Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-10-14 stars in Ashton

Ashton Adventures: A Pink Tutu Wonderland!

Hello Darlings!

It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, bringing you post number 6862, straight from the glamorous, sparkling, and oh-so-pink world of www.pink-tutu.com! Today, I'm bursting with excitement to tell you all about my amazing trip to Ashton, a town steeped in history and charm (and just a tad bit of magic, I suspect).

Now, before we dive into the fabulous adventures that awaited me, I need to tell you how I got here. You see, my journey started like all my favourite fairy tales – a whimsical, unexpected encounter with a majestic steed. A trusty chestnut mare, all prancing and whinnying, whisked me away from Derbyshire, my darling home, to the lovely, green meadows and quaint lanes of Ashton. I do love a good train journey too, but let's be honest, there's nothing quite like feeling the wind in your hair and the ground thrumming beneath you while a noble horse carries you onwards.

So, with the sun painting the sky in hues of rose gold, and me twirling in my pinkest tutu (a newly-acquired gem with glittering, iridescent sequins, I must tell you!), we arrived in Ashton. The moment I stepped into town, I could feel a special kind of magic weaving its way around me. The air buzzed with anticipation for my grand arrival, which, let's face it, always draws quite a crowd.

My first stop had to be, of course, Ashton’s charming local dance academy, "The Ballet Academy." You see, this is not just any academy. It has been around for centuries, its reputation spreading far and wide for its strict standards, top-notch tutors, and a tradition of excellence. You just know this is where real magic happens. As I sauntered through the graceful doors, I saw children's eyes wide with wonder as they watched me gracefully enter, twirling and smiling. My mission? Inspire the next generation to embrace the glorious world of ballet, of course!

A Fairytale Performance!

But the fun didn't stop there, darling! After the ballet school, my trusty steed carried me straight to the Ashton Fair. Oh, the joy of a fairground – candy floss, rides, the rhythmic rumble of games of chance, the clinking of laughter… pure magic! I was truly in my element. My stage had been prepared, a lovely little stand tucked away under a canopy of fairy lights, where I would be performing my most dazzling set! It's truly wonderful when I get to share my love of music, performance, and tutus with a large audience of smiling, enthusiastic faces. This day was truly a joyous symphony!

And of course, there was a fair bit of dancing involved! My performance that day included a sassy burlesque piece, followed by a vibrant rendition of a popular number from The Nutcracker. I always bring a touch of camp to the traditional - there was no way I was going to perform without my iconic pink tutu, shimmering with the fairy dust of Ashton itself! My act had a delightful mix of sass, sophistication, and of course, a whole heaping helping of tutu-licious charm. And when you're wearing pink, let's be honest, everyone notices!

I truly believe in using my platform to spread a message of joy, self-acceptance, and the beauty of finding magic in the unexpected. And this fair gave me the chance to do just that. From young girls to elderly gentlemen, every single person in the crowd was touched by the shimmering aura of my pink tutu and my infectious energy. The smiles on everyone's faces were the real treasure, worth far more than any prize at the fairground, darling!

Discovering Ashton’s Secrets!

Now, no trip to Ashton would be complete without exploring its charming lanes, right? And what better way to do that than in the elegant comfort of a vintage horse-drawn carriage! My charming coachman, a man as dashing as he was kind, guided me along the winding, picturesque lanes of Ashton, each street boasting its unique charm, and its own secret little wonders.

The history of Ashton was truly captivating, and its cobblestone streets felt like I'd travelled back in time. The beauty of these historical towns is truly mesmerizing. I think that’s one of my favourite things about the UK, it’s such a tapestry of centuries past interwoven into our lives in the present.

I stopped at the local shops, which seemed to be a delightful blend of vintage finds and modern artisan crafts. I just had to treat myself to some delightful pink additions to my wardrobe, you see. A beautiful feather boa, so pink and fluffy that it could only have been made for a queen like myself. A silk scarf with intricate designs, perfect for adding that extra dash of sparkle to my already fabulous looks.

Oh, and I simply had to get a cupcake. Pink icing, of course! It's no secret that I have a weakness for anything pink, but it's more than just a preference - it’s a symbol of my own joy, strength, and unwavering belief in the magic of a good time.

Dancing my Way Through Ashton!

And of course, my adventure wouldn’t be complete without a ballet lesson, right? After all, I love everything ballet, from the exquisite costumes and the graceful movements to the profound stories they tell! And in Ashton, there was a charming ballet class that welcomed me with open arms and a generous sprinkling of glitter. I loved being amongst like-minded souls who found as much joy as I do in pirouettes and pliés. The lesson itself was just the right balance of rigor and creativity - the instructor had us learning some fantastic steps but also let us play with expressing our own individual style. That's what I truly love about ballet - it's not just about performing steps flawlessly, but expressing yourself from the heart!

With my tutu on and my heart filled with inspiration, I sashayed through Ashton. The air was filled with the gentle hum of music, the sound of children playing, and the warm laughter of families coming together. The town felt alive, vibrant, and filled with joy. It reminded me so much of my own childhood dreams and how they blossomed into the life I live now, performing and spreading love for pink tutus across the world!

I felt that deep down, Ashton's beauty truly mirrored the inner beauty I felt when performing - the kind that spreads out from the heart and brings people together.

Until Next Time, Darling!

Well, darlings, it’s time for me to pack my glittery bags and prepare for my next journey! Ashton was everything I hoped for and more, proving once again that adventures, even those on a horse's back, are meant to be shared with the world.

But remember this: a little sprinkle of magic, a touch of pink, and a whole lot of twirling can take you anywhere!

See you soon, my lovelies!

With sparkling kisses,

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

#TutuQueen on 2018-10-14 stars in Ashton