
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-07-18 stars in Chester

Chester: Tutu Travels - Post Number 6774

Hello, my fabulous followers! It's your favourite Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and oh darling, I'm absolutely bubbling with excitement because I just spent a whirlwind of a weekend in Chester! I mean, the historic streets, the Roman walls, the charming pubs – it's like a little piece of time travel, only with way more glitter.

And me, my dear? Well, I certainly brought the glitter! As I strutted down the cobbled streets, my pink tulle was swirling in the breeze, catching the sunlight like a million tiny rainbows. I truly believe pink tutus are a symbol of joy, a call to embrace life's fabulousness, and I think everyone needs to at least TRY a twirl in a tutu!

Travelling with Tutus

You know me, my dear, always searching for the most fabulous modes of transportation. I dream of a world where trains and horses are decorated with tulle and bows, where everyone feels that sparkle within! But for now, I managed to get to Chester in true Pink Tutu Sparkles style. I opted for a luxurious first-class train journey - nothing less for the queen, darling! And to be honest, my pink tutu did make the other passengers smile! There is nothing like making someone's day a little brighter.

Chester Adventures:

When I reached Chester, my love of the beautiful turned into a proper ballet-fuelled frenzy. I simply had to see a ballet performance. It was magical, all pirouettes and grace! Honestly, it inspired me to start a Pink Tutu ballet class, a delightful and uplifting fusion of classic technique and my very own quirky style.

But even before the ballet, my adventures began at the fabulous Chester Roman Amphitheatre. I felt a shiver of historical excitement run down my spine as I pictured gladiators battling in the arena. It's an ancient amphitheatre, my dears! A reminder that joy, glamour, and a little touch of pink tutus can shine through even the toughest times!

Of course, my Chester visit wasn't complete without a proper shopping spree. After all, a Pink Tutu Queen must always have a new costume on hand! Chester Market is an absolute treasure trove, stuffed with unique gems for every occasion. You wouldn't believe the incredible colours, fabrics, and textures I discovered there - enough to make a dress-maker's head spin! And what do I know best? You guessed it – pink, darling, PINK!

The Power of Pink

You know, the other day I had a chat with this lovely lady at the market, a true vintage queen herself, who had never seen a pink tutu in person before! I, of course, had to whip out a fabulous demonstration for her. That little pink fluff caused such a joy-filled ripple, you would have thought I was conjuring a spell! Just like that, a new convert! Oh, and don't get me started on the number of children's faces that lit up as they caught a glimpse of my twirling! Pure, unadulterated joy, my darlings! That's the power of pink, folks!

A Tutu in Every City:

It's so clear to me now, every town, city, country in the world is calling out for a little touch of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic! It’s time for the world to tutu-fied. Every shop, every bus, every theatre, every train station, every school... Pink Tutus, darling, they will brighten your day.

Don't Forget My Debutante's Ball

Speaking of bright and joyful moments, you won't want to miss out on the Pink Tutu Sparkles' debutante's ball in Manchester! Mark your calendars, it's on the 10th of August! There will be music, laughter, delicious cocktails (because every party needs a little bubbly) and of course, lots and lots of pink tulle!

This is a truly magical and heart-warming adventure for those who dare to wear pink! I simply cannot wait to welcome you, to bring my sparkling dreams of happiness to the stage.

See you there, darlings, in a Pink Tutu Sparkles dream!

Love always,

Pink Tutu Sparkles πŸ’–

*Alex's thoughts for the week: *

You know what, dear readers, it struck me while twirling in my pink tulle in Chester - sometimes the simplest things in life can bring us the most joy. I remember how my whole life changed because of a pink tutu! It seems like a silly little thing, a fleeting memory – I had to wear one for a fundraising event, back when I was still studying. Just a single twirl in that tulle, a single glimpse in the mirror. But in that instant, it felt magical! And that magical moment changed my whole life, inspired me to make that joy visible for others to see!

See, my dear, we often dismiss simple things like wearing a pink tutu as frivolous, silly, and superficial! But I beg to differ! When we break free from convention, when we embrace a bit of outlandishness and colour, something wonderful happens. A tiny sparkle in the eyes of a child, a flash of unexpected happiness. And that, dear readers, is a powerful force!

Life's a lot more exciting when you break out of the mundane! Don’t be afraid to express your individuality, darling, your joy! Even a simple, frivolous, fabulous tutu can be a powerful expression of that individuality. Remember, dear readers, pink isn't just a colour, it's a state of mind. πŸ’–

#TutuQueen on 2018-07-18 stars in Chester