Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-08-05 stars in South Shields

South Shields: A Tutu-tastic Adventure! 🩰💖

Hello, darlings! It's your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from post number 6792 on the glorious www.pink-tutu.com! Buckle up your pinkest shoes, grab your sparkly finest, and join me on another fantastic voyage into the magical world of tutus and twirls!

This time, I’m whisking us off to the charming seaside town of South Shields! I can't tell you how much I love train journeys – there's something so romantic and exciting about travelling by steam engine or rocking to the rhythmic clatter of the tracks. I mean, there's a reason it features in so many wonderful ballet stories! So imagine my delight when I discovered I could reach South Shields with a picturesque train ride – all part of the thrill of travelling to new places as a drag artist! It’s all part of my mission: to bring the joy of pink tutus to every corner of this magnificent kingdom, and perhaps beyond!

You see, darlings, my love for tutus is more than just a passion, it's a life force! You see, I wasn't born a glitter-clad queen; in my "day job" I'm just your average, well, not average because my hair is always a shade of rainbow... anyway, I'm a scientist! But under the fluorescent lab lights and the gentle hum of Bunsen burners, a secret flame burns bright – the love of pink tutus. It all started back in my university days, studying a perfectly sensible science degree. I was a bit of a bookworm but always found myself drawn to the dance floor. Our university ballet club was having a fundraiser, and they had a few old tutus up for grabs – a dusty, vintage, pastel-pink dream, complete with frayed netting. I'll never forget how I felt slipping that fluffy tulle around my waist – like I was taking on the world in a cloud of pink happiness! From that moment on, I knew I had to bring my unique vision of joy and sparkles to the world!

So, my journey as a drag artist took flight. With each performance, I learned to use my art as a platform to spread love and celebrate individuality – reminding everyone that life’s a little more fun with a touch of pink tutu magic. It’s also pretty amazing how being Pink Tutu Sparkles allows me to travel and perform for amazing audiences. From glittering gala balls to small-town festivals, the stage becomes my world – a platform for sharing the joy of dancing, the joy of tutus, and most importantly, the joy of being yourself!

The South Shields stage beckoned me this time. The seaside breeze had a touch of twinkle in its dance as I approached the venue. It was a small, intimate space – perfect for a touch of magic. I imagined my act as a whimsical ballet in a seaside garden, a whimsical spectacle of colour and delight, with a touch of theatricality! I was going to dazzle them with my latest tutu creation: a vibrant floral print with pink satin ribbon bows, paired with my signature "Pink Princess" lipstick and some statement eyelashes that could only be described as “extra!”

My fellow performers were amazing! They really helped get me in the mood. They reminded me what makes being a drag artist so incredible: the community, the love, the support. And, of course, the constant inspiration. Before I even hit the stage, I was feeling the magic! But it wasn't all smooth sailing; you see, the performance wasn’t in a typical stage setting – it was right by the beach! It was definitely a new challenge but my heart leaped with the possibility. I mean, imagine! The crashing waves as background music, the salty sea air brushing through the fluffy tulle... truly inspiring!

My stage was ready. A bright pink canvas was stretched out across the sandy expanse – it was almost as if a wave of glitter had washed over the beach. The lights were ready, the music was cueing, and I was dressed to the nines! It was showtime! My introduction music soared, the crowds roared with excitement. I sashayed across the beach in a whirlwind of tulle and shimmer – my floral tutu a kaleidoscope of pink petals as I pirouetted. It was sheer joy, it was sheer brilliance! The applause roared louder with every twirl, with every pirouette! The children's eyes were wide with wonder – it was truly heart-melting.

We performed for an hour straight, filled with glitz and glitter, music and movement – we were making magic happen right on the beautiful South Shields shore. My dance partner – a local drag performer called "Ruby Rhapsody" – and I had a blast improvising with the children. They loved having us take photos with them, and some were even brave enough to twirl in my fabulous spare tutu.

The end of the performance brought the most fantastic round of applause, it felt like the entire South Shields shoreline was buzzing with excitement. I felt pure bliss, like a pink fairy dancing on a beach, knowing that I had brought a little sparkle to their day. That's the magic of drag, you know – it’s a form of self-expression that transcends gender, it celebrates individuality, and reminds us that life is a glorious spectacle filled with infinite possibilities. I, for one, am committed to spreading that magic everywhere I go!

Now, darlings, a little something from my trusty travel diary!

  • South Shields Market: You can’t come to a coastal town and not hit the local markets. My motto: If it’s sparkly, I buy it! I stocked up on pink trinkets and even found a beautiful pink velvet tote bag!
  • The North Pier: We’re in a seaside town, darlings! You can’t come here without strolling along the North Pier. A cup of tea in hand (no pink milk in South Shields!) is a great way to take in the stunning sea views!
  • The National Fish Quay: It wouldn’t be a coastal trip without indulging in fresh, locally caught fish! This charming spot also boasts quirky independent shops, it’s just begging to be explored!
  • The Old Lighthouse: You know how much I love a bit of architecture, the lighthouse really had that nautical glamour and charm with a history as dramatic as one of my grand drag performances.

Now that my travels are complete and my fabulous adventure has come to an end, it's time to pack up my sparkle, my pinkest tutu and say goodbye to the magical South Shields shore!

This is your Pink Tutu Sparkles signing out! Don’t forget, darlings, to grab your own tutu, step into your pinkest outfit, and find a reason to sparkle in life. I know it can be daunting but let me tell you - there’s nothing like dancing with joy!

Until next time, remember to always embrace the power of Pink!

xx Pink Tutu Sparkles ✨ www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuQueen on 2018-08-05 stars in South Shields