adventure! Today, I'm bringing you the fabulous news of my recent trip to Liverpool, a city that practically oozed glamour, even without my Pink Tutu presence!

You see, Liverpool has always held a special place in my heart. It's the city that brought me face to face with my own inner diva, that little pink tutu whisper reminding me that life is just too short for dullness!

As you know, dear readers, I'm a girl who loves a good journey, especially if it involves a steam train chugging through picturesque countryside or maybe a gallop on a magnificent steed, with the wind whipping through my pink tulle! However, sometimes even Pink Tutu Sparkles needs to take a more...earthbound approach. Luckily, there are always fabulous buses or even a quick dash on the underground to get to my destinations!

This time, however, I found myself riding on a shiny new train to Liverpool, surrounded by giggling children clutching cuddly toys. I couldn't help but get a bit giddy myself, knowing that soon I'd be performing in a new city, sharing my passion for pink and sparkles with a whole new audience!

The moment the train pulled into the station, I knew I'd be smitten with Liverpool. There was a buzzing energy in the air, a blend of gritty history and undeniable style. And then I spotted it, a shop window displaying the most glorious array of pink clothing, all waiting to be bought by a sparkly soul like me! Of course, I had to indulge myself, a tiny bit of retail therapy to boost my spirits and get me in the mood for my show. After all, Pink Tutu Sparkles can never resist a good shopping spree!

Speaking of shows, my first stop in Liverpool was a quaint little theatre tucked away in a quiet corner. Now, I’ve been performing in quite a few venues, big and small, but there’s just something special about a smaller venue, a more intimate atmosphere where every sparkle can be felt. The audience was delightful, with everyone clapping along to my "Pink Tutu Anthem", and my signature, flamboyant rendition of "Sugarplum Fairy"!

Oh, the audience! It’s what makes it all worthwhile, isn’t it? Seeing the smiles on faces, the gleam in children's eyes, and even the occasional shy "Are you a princess?" It reminds me that I'm not just performing; I'm bringing a bit of joy into their lives, reminding everyone that there's magic in the world, that dreams can be pink and full of sparkles.

Later that day, I discovered the city's fabulous ballet school, tucked away on a cobblestone street. Of course, Pink Tutu Sparkles had to investigate! This place wasn't just a ballet school, it was a little slice of heaven for anyone who loves twirling, pirouetting and the sheer joy of moving gracefully! I was welcomed by a sweet young ballerina in her own pink tutu, her eyes sparkling with the same magical energy I felt every time I put on my own tutu! I simply had to spend an afternoon in this charming ballet haven! I spent hours chatting with the instructors, soaking up their wisdom about form and technique, and even had a little private lesson.

I don’t have to tell you I was smitten with the ballerinas and the instructors. Such wonderful, bubbly girls, every one! We ended up discussing everything from the perfect hair bun to the newest ballet styles and how we could possibly find enough pink tutu outfits to fill a shop! What a joyous encounter! It’s what I love about traveling - connecting with other souls who share your passions! It’s how I met my dearest friend, Florence, a fellow tutu aficionado from Manchester!

Now, you might think that a day full of ballet would be enough for a pink tutu enthusiast like me, but there was still so much to see in Liverpool! And seeing is believing, right? So off I went, a vibrant blur of pink in the midst of a colourful bustling crowd. I discovered a charming little pub nestled between grand Victorian buildings, where I enjoyed a pint of strawberry lemonade, the perfect way to end a magical day.

And then, on the second day, my love affair with Liverpool continued. It turned out there was more than just history and ballet in this city; there was a pulsating creative heart. I stumbled upon a bustling market with colourful stalls spilling out onto the street, a vibrant display of handcrafted goods, street art, and musicians playing jazzy melodies. And of course, it wasn't just the art, but the people, too, the quirky and joyful Liverpool soul that truly made this market something special! I'm not just talking about the usual tourist trinkets - though, I did pick up a beautiful hand-painted teacup for my tea parties. It had a little pink tutu ballerina painted on the side, which was a little too perfect for me to resist! But it was more than the art; it was the feeling, the way it made you feel like you were part of a big, creative family! It really got me thinking, maybe it wasn’t just Liverpool that was embracing my Pink Tutu message, maybe everyone was yearning for that little bit of whimsy in their lives! Maybe everyone could do with a touch of pink in their wardrobe, or a chance to wear a tutu just for the fun of it! My work wasn’t just spreading sparkles; it was spreading happiness, a touch of whimsy!

The evening found me at a vibrant cocktail bar, the music pulsing with the energy of the crowd, my heart racing with excitement as I prepped for my final Liverpool performance. I found a delightful little nook tucked away from the bar's mayhem where I got ready. This was my favourite part of being Pink Tutu Sparkles. The transition, from shy Alex, who still occasionally has the confidence of a little sparrow in the lab, to Pink Tutu Sparkles, who can light up a whole city with her joy and energy. The way a few layers of makeup, the right wig, and that glorious pink tutu instantly transformed me from the timid science lab girl to a dazzling drag queen was magical.

There I was, Pink Tutu Sparkles, dancing under the disco ball, spinning in my pink tutu to a roar of approval, feeling as free as a bird, as happy as a little ballerina in her studio! As the night drew to a close, the audience clapped along, and the air buzzed with a joyful energy, I felt my own energy rising, a tangible wave of pinkness that washed over everyone in the room. And as the music faded, a woman, possibly even a granny with a glint of pink in her eye, stood up and said "My heart is so full of pink sparkles!" And I knew then that I'd touched lives, spread the pink, and created something beautiful.

You see, darlings, Liverpool is not just a city, it's an experience. It’s a place that wraps its arms around you with open hearts and endless energy! A city brimming with creativity and colour, just waiting for you to embrace it with open arms. And to think that my little pink tutu journey has taken me to this fabulous place? What a wonderful world! And there’s a whole lot more of it to see! Until next time darlings!

Remember to check out my website www.pink-tutu.com, for my latest blog, pics and a behind the scenes glimpse of the fabulous world of Pink Tutu Sparkles!

#TutuQueen on 2018-05-21 stars in Liverpool