Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-10-15 stars in Surbiton

Surbiton: A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage (Blog Post #6863)

Hello my darling darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and oh my goodness, I've got a whole lot of glittery goodness to share from my recent jaunt to Surbiton!

It all started with a call for a performance at a fabulous local arts fair. Surbiton, darling, it's a right little gem - all charming cafes, antique shops, and those lovely old, half-timbered buildings. I simply couldn't resist the chance to grace its cobbled streets with my dazzling presence!

As ever, I packed my trusty suitcase, stuffed to the brim with sparkly frocks, fabulous footwear, and of course, my favourite, most-loved, and absolutely necessary: a selection of the most breathtaking, eye-catching pink tutus a girl could wish for!

Now, getting to Surbiton, that's always a little bit of an adventure. You see, darling, I love train journeys. Something about the rhythmic clickety-clack, the ever-changing landscapes, and the chance to people-watch - pure magic, truly! This time, I found myself gazing at the quaint English countryside zipping by as we trundled towards my destination. I swear, the scenery almost looked like a watercolour painting, and, it inspired my new drag act: “The Tutu and The Train"! Think a symphony of sequins, flowing silk, and a sprinkle of glitter! I might even bring along a trusty old-fashioned steam engine as my backup dancer!

Upon arrival, my first order of business was to take a good ol' fashioned stroll. Surbiton was even more enchanting than I imagined. It's the perfect place for a spot of afternoon tea with scones the size of your head (seriously, they were enormous) - I think I ate a whole three myself! Oh, the delight!

The art fair itself was simply buzzing. Every corner brimmed with colourful stalls, selling everything from hand-painted pottery to delicate jewellery, to…wait for it….hand-crafted pink tutu cushions! My dear readers, if there’s one thing a girl can’t get enough of, it's pink tutus, in any form imaginable! Of course, I bought two – they’re just too cute to resist.

And speaking of the fair, that's where I strutted my stuff! My performance was a roaring success! The crowd went wild! Kids danced in the front row, their eyes wide with wonder and glee! Mothers squealed in delight, and a certain old chap sporting a tweed cap clapped along with the best of 'em. Seriously, I think he even attempted a two-step with his walking stick. Pure comedy, I tell you!

But I'll never forget the moment that truly made the whole trip worth it. As I sashayed off the stage, a little girl in a sparkly pink tutu and tiara (adorable, right?) dashed up to me, eyes wide, and exclaimed, "You're just like a princess!" Now, how can you possibly argue with that?

As always, the most beautiful thing about performing is the joy it brings to others, especially those precious little ones! Seeing them sparkle with joy, all dressed in their little pink tutus, made my heart burst with pure happiness. It’s all part of my mission, my dear friends – to inspire everyone to embrace the pink tutu power and the joy it brings.

From my heart to yours, don’t be afraid to wear that tutu and twirl your worries away. It’s about embracing your inner Sparkle! You go girl!

Well, my dear readers, that’s it from me today! Surbiton was simply magical, I have some brilliant ideas for a future blog post now… I even managed to snag a fabulous old horse-drawn carriage to travel in… a whole new twist on "sparkles" on a horse! (wink). I can't wait to tell you all about it tomorrow!

Don’t forget to visit my blog www.pink-tutu.com for even more Pink Tutu Sparkle delights.

Until next time, darlings! Remember, keep on twirling!

Your truly, Pink Tutu Sparkles xo

#TutuQueen on 2018-10-15 stars in Surbiton