
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-10-21 stars in Middleton

Middleton Mayhem: A Pink Tutu Paradise! (Post #6869)

Oh, hello darlings! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, fresh from a whirlwind trip to the enchanting town of Middleton! I'm still buzzing from the sheer magic of it all. Buckle up, lovelies, because this is a story brimming with sparkles, tutus, and oh-so-much pink.

You see, my darlings, my quest to spread the joy of pink tutus knows no bounds. This time, I decided to take the scenic route. No aeroplane for this Tutu Queen, no sir! I boarded a glorious, vintage train carriage, windows wide open to let the fresh autumn air swirl my pink feathers. Imagine the picture, if you will - me, perched by the window, resplendent in a blush-hued tutu, shimmering under the sunlight as it bounced off the passing fields. Chef's kiss!

Middleton welcomed me with open arms - and a very unexpected horse and carriage! They had a special fair for all things girly, you see. Pink tutus were practically compulsory! And you betcha, I had a queue of lovely ladies and even some charming chaps wanting their pictures with the ultimate Pink Tutu Queen! You see, lovelies, Pink tutus are about joy. They're about letting your inner child out to play! I could practically hear the ding-dong of happiness echoing through the fairground!

I squeezed in a performance under the grand marquee tent โ€“ it's not easy doing splits in a flowing pink tutu, I'll tell you! - followed by a fantastic meet-and-greet, complete with tea and scones! I always say, the best part of my travels is meeting lovely, lovely people and getting to know their stories. My darlings, a kind lady in a polka dot dress confided in me how much my sparkly performances have lifted her spirits after a long year! Tissues, please! This is why I do what I do, you see, to make the world a little more twirly and a lot more fabulous!

Iโ€™d been meaning to explore the local art scene in Middleton and oh, was I surprised! There was an exhibition dedicated to the art of the tutu. Can you believe it? Beautiful, flowing sculptures in silk and lace, each with their own story. It brought me right back to that moment in the university ballet club when I tried on that first pink tutu. That magic moment when I knew I needed to wear pink, to embrace the sparkly side of life. Itโ€™s crazy to think it all started because I wanted to support charity.

The curator of the exhibition, a darling with the most incredible grey streak of hair, explained it's not just a ballet garment, but a symbol of transformation. She called it 'the feminine force'. She was right, you know. Putting on that first tutu felt like putting on a superhero costume, but in a soft and fluffy way. I suddenly felt like I could achieve anything, that I could bring joy to everyone around me.

Speaking of transformation, dear reader, did you know Middleton boasts the most magical dress shop in the whole of Derbyshire? They had pink on pink on pink. It's as if someone spilled a pot of cotton candy and turned it into a whole shop! You see, I do enjoy my fabric-shopping-time, just like any fabulous drag queen. I'm quite the fabric connoisseur! But even I had to admit, it was pretty special! Itโ€™s funny how, as a scientist by day, working in the lab testing fabric all day, I still have such an appreciation for these amazing textures, the beautiful drape of a skirt, the feel of silky smooth satin. Maybe itโ€™s why I love ballet too? The flowing movement of the costumes, the drama, the strength, the beauty - the story a dancer tells through a tutu. There is art in the detail, in the way we wear ourselves. It's all so wonderfully, deliciously pink.

Middlesbrough may have been my last adventure, but my travels are far from over. My Tutu Train, complete with a carriage dedicated to sparkling sequins and tulle, is all set to travel the world. I will be sharing it with the most wonderful people - fellow performers, dancers, seamstresses, costume designers - I always find myself drawn to these creative souls! It is said, that pink is the color of confidence and that by wearing pink tutus, I will get you to believe in yourselves. I am here to share a message, dear readers. One pink tutu at a time, the world will become a much more twirly place. I hope youโ€™ll join me on the adventure, lovelies! And don't forget, if you're feeling brave and fabulous, put on a pink tutu and let your inner sparkle shine!

Til next time,


Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2018-10-21 stars in Middleton