
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-06-04 stars in Brighton

Brighton Belles and Pink Tutu Dreams - Post 6730

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and guess what?! Your girl is on the road again! Brighton is calling, and my tutu is packed and ready to twirl! I'm absolutely buzzing, I love this city, it's bursting with creativity and colour. Brighton is, as the locals say, "A bit different." That's why I love it! You can be your fabulous, flamboyant, most authentic self here, and nobody bats an eyelid. Just the way I like it!

Now, this trip has been a long time coming, folks. I first performed at the Brighton Fringe Festival way back in 2017. That was my first solo show in a festival setting and it was truly a transformative experience. Ever since, I've wanted to return, and this year I've finally made it. This time I'm not just performing at the festival, I'm here for the entire week! I've booked myself a tiny little room right by the seafront - you can hear the waves crashing from my window! It's perfect, as I have shows to do at the Pavilion Theatre, some street performance in the heart of the Lanes and, of course, plenty of opportunities for shopping.

So let's get to the fashion, my loves! First off, I packed all my pink tutus, naturally. You never know what you might need! I've got my trusty go-to feather-trimmed "Whimsical Waltz" number, my ultra-dramatic "Sparkling Sunrise" piece that makes even the pigeons blush, and a brand-new shimmering sequin creation that just screams Brighton beach chic. Speaking of beach chic, I've picked up some stunning beachwear on my travels. My newest favourite is this gorgeous pink floral number I found at a quirky little vintage shop tucked away in the Lanes. The detail is divine! And the best part is that I'll look absolutely spectacular for a day out on the beach, a walk by the sea, or a performance at one of the many outdoor events happening here this week.

For my performances, I've added some bold colours to my look. We're talking emerald green, sapphire blue and that fabulous sunset orange, perfectly clashing with all those shades of pink. The Brighton vibes are just electric, and I've decided my look has to reflect that. I'm definitely channelling "glam rock ballerina", all sparkles and sassy hair, a hint of mischief, and all the confidence in the world. You know how I love a good transformation, darlings, and Brighton provides the perfect playground.

Speaking of transformations, I've discovered something amazing, something utterly brilliant and fabulous. Brighton, as you might know, has a stunning, thriving dance scene. While browsing in the Lanes, I found a cute little boutique filled with beautiful, bespoke ballet shoes. It's called "Dancing Feet." How divine, right? I snagged the most exquisite pink ballet pumps you've ever seen! The pink is so soft, and the glitter adds the perfect touch of sparkle! And the most exciting bit? I booked a special session with one of their resident ballet teachers! I mean, it's not every day a drag queen takes ballet class, and trust me, I am totally crushing it! (Okay, maybe I'm more "stumbling" and "graceful-ish" than full on "pro" - but I'm learning! And that's all that matters, right?)

Of course, it's not all about the glitz and glamour. Brighton is known for its inclusive, welcoming atmosphere. The community here is so warm and friendly. I even found myself in conversation with a group of lovely people who told me about the vibrant drag scene here in Brighton. I learned about a drag night dedicated to burlesque and cabaret called ā€œFeathers & Frecklesā€ ā€“ it sounds absolutely fantastic, I am going to check it out for sure! They were telling me that this place is renowned for embracing difference and showcasing artistic talents. I had no doubt about it, I was falling in love with Brighton more with each step I took, more with each story I heard. This place is bursting with inspiration, energy, and individuality.

I even tried a new form of travel today - imagine, Pink Tutu Sparkles on a horse! Donā€™t worry, darlings, the pink tutu remained safe and fabulous - but I had to tuck the feather trims in, just in case! Itā€™s something you can only do in Brighton, truly! We took a leisurely trot down to the pier and back - and let me tell you, I havenā€™t felt that happy in ages. I love the feel of fresh air and a bit of fresh-faced excitement. I even saw some lovely sheep along the way, a sight you'd rarely see in Derby, thatā€™s for sure.

But back to my journey. I am excited, you can tell, right? Brighton is so very special to me, you know, it was one of the first places that took me seriously, that showed me the real beauty and power of performing drag. And I am absolutely in my element here, sharing this journey with you lovely lot. And this adventure, of course, is going to go down in Pink Tutu history, along with my first visit to the Royal Pavilion and the best afternoon tea at The Grand Hotel (did I tell you about the delicious strawberry tarts? Oh, my dear! )

Iā€™m off to catch the sunset over the beach, in my pink sparkly tutu, to soak up the gorgeous Brighton evening air. I'll keep you updated on all the amazing happenings!

Donā€™t forget to keep checking back for my Brighton diary posts, darlings! There's lots more to come!

With a twirl and a sprinkle of sparkle,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

#TutuQueen on 2018-06-04 stars in Brighton