
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-11-08 stars in Herne Bay

Herne Bay: A Whirlwind of Pink Tutu Dreams! (Post #6887)

Hello darlings! Your Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back from another fabulous adventure. Today, I'm swirling in from Herne Bay, a seaside town with a seaside spirit! The sun was shining, the waves were crashing, and I was living my absolute best life - a little slice of heaven in a sea of pink tulle!

Itā€™s all happening for your favourite pink tutu queen, wouldn't you say? This week has been packed with dazzling delights and, naturally, enough pink to paint the whole town rosy! Remember last weekā€™s post, where I told you about getting invited to perform at a local fair? Well, darling, it was a true spectacle! From twirling my way across the stage to selling glitter bombs (a must-have, even for the boys!), it was a day that was definitely all about pink. And the response, oh, the response! Let me tell you, there were little girls shrieking in delight, mums and dads chuckling, and even a few grannies giving me a "bless you, love!" Isnā€™t that wonderful? I made so many little tutu-wearing friends! The fairground really felt like a dreamland.

Before we talk about my fairground shenanigans, let me take you back to how I got there - an exciting journey, of course! For this particular voyage, I decided to go by train - the wind in my hair and the sights whipping past were truly magical.

Have you ever traveled by train in drag, dearies? Let me tell you, it's quite an experience. It's all about striking the right balance. First, thereā€™s the whole ā€œI-look-absolutely-fabulous-even-while-travelingā€ aspect: the perfectly prepped hair, the statement makeup, the fabulously flamboyant attire. And, naturally, that magnificent pink tutu! Iā€™ll let you into a secret - I carry a spare set of leg warmers, a fluffy shawl, and a compact, specially chosen ā€œI've just arrived, don't mind me" look. That way, even when it's cold or a bit breezy, I can look my absolute best and I can seamlessly go from ā€œFabulous!ā€ to "Chic, donā€™t you think? "

Then, there's the "I'm not-causing-a-fuss-Iā€™m-just-here-to-have-a-great-time" element: being considerate, a sprinkle of sparkle, and maybe a bit of subtle interaction, you know, being your favourite Pink Tutu Sparkles but keeping it chic, darling. Because the key is to make it fun for everyone. Just me and the other passengers on an amazing, shimmering pink rollercoaster through the countryside!

It was all very exciting, very "I'm-the-star-of-the-show" ā€“ all without taking a single step on stage yet! But honestly, it is the little things, right?

Now, back to my performance! Oh, darlings, where do I even begin?! I danced my way through a medley of my favourite songs - from a sassy ā€˜Moulin Rougeā€™ inspired medley to some pure pop dance extravaganza - because, frankly, this Pink Tutu Queen has to show off!

You know me - all about that fun energy, that sassy smile, and that unmistakable touch of pinkā€¦ because, naturally, all performances have to feature a pink tutu. And wouldnā€™t you know it, a little girl came up to me, all shy and nervous, and she said, ā€œMiss Tutu Sparkles! I want to wear a pink tutu like you, can you help me? ā€

Honestly, this is the ultimate highlight of any Pink Tutu Queenā€™s day. We looked in the shop, we talked about tulle and sequins, and, yes, I helped her pick out the perfect, little, pink, fluffy dream! Her face lit up when she saw it, and honestly, that moment - right then and there - is what itā€™s all about, isnā€™t it? I felt like a sparkly little pink angel.

You know what they say: when life gives you lemons, make lemonade - when life gives you a tutu, twirl it with pride!

Speaking of twirling... you wonā€™t believe the magical ballet show I stumbled upon. A group of local ballet students was showcasing their work - I just had to get tickets! Let me tell you, darlings, these kids have some serious moves! Their energy was amazing, and those perfectly coordinated pirouettes ā€“ just dreamy. And, even better, some of them were rocking their very own pink tutus, sparkly and fabulous, exactly like yours truly! This kind of inspiration is what gets my inner tutu-loving girl all fired up! And donā€™t you worry, darling, I wasnā€™t just sitting in the audience, oh no! I was right there on the stage, leading them in a little tutu-twirling dance! Imagine that! Me and the local ballerinas, twirling like sugarplum fairies, making memories that will stay with them for years! It was pure magic!

By now, you must be getting ready for me to tell you about all the pink outfits I was wearing, right? Oh darling, you wouldnā€™t believe it - from a pink silk gown for a romantic evening stroll on the pier to a stunningly sequinned tutu for my fair performance. Every item in a sea of delicious, girly pink!

Don't forget the shoes, darling! This queen never compromises! Sparkling ballet flats with a sprinkle of glitter and a fluffy, pink tutu! Perfect for dancing the night away with my friends at the local beachfront bar! And yes, even a Pink Tutu Queen needs to unwind. And this queen doesn't just chill - I relax in style. How does a cocktail by the beach, sand in my sparkly shoes and a hot pink smoothie sound, darlings? I even had some little girls begging for my signature, oh, the joy!

Speaking of the beach, Herne Bay has some of the most picturesque coastline in the entire country! So, naturally, I had to go for a stroll with a little something extra. The day after my show I took a little jaunt along the shore with my trusty little white steed, a perfect little steed for Pink Tutu Queen - the trusty and ever reliable "Twirl", my trusty scooter! Yes, it may sound strange but a pink tutu can really make you stand out in any setting.

I was lucky enough to run into the owner of a vintage clothing store, which I will not name - as it is a very "posh" establishment and my editor has asked me to avoid the name as the magazine that we publish in has an ongoing spat with them - which, for me, just screams ā€œfabulous.ā€ Inside it felt like stepping into another time. There were vintage teacups and antique clocks everywhere! We had the most darling chat. You know whatā€™s interesting? The shop has this fabulous wall dedicated to tutus ā€“ not pink, not exactly! The shop owner collects them - vintage ones, black, white, sparkly, you name it, darling. And they all felt just a touch like me! Now, if I had been going in drag it would have been a different story but this queen had left her tiara in her dressing room.

I have to admit, darling, I did think about just doing a quick wardrobe change right then and thereā€¦ a ā€œPop! Into Pink!ā€ situation as we say in the biz. But honestly, what good would be to change outfits in that setting! Thatā€™s how I make an entrance.

But now, for my outfit for my evening entertainment ā€“ oh darling you know how it is, even this pink tutu loving queen likes to switch things up occasionally. For my first time out I went in drag in the day, with my trusty "Twirl" scooter and for my evening show I went out in the attire of a simple, yet glamorous, and not at all shocking - ā€œdressed for dinnerā€ outfit. I have to say my outfit turned more than a few heads but the local clientele had an excellent time. The bar is definitely adding "Pink Tutu Nights" to the roster!

I don't want to spoil the surprises for my readers! I know that there is one very important part missing from my Herne Bay adventures, and that, dear reader, is what I was going to tell you about: a little side adventure that I won't divulge just yet, but you know Iā€™ll have the pictures up on www.pink-tutu.com and be blogging about it next week. But I will leave you with a question: could it involve horses? Perhaps something sparkly pink for that perfect seaside riding outfit?! Oh darling, I do hope you guessed it right because there are still plenty more stories for Pink Tutu Queen to tell, but that's a story for another day!

So, there you have it, darlings - my journey through the magical pink seaside haven of Herne Bay, all wrapped up with a little twirl of pink magic. Until next time, stay pink and sparkling!


Pink Tutu Sparkles xxx

#TutuQueen on 2018-11-08 stars in Herne Bay